Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

 But now that I remember, when I was little in Sunday school one teacher told me there were every type of video game in heaven. "In heaven there will be every video game there. Better than Second (Sega) Genesis."

That is what he told me. Feeding kids BS
The thought of worshipping god for eternity frightened me as a kid. Church on a Sunday was bad enough, but for all of eternity? 
There's not a stone face big enough for this comment
if ur implying u disagree then you need to get off the internet and go experience life a little. read a book. meet some people. product of environment is an excuse. everybody makes choices whether good or bad. ur environment is not to blame for the choices u make. simple as that.
if ur implying u disagree then you need to get off the internet and go experience life a little. read a book. meet some people. product of environment is an excuse. everybody makes choices whether good or bad. ur environment is not to blame for the choices u make. simple as that.

Bruh it's a lil more complex than it sounds. You've got to get to the root causal factors of problems on a larger scale to find the truth. I can get the point you're trying to make but you're completly misinterpreting mine I feel. All good either way.
but ive been saying WE cant understand the whole time. the difference between me and you is that i admit i dont know s***  about his reasoning and im ok with that. but lately, this past year...ive trusted the process and it worked out exactly like i thought. i had faith and was rewarded like i hoped i would be. im starting to understand

I'm sorry but testimonials such as yours don't hold any weight because for every person that claims God helps them in life they're 1,000 people( just an estimate/ number I'm throwing out there) innocent people are being born into extreme poverty, death, and illness. People not even given the chance to live are killed. The bible claims God is just and fair but that's obviously not the case, Unless we're to believe those people aren't as good as you or any other christian.

Your comment on upbringing and environment is stone face worthy.

No offense of course
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I'm sorry but testimonials such as yours don't hold any weight because for every person that claims God helps them in life they're 1,000 people( just an estimate/ number I'm throwing out there) innocent people are being born into extreme poverty, death, and illness. People not even given the chance to live are killed. The bible claims God is just and fair but that's obviously not the case, Unless we're to believe those people aren't as good as you or any other christian.

Your comment on upbringing and environment is stone face worthy.

No offense of course
u keep making the same points over n over blaster. you question God because life is hard and everybody isnt on the same playing field. God is just and fair when its judgement time. We are all held to the same standard. God said "everything is permitted" when it came to us. He allows EVERYTHING to happen, but in the end we will reap what we sow. That IS just. that IS fair. Complaining about people born into poverty doesnt sway me. Jesus himself was born into the bottom class. Death and illness have ALWAYS been around and will continue to be.

As for my no such thing as a product of your environment comment... i ask you, where did you come from? Are you middle class? upper class? Were you born in a suburb, neighborhood, or just hood? I came from a hood in Miami. If I was a product of my environment theres no way I'd be a good citizen right? Everybody where I'm from is out stealing and killing and doing drugs. terrible dirty environment and I'm from right in the middle of it. So obviously thats what I had to do to right? Theres no way I was a straight-edge person who never got involved in any of that stuff and went on to move up in life by your thoughts.

In fact, if everyone is a product of their environment, how does ANYONE move up in life? So you're good or bad depending on whats around you? word? Youre rich or poor depending on whats around you? What does a person say who believes that? "I robbed that guy cuz im poor?" "I do drugs cuz everything around me sucks?" excuse excuse excuse man.
I just don't understand how a person could box himself inside a religion.

Especially when it's mostly taught by priests and pastors that don't know how to read the bible at all. Which is the underlying tone I'm getting from this thread.

People that were told what to believe and what verse means what and never bothered to question it and go on the search for themselves.

The Bible is a fascinating anthology of ancient wisdom, history, and fable.

There are indeed secrets in the bible, and some very subversive ones, but they are all so muffled up in complications, in archaic ways of thinking and symbology that people don't truly understand what it's saying. **** isn't supposed to be taken literal, AT ALL.
I just don't understand how a person could box himself inside a religion.

Especially when it's mostly taught by priests and pastors that don't know how to read the bible at all. Which is the underlying tone I'm getting from this thread.

People that were told what to believe and what verse means what and never bothered to question it and go on the search for themselves.

The Bible is a fascinating anthology of ancient wisdom, history, and fable.

There are indeed secrets in the bible, and some very subversive ones, but they are all so muffled up in complications, in archaic ways of thinking and symbology that people don't truly understand what it's saying. **** isn't supposed to be taken literal, AT ALL.
I've been really pushing to bring attention to the fact that we're having discussions about English translations  of this book. 

I've been specifically curious about the famous Leviticus 18:22 because I've read multiple interpretations of the verse.

That's just two verses.

It's interesting that I am disregarded despite valid concerns. 
ive already said twice in the last 3 pages that the bad translations are the culprit of many misconceptions about the bible. long dead languages translated into english...20 different times. even in the post where blaster said there are contradictions...some of those verses are quoted from a NIV version and the "contradicting" verses are from KJV. but we'll leave that alone.

ignore religion for now. the thread was simply bout the bible snd prayer right?
ive already said twice in the last 3 pages that the bad translations are the culprit of many misconceptions about the bible. long dead languages translated into english...20 different times. even in the post where blaster said there are contradictions...some of those verses are quoted from a NIV version and the "contradicting" verses are from KJV. but we'll leave that alone.

ignore religion for now. the thread was simply bout the bible snd prayer right?
This isn't simply a matter of bad translations leading to misconceptions. I am disregarding the poor translations. The point I was making is that there is one verse  that can be interpreted multiple  ways. To make matters worse, there is not one clear interpretation, leaving the meaning of the verse unknown. 

I have to assume there are more examples of this ambiguity throughout the Bible. 

We can't really discuss the Bible's English translations because we have no idea if these translations capture the true meaning of the verses. 
even the **** that dont know they own self worth knows their creator exists
This actually says ALOT when you break that down.
It's like an appeal to authority. 
Just wanted to chime in a bit for those that say that Bible is complex and or contradict itself. The Bible is very very meaty. If people could figure out the the meaning and message by one read through, they would never read it again. It's not meant for that. It's a blueprint on how to live one's life.  It contains every essential truth. Trying to read the Bible by yourself without the Holy Spirit is pointless. It will not make sense. As far as those that say the Bible contradicts itself, I humbly ask where and how it does? Our human minds are far too finite to fully comprehend things. Many people reject God due to the circumstances of the world. Murders, corruption, injustice etc. They will say, how can a good and loving God just sit back and let all this happen? Because they don't understand the bigger picture, they write off God and all that He is. I'm a Christian myself. As Christians, we are to be prepared for the persecution that comes along with pledging our allegiance to Christ. People will not like you, want to hear you and will often attack you for your beliefs. Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship. Religion is man reaching out to God by works whatever sort of actions to gain favor and acceptance. Christianity is the reverse, it is God reaching out to man and loving us even in our corrupt and sinful nature. There is absolutely nothing that I can do to save myself. We are corrupt my nature but God loves us even despite that. Another thing that turns people off about Christianity is how other "Christians" carry themselves and share their beliefs with non-believers. Bible-thumping is never, ever going to win anybody over. Arguing and being confrontational only hurts my witness. My job as a believer, is to share what I know with non-believers out of love, not hate or disdain. It's not my job to "convert" someone to Christianity or make them believe what I believe, it's to share my belief and plant the seed and love my fellow man. I appreciate threads like these, even though you will have those that well come in and post stuff that doesn't necessarily further the conversation. Been away from NT for years now but glad to be back on here. Peace to you dudes and ladies.
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