Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

So @WhatCanISay  or @HTG Designs, "Faith without  works is dead."

So a man who works hard on something, then praises 'god': he gets it. His hard work paid off, but through his faith...

... what? Where do we go from there?

I think we ALL get the concept that a person who jumps from a bridge and prays and dies, he obviously didn't get he concept. We all get the foolishness there.

But what about this "Work hard, have faith, achieve success, praise 'god" concept am I missing?

Because to me it seems more accurate this way: "Work hard, have faith, achieve success, praise 'god." If you work hard and you're an atheist, you'll be successful. If you put in the same amount of work and you're Buddhist, ou'll achieve the same amount of success. If you put in the same amount of work but you're a Christian, you'll achieve th same success... but then you'll praise 'god', and your fellow Christians will credit 'god'.

For what, exactly?

There's an element I'm missing. Clearly, you're NOT sayin hat 'god' is to becredited for the work, because "Faith without works is dead." A person still has to work; you understand that.

So then what am EYE not understanding? If the work comes fro the person, then wha exactly is 'god' being praised for?
Do you believe that there is an intelligent force holding DNA together? How about an intelligent force helping DNA to replicate, check its errors, or create strands of RNA?

All of these things happen on their own, so why do you need to invent the idea that these processes had to have been created?
this all happen randomly, just because?

Something can have a function, yet serve no purpose?
Is it all that random though? The number of molecules and the amount of time. 
Do you believe that there is an intelligent force holding DNA together? How about an intelligent force helping DNA to replicate, check its errors, or create strands of RNA?

All of these things happen on their own, so why do you need to invent the idea that these processes had to have been created?
It ones thing to know the ingredients. Its another to actually bake a cake.

Yes we have some understanding of things, but for me God ultimately is the chef that set everything into motion.
Right, but these things function on their own. They work because natural laws allow them to. We don't invoke the supernatural to explain them. Why do we need a supernatural explanation for their beginning? It just sounds lazy to me. 
[thread="602374"]Talking About Christ Honest Answers And Prayers/2280#post_21332533​[/thread]
As long as they aren't harming you or others, why should it bother you?

It's almost as you want to make sure they feel bad about themselves because they indirectly made you feel bad about yourself?

That sounds like revenge to me.
It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fact that I am being judged for giving answers, to the best of my knowledge, n asking questions. You seem to be the one getting defensive. It also bothers me that Christians must be so invasive n insulting. I don't feel bad about myself, not even in the slightest. I take every day as it is n learn from mistakes n build upon success. However, it seems to irk Christians that I am responsible for my own success n don't give the glory to God. Telling people how to live n then telling them that if don't abide they will suffer the consequences sounds eerily a lot like oppression. Wouldn't you say?
If your success and good works bothers someone else, even if you are a non-believer. They're probably doing it wrong.

Thanks for the understanding.
Gonna pick up Gods Not Dead at Redbox later. Heard it was good
Is it on Netflix?
Do you believe that there is an intelligent force holding DNA together? How about an intelligent force helping DNA to replicate, check its errors, or create strands of RNA?

All of these things happen on their own, so why do you need to invent the idea that these processes had to have been created?
this all happen randomly, just because?
Allow me to attempt to answer this.

I assume that you have played poker before; correct me if I am wrong.

Well then I will equate the cards to matter in the universe, time to the number of deals during a game, the combination for life as hands, n life as we know it to a royal flush. Now over the course of a game, you receive a hand of cards. If that hand is  not originally a royal flush, you are afforded the option to keep cards necessary to achieve the royal flush n then receive a few new cards. Now, for this example the resulting hand is not a royal flush. Therefore, you receive a new combination of cards, n for a number of subsequent deals you still do not receive this particular combination of cards. Now say this goes on for quite some time. Well eventually, the laws of probability win out n you will receive a royal flush.

Now I know many will say I have never been dealt a royal flush n I've played quite a bit of poker. Be that as it may, you have only played for a time extraordinarily disproportionate to the amount of time that has passed. The history of the universe is approximately 14-15 billion years. Now imagine playing a game of poker for that long. If you did, I'm 100% sure you will have been dealt royal flush.
Faith with works

So basically get up and do it your damn self and when you're done thank god that he did it.

