Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Another thought:

If you believe in God and heaven and live a good life then you are set if heaven and God are real. If they arent then oh well. But if you are an atheist or other religion thst doesnt believe then if heaven exists youre not getting in and are screwed. If its not then again oh well.

I like the first options odds better.

But what if it's not real but another religion was? You're making it seem like it's Jesus or nothing. There are other religions out there that worship other higher powers and also have consequences if you don't
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 1 Peter 2:13-14

Buahahahaaahaaahaha :rofl:

Excuse the laughter but this was my genuine reaction


That's a blatant attempt at control right there. By men not "god". It's obvious.

You are only to go against the government when it's contrary to gods law

Again, :rofl:

"Gods" law is Divine Law. Devine Law is natural law. Look it up. If a man made law is harmonious with natural law then guess what? That law is COMPLETELY REDUNDANT. All other man Man made laws would be a transgression of natural law. Therefor the law as we know it to be is a complete fallacy and tool of oppression.
Can we do without the mocking tho...
"If the world hate you, ye know it hated me before it hated you. 

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but 

because ye are not of the world, but I have you out of the world,

therefore the world hateth you" John 15:18-19

Thanks brother, but I 

have to bear my cross.

Satan does not rest

in them. 

God bless ya.
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The clock 
is ticking.

Sitting here baiting 
me is only detrimental
to your own time.

Repent now and 
receive everlasting 

Can you repent... then sin.. repent.. then sin?

I ask cause I see folks talking all this Christ stuff, but I also have seen them cursing, and most disgusting of all... LYING. I am talking about diabolical and pathological liars. It's crazy cause the 2 people whom I know that are religious, and can quote verses, I have caught lying.
Can you repent... then sin.. repent.. then sin?

I ask cause I see folks talking all this Christ stuff, but I also have seen them cursing, and most disgusting of all... LYING. I am talking about diabolical and pathological liars. It's crazy cause the 2 people whom I know that are religious, and can quote verses, I have caught lying.
Modern day 'Chrisitians'

I tell you the truth

I was once one of 

the 'Christians' you

speak of.  

They aren't born again

neither do they know God.

They use Christ's forgiveness

to justify their everyday sinning

but do not know God or have him

in their hearts.

One can accidentally

fall into sin and repent

even with the Spirit

of God in you, you are

still human and are prone

to falling.

However, knowingly sinning

is not what one in Christ 

does, cuz in their heart

they have planned to sin

and that is no characteristic

of God.

If you have the Holy Ghost

dwelling your heart, you have a

'sin alarm' for no better term for it.

The bible says, you can tell

a man of Christ by his fruits.

If those fruits are profanity, hatred, 

and perversion

then that man 

doesn't have Christ in him.
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Another thought:

If you believe in God and heaven and live a good life then you are set if heaven and God are real. If they arent then oh well. But if you are an atheist or other religion thst doesnt believe then if heaven exists youre not getting in and are screwed. If its not then again oh well.

I like the first options odds better.

This is a flawed version of Pascal's wager, you're missing all of the other outcomes. I'd rather not waste the one guaranteed life I have.


And if that's why you chose to believe in a god then this entire thread is pointless.

"I'll believe in 1/1000 God's because it might be true and I don;t want to go to hell" :rolleyes
But don't we all sin? 1 sin is no different from another? God forgives us for our sins?
But don't we all sin? 1 sin is no different from another? God forgives us for our sins?
Yes we do all 


Whether it be 


or stealing music

God sees it as sin

He only forgives us

through repentance,

which is when you turn 

away from sin and live 

by his law.
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