Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Lets be real here, only reason the world has the mindset is because they 

taught us that in school. You seriously think if evolution wasn't

imagined we'd be saying "Oh I evolved from that fruit fly. Sup cousin."?

Even if you didn't have religion or knowledge of evolution, you'd still

know you had a creator.
You typically have to teach something like evolution because it takes place over many generations to observe and it takes place at the molecular level. In other words, you have to dedicate time to figuring out what's going on. Of course your average person wouldn't figure that. 

People imagine that they had a creator because it's a simple, thoughtless solution to almost every problem. It's the easy way out. 

TL;DR science takes effort, god doesn't.
The human body. Product of evolution? Male. Female. The human brain. Taste buds. Male genitalia and its functions. Female genitalia and its functions. Female genitalia lubricating and expanding in size to receive the male genitalia. Vaginal fluids helping the semen to reach the egg in order to reproduce another being. The pleasure that is experienced. The connection that is shared. Climaxing.

You guys are chalking a lot up to chance and coincidence.
So, because you find it difficult to believe that this can happen naturally, it must be god? 
You typically have to teach something like evolution because it takes place over many generations to observe and it takes place at the molecular level. In other words, you have to dedicate time to figuring out what's going on. Of course your average person wouldn't figure that. 

People imagine that they had a creator because it's a simple, thoughtless solution to almost every problem. It's the easy way out. 

TL;DR science takes effort, god doesn't.

So, because you find it difficult to believe that this can happen naturally, it must be god? 

For everything to come together like THAT? I BELIEVE without a doubt that it was designed.
So let's discuss that. How is that possible?
We are made from dust, as you can see the human body is made from simple elements.

But if we are but just molded clay with no value as evolution claims, why do we have emotions, a sense of wrong and right, a wanting

for something which we do not know.

God put his breath in us, we are made in his image.

You are a soul, looking through the biological window that is your body.
Well to me, God exist outside our realm. Like we have time, beginning and end. We are born, we age, we die. God has always been. Alpha/Omega

I'm sure you've seen the mortal kombat movies where they speak about other realms.

I used to think about it all the time.
You typically have to teach something like evolution because it takes place over many generations to observe and it takes place at the molecular level. In other words, you have to dedicate time to figuring out what's going on. Of course your average person wouldn't figure that. 

People imagine that they had a creator because it's a simple, thoughtless solution to almost every problem. It's the easy way out. 

TL;DR science takes effort, god doesn't.

So, because you find it difficult to believe that this can happen naturally, it must be god? 

For everything to come together like THAT? I BELIEVE without a doubt that it was designed.
What led you to that belief? 
If we are made in gods image and we're not perfect the is god not perfect? Or did he purposely make us flawed?
If we are made in gods image and we're not perfect the is god not perfect? Or did he purposely make us flawed?
God is perfect.

The story of Adam and Eve is the basis of our fall.

They disobeyed God and sinned in return they lost their perfection.

We still have remnants of God's image even in our imperfection.
We have children. They have our traits. That doesn't make them a exact copy.

In his image doesn't mean exact copy.

If like to think that us having kids is COMPLETELY different than god creating man with all his power
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If you walk into a room and you see a painting. A beautifully complicated painting. Do you say it just popped up there or some created it and placed it there?

What if what you think is a beautiful painting is nothing but a **** stain?
Nonbelievers, there really isn't any point in discussing anything here now. Durty thinks you truly believe and are lying. I have no problem someone questioning what I believe, but debating with someone so dense and ignorant that they think you are incapable of not seeing things their way, and incapable of natural thought is beneath me.
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