But if you do nothing god won't do anything for you

No flaws in this logic?
"I've argued this with a lot of people in my life,'' Allen said. "When people say God blessed me with a beautiful jump shot, it really pisses me off. I tell those people, 'Don't undermine the work I've put in every day.' Not some days. Every day. Ask anyone who has been on a team with me who shoots the most. Go back to Seattle and Milwaukee, and ask them. The answer is me -- not because it's a competition but because that's how I prepare.

My type of dude right here. Ray Allen gets it. :smokin
So @WhatCanISay
 or @HTG Designs
, "Faith without works is dead."

So a man who works hard on something, then praises 'god': he gets it. His hard work paid off, but through his faith...

... what? Where do we go from there?

I think we ALL get the concept that a person who jumps from a bridge and prays and dies, he obviously didn't get he concept. We all get the foolishness there.

But what about this "Work hard, have faith, achieve success, praise 'god" concept am I missing?

Because to me it seems more accurate this way: "Work hard, have faith, achieve success, praise 'god." If you work hard and you're an atheist, you'll be successful. If you put in the same amount of work and you're Buddhist, ou'll achieve the same amount of success. If you put in the same amount of work but you're a Christian, you'll achieve th same success... but then you'll praise 'god', and your fellow Christians will credit 'god'.

For what, exactly?

There's an element I'm missing. Clearly, you're NOT sayin hat 'god' is to becredited for the work, because "Faith without works is dead." A person still has to work; you understand that.

So then what am EYE not understanding? If the work comes fro the person, then wha exactly is 'god' being praised for?
That scripture isn't about success as western civilization sees it.

You can have success as an atheist ( which you probably already know). You are doing things of your own will. You can be whatever, agnostic, demonic, and live your dreams. But when you believe in the Creator, you are acknowledging that He is the ultimate authority. Recognizing that His hand to stop or allow things in ever present in your life. So it always begins with faith in that aspect, if your a believer. Then the works, is the fruit of your faith. Its what you actually do. So you believe one thing, people should be able to tell becuase of how you live your life, interact with others, the words you use, how you dress, your obedience to Gods commands.

The works in this sense isn't limited to physical work. Its your lifestyle. It must be in one accord/ support your beliefs. ( You cant be in the strip club sat then church on sunday. That is faith without works ) You need both.

The rest of the chapter illustrates the meaning:

"What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,

And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." - James 2:14
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He has every right to be upset at people who completely discredit him and his works.

That would be offensive to anybody.
I doubt it. Kevin Durant is an example of someone who gives ALL credit to God. A lot of folks believe giving yourself ANY ounce of credit is disrespectful to God.

So I disagree with what you said.

You still skirting questions and playing the victim when we question your thought process.

Your comments were structured to say: god=success.

Now you're back tracking and crying.
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"I've argued this with a lot of people in my life,'' Allen said. "When people say God blessed me with a beautiful jump shot, it really pisses me off. I tell those people, 'Don't undermine the work I've put in every day.' Not some days. Every day. Ask anyone who has been on a team with me who shoots the most. Go back to Seattle and Milwaukee, and ask them. The answer is me -- not because it's a competition but because that's how I prepare.
My type of dude right here. Ray Allen gets it.
Heard him tell a reporter once "It's me, busting my *** in the gym every day" when she said something about his 'god'-given ability.

In Episode #49 of the Hardwood Hustle Basketball Podcast, Alan Stein (Stronger Team) and Adam Bradley (Ball Hogs Radio) once again leave their comfort zone to tackle a topic that is rarely discussed in a public forum – the role religion should play in basketball (and in sports). Adam and Alan respectfully have differing religious views and they really get to the heart of this subject in their professional debate. Regardless of your religious affiliation, this episode is a must listen!

Great listen. Great Podcast

Hardwood Hustle Basketball Podcast: What Role Should Religion Play in Basketball?:
I doubt it. Kevin Durant is an example of someone who gives ALL credit to God. A lot of folks believe giving yourself ANY ounce of credit is disrespectful to God.

So I disagree with what you said.

Durant the homie, Im glad it had to be him.
God was with him, when he was shootin in the gym.....
God was with him, when he was shootin in the gym!
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God was with him, when he was shootin in the gym.
That wasn't the question HTG. She asked him what goes into the streak of great performances. He said God. She said, "So YOU have NOTHING to do with it?" He said No.

Completely different than what YOU are saying.
@HTG Designs  I have some more questions. Some pertaining to the Bible, the history of Christianity, n your beliefs:

- Did marine life die when God caused the flood?

