Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Persecution of Christians is something Jesus warned 
his believers in the gospel. The risk is low here in America,
but all around the world it differs.

You didn't answer his ******* question. :lol:

Jesus Christ. If there is a God then why are these atrocities being committed in the first place, considering we are made in his image? Is he just not being lowkey anymore about being a rampant murderer?
You didn't answer his ******* question.

Jesus Christ. If there is a God then why are these atrocities being committed in the first place, considering we are made in his image? Is he just not being lowkey anymore about being a rampant murderer?
You just blasphemed the Lord's name. That should give you a hint my friend.

We were made in his image, but we ate the fruit of knowledge.

You idea of God is from your own knowledge, a sin of out forefather. If you want to know his true nature, I have a great book for you. 

The answer is, the world will hate you not because of you, but because they once hated me. John 15:18
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You didn't answer his ******* question. :lol:

Jesus Christ. If there is a God then why are these atrocities being committed in the first place, considering we are made in his image? Is he just not being lowkey anymore about being a rampant murderer?

When those answers are given and they have been given throughout this thread. They are not accepted.

Christians have been persecuted a LOOOOONNG time now. Maybe one of the reasons God isn't stepping in because he knows he has more to offer than what can be obtained in this life. A perishing life at that.
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The meaning of religion was for man to strive to be better, man messed it up when he figured out how to profit from religion.
Christians don't deny science, that's totally wrong.
Very misguided idea.

Science is knowledge, and God gives his knowledge

and accounts of the beginning in the Bible.

Evolution being used so often with science is what makes 

people think that the belief in science is the same as believing in

the big bang.
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The human body. Product of evolution? Male. Female. The human brain. Taste buds. Male genitalia and its functions. Female genitalia and its functions. Female genitalia lubricating and expanding in size to receive the male genitalia. Vaginal fluids helping the semen to reach the egg in order to reproduce another being. The pleasure that is experienced. The connection that is shared. Climaxing.

You guys are chalking a lot up to chance and coincidence.
To me the definition of arrogance is to fly in the face of empirical evidence. Ignoring science and logic in order to appease some inflated sense of importance to this universe is the most fathomable example of arrogance.
Lobo. You know there isn't a God? Everything else has a creator but the universe?

You came from your mother and father. As did I. This laptop I'm using was created by Asus. My shoes = Nike. But not the universe? Like 0 chance?

Is it truly logic to say, everything we see and know of in our universe didn't have a creator? Is there really evidence to disprove God? Because we can't see him?

Well, it's not fair to ask the person not making the claim to disprove the point of the person making the claim. The burden of proof isn't on me.

But yeah, our existence is random and that's fine by me. I think that's the logical answer
We are random, but does that mean our existence isn't special? No. People have a hard time grasping that. Just like the "if you don't believe in god what are you living for?" Theory.
You just blasphemed the Lord's name. That should give you a hint my friend.

There is power .
Ummmmmm, yeah, it's proof that someone grew up in a culture where g.d. and Jesus Christ are used in emotional moments.


Let go of the bullcrap you've been conditioned to say in every specific situation, and THINK.

Thinking doesn't mean you give up your religion or faith, man; it just means you're smarter, and that you don't say dumb things line "Oh, you said 'Jesus Christ'; that means Jesus has power."

And no, I'm not saying you're dumb; I'm saying that rationale was.

And I'm not saying your Jesus is without power; I'm saying that the reasoning that he must have power since people say 'Jesus Christ, get a clue' is so flawed, man. People say that for the same reason they drop f-bombs: social conditioning.
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And bringing up the origin of all creation is a stalemate as far as I see it. Nobody can prove or disprove the other.

However......... Dinosaurs.... :nerd:
Ummmmmm, yeah, it's proof that someone grew up in a culture where g.d. and Jesus Christ are used in emotional moments.


Let go of the bullcrap you've been conditioned to day in every specific situation, and THINK.

Thinking doesn't mean you give up your religion or faith, man; it just means you're smarter, and that you don't say dumb things line "Oh, you said 'Jesus Christ'; that means Jesus has power."

And no, I'm not saying you're dumb; I'm saying that rationale was.

And I'm not saying your Jesus is without power; I'm saying that the reasoning that he must have power since people say 'Jesus Christ, get a clue' is so flawed, man. People say that for the same reason they drop f-bombs: social conditioning.
So why do you say the name of someone that doesn't exist? Even with your idea of conditioning I'd like to know.


If God doesn't exist, why would it matter to you if we praise the God, that we know, in this thread about him?

Just curious.
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Why do you assume that second part? What do you think agnosticism is? They don't know either way. I am Atheist, I know there isn't a creator. I don't live my life in spite of logic. If you are truly a logical person, no amount indoctrination or illness can rob you of truths. Atheism is the denial of the supernatural in favor of accepting logic and real evidence

Lobo. You know there isn't a God? Everything else has a creator but the universe?

You came from your mother and father. As did I. This laptop I'm using was created by Asus. My shoes = Nike. But not the universe? Like 0 chance?

Is it truly logic to say, everything we see and know of in our universe didn't have a creator? Is there really evidence to disprove God? Because we can't see him?

The amazing thing is that every atom in our body came from a star that exploded and the atoms from your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. We are all stardust, you couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded because the elements, C, N, O, FE; all the things that matter for evolution weren't created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars and the only way they can get into your body is if the stars were kind enough to explode. So forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here today.
The amazing thing is that every atom in our body came from a star that exploded and the atoms from your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. We are all stardust, you couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded because the elements, C, N, O, FE; all the things that matter for evolution weren't created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars and the only way they can get into your body is if the stars were kind enough to explode. So forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here today.

What's more mind blowing is the material used to create your body has been around since the beginning of creation reused over and over again. That's heavy
You don't have to agree with me, but I know you know.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--
have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,
so that people are without excuse. Roman 1 20

Remember how I mentioned believers being more arrogant. You just proved my point. You just dismissed my beliefs and promoted yours as the undeniable truth. Like there's no possible way your way of thinking can't be the way everyone truly feels. In your head it's the only plausible way. There's no humility in that. You know what is humble? Acknowledging that your place in the universe isn't special or thought out. You are an awful evangelist. I'm guessing you'd have better success spreading the word of Jesus if you didn't assume that everyone already accepted it. An evangelist shouldn't be so presumptuous. An evangelist shouldn't assume that everyone is actually a believer disguised as a nonbeliever. You are doing your calling a disservice. I don't believe, deal with it. I accept your believing.
What's more mind blowing is the material used to create your body has been around since the beginning of creation reused over and over again. That's heavy

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Remember how I mentioned believers being more arrogant. You just proved my point. You just dismissed my beliefs and promoted yours as the undeniable truth. Like there's no possible way your way of thinking can't be the way everyone truly feels. In your head it's the only plausible way. There's no humility in that. You know what is humble? Acknowledging that your place in the universe isn't special or thought out. You are an awful evangelist. I'm guessing you'd have better success spreading the word of Jesus if you didn't assume that everyone already accepted it. An evangelist shouldn't be so presumptuous. An evangelist shouldn't assume that everyone is actually a believer disguised as a nonbeliever. You are doing your calling a disservice. I don't believe, deal with it. I accept your believing.
There is no truth that something came from nothing, even with logic its ridiculous.

If its your truth then don't let mine bother you so much.
So let's discuss that. How is that possible?

How is this possible?

The amazing thing is that every atom in our body came from a star that exploded and the atoms from your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. We are all stardust, you couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded because the elements, C, N, O, FE; all the things that matter for evolution weren't created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars and the only way they can get into your body is if the stars were kind enough to explode. So forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here today.
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