Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

I used to have a laundry list of contradictions about Christianity but now I don't eem give a damn no more you not gonna know till you die and if God is real could he really blame us for not believing especially with the sketchy way it was presented to us especially black people 
You didn't really elaborate but okay.

Why do you feel that a "man-made machine" can't be trusted? Is that forbidden in the bible?

Do you totally disregard all sciences? Or do you just ignore those that present something that is contrary to the scripture?
It's a thread about Christ

that is why.

Man himself can't 

be trusted.

Don't need God's Word

to know this, it is

common knowledge.

Science is good.

Evolution is folly.

The hope you 

think Evolution will

bring, is already the

demise of this world.

Yet you won't know

the mistake you are

supporting until

the end.

God already won.

The clock is ticking. 

Wake up and accept the

free gift.

I'll save you some time.

You won't get

anywhere with me.

Save your intelligence

for the theologists.
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Serious question here. So Christ is the son of god right. We all come from the same source a.k.a God. Doesn't that make us the same as Christ? You know we are all children of God. Is that why there are so many religions with so many Christ figures? Doesn't that mean we can all be like Christ? So why follow when i can walk along side Christ.
I can see the misconception.

We are the son of man(Adam)

Jesus Christ is the unique 

Son of God that he is the only

way to the father.

Once we accept and receive

Christ through repentance

Christ abides in us

and the Father sees Christ in

us, rather than just man

with sin.

So we are children of God.


Lots of religions have 

men with followers.

Jesus Christ was the

Son of God in flesh


Us as regular men can't 

walk along side Christ

we are too sinful to compare.

Its only through accepting

Christ do we get the Holy Spirit

which gives us the characteristics

of Christ (God) or in our terms

the Fruits of the Spirit.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost

are God 

in One
kay thanks. Seems our views are really different but thats cool. I respect that. Peace 
I used to have a laundry list of contradictions about Christianity but now I don't eem give a damn no more you not gonna know till you die and if God is real could he really blame us for not believing especially with the sketchy way it was presented to us especially black people :nerd:

Nah brah, its cool dude. All the pain and suffering, its cool. You'll be rewarded once you're dead and no longer part of the system that keeps you down and tries to exploit you.

you "just came in here" to come at my neck?


nah, i opened the first page and last page to see what the thread was about and why it's so long. You're posts were in the last page and are filled with irony. You quoted me asking me if I was mad which is a post filled with the opposite of what you were preaching with the original post I commented. Im not sure if you're a troll or if you can't actually see your irony filled posts *shurgs*
I used to have a laundry list of contradictions about Christianity but now I don't eem give a damn no more you not gonna know till you die and if God is real could he really blame us for not believing especially with the sketchy way it was presented to us especially black people 
I know

Thats why I'm

here to give you

the Truth

and warn you all

about your making your

own images of God.
If God exists, then why the need to be "re-born"

God made you in his likeness according to the Bible and other religious propaganda.

So you're telling God, na son, I dont like how you made me, I want to be re-born.
biblical account was the word of mortals like you and me. not the 100% finite and undiluted word of god.
Christ delivers a message of love. Something this world greatly lacks.

When you have scientific questions, you seek the answers. You have questions about life/God, you don't research that. Are you afraid of the answers you'll find? Do you not see the state of our world? You're satisfied with this?
[quote name="RKO2004"]Christ delivers a message of love. Something this world greatly lacks.

When you have scientific questions, you seek the answers. You have questions about life/God, you don't research that. Are you afraid of the answers you'll find? Do you not see the state of our world? You're satisfied with this?[/quote]Questions about life? Yes, I have them. Questions about god? I have the same questions about god that I have about Lightning McQueen, or Santa.

So no questions about god, but I do have very troubling, difficult questions for believers in god, but asking those questions causes people to accuse me of being angry, or unhappy w/ life, and causes them to feel persecuted and mocked.

No, I'm not happy w/ what I see, but the solution is not Christ; it's empathy.

And principles like empathy and love are not achieved solely through Christ, and a Christian who has empathy and love has those things because they are simply an empathetic, loving person.