- Why did God send his people to kill non-believers if he loves everyone?

- Wouldn't it just have been easier to show them 'the light'?

- During the course of history, Christians have exterminated peoples for being non-believers. What are your thoughts on that?

- Is it justified because it was in the name of the 'lord'?

- How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity?

- Is there only one set of beliefs that allow you into Heaven, or are there several routes? (By this I mean denominations)

- How do you feel about Judaism?

Feel free to chime in as well @DurtyRaspburry  n @RKO2004. I would also like if you went back n answered or gave your thoughts on what I have said recently. If you please?
That wasn't the question HTG. She asked him what goes into the streak of great performances. He said God. She said, "So YOU have NOTHING to do with it?" He said No.

Completely different than what YOU are saying.

I wasnt tryna answer the question. Just remembering a Drake line....

But all Durant doin is being humble and acknowledging the Father.

Everyone know how much work Durant puts in, in practice and in the film room. The faith without works verses has nothing to do with any of this tho. That what I'VE been saying .
The only way it does apply is that if he was cocky and brash, them that would NOT be a work of his faith.( That is faith without works) He was humble which is the work/fruit/result of his faith.

"Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud" Prov 16:19
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However, I do believe a lot of the, "All Praise and Honor to My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" talk that celebrities give is PARTIALLY for show. I have no way to quantify that statement so we don't have to argue about my speculations.
- How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity?
- Is there only one set of beliefs that allow you into Heaven, or are there several routes? (By this I mean denominations)
They answered this. Much like the majority of Christians, they believe you have to be Christian to get into Heaven. If any human is exposed to Christianity in ANY way during their life, they will be held responsible if they don't adhere to the belief system.

So to answer your question, only Christians are allowed into Heaven

You know what you were insinuating with your comment on success. Don't backtrack to save face.

Answer my question: does god like that you flaunt your wealth?
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- How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity?
- Is there only one set of beliefs that allow you into Heaven, or are there several routes? (By this I mean denominations)
They answered this. Much like the majority of Christians, they believe you have to be Christian to get into Heaven. If any human is exposed to Christianity in ANY way during their life, they will be held responsible if they don't adhere to the belief system.

So to answer your question, only Christians are allowed into Heaven
Yes, I understand that. My question is more towards the way some denominations have their prejudices against others. I wanted to know what goes into that thought process. (Not saying he feels that way) Also building upon that, if they don't feel other denominations are 'worthy', do those believers still get into Heaven? Being that they are still Christian.

That is what I was referring to.
There are people in this thread right now that have the mentality of a prepubescent teen that willingly and consciously get into arguments and try to play the superiority card because they took a calculus 1 class

CALCULUS 1 !!!!!!111

my sides
There are people in this thread right now that have the mentality of a prepubescent teen that willingly and consciously get into arguments and try to play the superiority card because they took a calculus 1 class

CALCULUS 1 !!!!!!111

my sides

View media item 43042

Well at least we know there is a well versed believer.

@Whatcanisay is definitely doing his thang in school
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You know what you were insinuating with your comment on success. Don't backtrack to save face.

Answer my question: does god like that you flaunt your wealth?
Oh, wait, this was that dude from way before, that showed his car?

Maaaan, I was taking him seriously, too.

I need to keep up w/ naes better. I was having such calm conversation w/ @DurtyRaspburry@RKO2004  and @HTG Designs  that I figured everyone on the believing side was chill in here now.

Thanks for moving on, @WhatCanISay. I don't think we have anything helpful to say to each other, so props on being the first to see that.

Enjoy your whip.
@HTG Designs  I have some more questions. Some pertaining to the Bible, the history of Christianity, n your beliefs:

- Did marine life die when God caused the flood?

- Why did God send his people to kill non-believers if he loves everyone?

- Wouldn't it just have been easier to show them 'the light'?

- During the course of history, Christians have exterminated peoples for being non-believers. What are your thoughts on that?

- Is it justified because it was in the name of the 'lord'?

- How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity?

- Is there only one set of beliefs that allow you into Heaven, or are there several routes? (By this I mean denominations)

- How do you feel about Judaism?

Feel free to chime in as well @DurtyRaspburry  n @RKO2004. I would also like if you went back n answered or gave your thoughts on what I have said recently. If you please?
Would you also address this @WhatCanISay

My bad I got you n HTG mixed up.
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