There were Native Americans who were peaceful and loving, long before the story of Christ ever came to America.

And if someone said "Native Americans scalped people!", I said "There were Native Americans who...", meaning 'some'. And as history shows, there are plenty of examples of people who have committed GREAT crimes while claiming an allegiance to Christ.
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Has anyone asked about Dinosaurs?

Or where we come from?

these are big issues for me do people really believe people just appeared?

didn't the catholic church acknowledge evolution?
We are the universe experiencing itself
You can make a person
A living breathing human being

On accident

Op has no idea what hes forgotten
We judge ourselves on our intentions
But everyone else by their actions

.Knowing how to think empowers you far beyond those
who know only what to think.

Op you dont know my voice
So youre reading this in yours

You just need a temporary fix to cure your need for a belief
But love will never be cheaper than a hooker

You waited an eternity to be born and it felt like no time at all
It will feel the same after

The bomb can be deactivated
The problem is christianity has painted all the wires black

Your religion is like a bad parent
Who spends the first two years teaching their child to walk and talk
And the rest of their life teaching them to do as you say and be quiet

the greatest poetry is revealing to the reader
the beauty in something that was so simple
you had taken it for granted.

The next time you see a sunset or sunrise
And you feel overcome by the beauty of gods creation
Bend over and view it through your legs.
Has anyone asked about Dinosaurs?

Or where we come from?

these are big issues for me do people really believe people just appeared?

didn't the catholic church acknowledge evolution?

If you've ever looked at any of Lloyd pyes work he has some interesting theories on evolution. He presents scientific evidence that humans did not come from apes. evidence that leans more toward human beings being cross bred with the indigenous hominoid of this planet by the "gods" to be made in their image and likeness as a slave race to mine for natural resources. It suggests that our DNA has been tweeked. Like in the bible it says mans days were limited to a little over 100 years implying that we lived longer the first time around before the alteration of our DNA. This story is synonymous with the accounts of the Sumerians. Now before anybody gets critical, do I believe this wholeheartedly? No, but it does make more sense than a lot of other things to me and it is a very interesting view on our very beginnings as a species.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
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My fellow brothers

in Christ, 

I must warn you too

of an epidemic

in the church of 


Many today call 

themselves Christians,

yet they do not

know Christ.

You must always 

ask yourself,

Am i serving

the Lord,

or am I having the Lord

serve me my

worldly lusts?

Do I turn away from

my vomit(sin), or do I

come back 

to eat it?

Do I have the Holy

Spirit present in me?

Am I falling into sin,

or a I walking into 


If you are unsure of 

these questions 

then you have to make 

a change.

Do not be deceived

by prosperity preaching,

the teaching of phony


The promotion of

financial miracles

and an easy life.

Make sure you know

the Lord before

you claim to be his

follower, or else you

are just a fan of 


Love you all

and God bless ya.
So we love each other in the sense that we don't wish harm on our fellow man. We wanna see each other thrive and live a noble and peaceful existence. But because I don't share your blind faith I'm damned for eternity according to your gods scripture? Hmmmmmmmmm
If God exists, then why the need to be "re-born"

God made you in his likeness according to the Bible and other religious propaganda.

So you're telling God, na son, I dont like how you made me, I want to be re-born.
To be born again

is to be born in

the Spirit.

God is a Spirit.

Through being born 

of the Spirit, do we 

gain the True knowledge

of existence and life


It is an inner change

that projects outward.
Hi, OP, I'm currently godless but I'm in the market for one. Any suggestions? I'm looking for one that isn't judgmental, doesn't have a history of oppressing different races or sexes, and won't make me give up bacon. Thanks in advance.

Oh and if at all possible, I'd like for my god to forgive me for not having a god hitherto.
Hi, OP, I'm currently godless but I'm in the market for one. Any suggestions? I'm looking for one that isn't judgmental, doesn't have a history of oppressing different races or sexes, and won't make me give up bacon. Thanks in advance.

Oh and if at all possible, I'd like for my god to forgive me for not having a god hitherto.
I'm not here to sell 

you a god.

I'm here to proclaim

the Truth of God.
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