Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

So god designed us to disobey?
What caused man to sin was the snake, Satan,

the king of lies, who told Eve to eat from the Fruit of Knowledge.

The lie he told was,  For God knows that in the day you eat from

it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

And we are all deceived until we come to know God through Christ.
Right, why can't it be chance? What is that based on? 
If you walk into a room and you see a painting. A beautifully complicated painting. Do you say it just popped up there or some created it and placed it there?
A painting isn't the human body. The two are incredibly different. So, back to my question. Why can't the diversity of life occur by chance?
Ummmmmm, yeah, it's proof that someone grew up in a culture where g.d. and Jesus Christ are used in emotional moments.


Let go of the bullcrap you've been conditioned to day in every specific situation, and THINK.

Thinking doesn't mean you give up your religion or faith, man; it just means you're smarter, and that you don't say dumb things line "Oh, you said 'Jesus Christ'; that means Jesus has power."

And no, I'm not saying you're dumb; I'm saying that rationale was.

And I'm not saying your Jesus is without power; I'm saying that the reasoning that he must have power since people say 'Jesus Christ, get a clue' is so flawed, man. People say that for the same reason they drop f-bombs: social conditioning.
So why do you say the name of someone that doesn't exist? Even with your idea of conditioning I'd like to know.
If God doesn't exist, why would it matter to you if we praise the God, that we know, in this thread about him?
Just curious.
First off, social conditioning isn't an idea, bro.

Second, I have no idea who Pete is, but I've sure said 'For Pete's sake' a time or 2. Why? Without knowing Pete, why would I use his name?

Social conditioning.

It's a community euphemism, something people just say.

Third, it doesn't matter to me if you praise 'him'. Who you praise wasn't what was being discussed right now; the power of a name being based on someone using it emotionally is the topic I'm discussing.
A painting isn't the human body. The two are incredibly different. So, back to my question. Why can't the diversity of life occur by chance?
Have you seen how detailed every aspect of your body is. The body is art, and God puts

soul~ into his creations.
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What caused man to sin was the snake, Satan,
the king of lies, who told Eve to eat from the Fruit of Knowledge.
The lie he told was, For God knows that in the day you eat from
it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

And we are all deceived until we come to know God through Christ.

So the next logical question should be why in the world would go make a "king of all lies"? How does that benefit anything to create a creature of pure evil? Why would god even make a fruit for the people not to eat?
A painting isn't the human body. The two are incredibly different. So, back to my question. Why can't the diversity of life occur by chance?
Have you seen how detailed every aspect of your body is. The body is art, and God puts

soul~ into his creations.
Yes, I've studied quite a bit of biology. Now explain to me why being detailed means that god must have created it. 
First off, social conditioning isn't an idea, bro.

Second, I have no idea who Pete is, but I've sure said 'For Pete's sake' a time or 2. Why? Without knowing Pete, why would I use his name?

Social conditioning.

It's a community euphemism, something people just say.

Third, it doesn't matter to me if you praise 'him'. Who you praise wasn't what was being discussed right now; the power of a name being based on someone using it emotionally is the topic I'm discussing.
Its a euphemism for C**** sake, as O my goodness is for O my G**

Okie dokie. Fair enough.
Yes, I've studied quite a bit of biology. Now explain to me why being detailed means that god must have created it. 
Cuz its not just an empty hollow shell that functions on its own.

It has a conscience, a sense of right and wrong, emotions, and self consciousness.

If you think an explosion from nowhere made something so complex, I find that as a cop out.

Name one observational explosion that makes a complex creation, that is life.

I still await one example.
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"I don't believe in God or religion. They have been used for wrong"

Science and technology hasn't? Money hasn't?
Yes, I've studied quite a bit of biology. Now explain to me why being detailed means that god must have created it. 
Cuz its not just an empty hollow shell that functions on its own.

It has a conscience, a sense of right and wrong, emotions, and self consciousness.

If you think an explosion from nowhere made something so complex, I find that as a cop out.

Name one observational explosion that makes a complex creation, that is life.

I still await one example.
You dodged the question. Explain why detail means a creator exists. All you did was explain to me why it's detailed and then present your own misrepresentation of how life began. 
You dodged the question. Explain why detail means a creator exists. All you did was explain to me why it's detailed and then present your own misrepresentation of how life began. 
I gave you the answer, look at yourself.

What makes you think that the knowledge you have came from nothing?

So you are saying the humans back then were merely stupid

and never made up such beliefs such as evolution.

Smart men have came and died knowing that their own understanding is incapable

of solving life's mysteries.

You think anyone is smart enough to answer their own existence?

We only base our knowledge on what we know, if anything else comes up that 

makes more sense to us, we easily change our minds and run with that idea.

We will never find out our beginning with our own limited knowledge. It has already been proclaimed by Him.

He created heaven, earth, man, light and all living things.
"I don't believe in God or religion. They have been used for wrong"

Science and technology hasn't? Money hasn't?
I don't believe in god or religion because there's no legitimate evidence that suggests it's worth believing.  

The atrocities are just the icing on the cake, really.
You dodged the question. Explain why detail means a creator exists. All you did was explain to me why it's detailed and then present your own misrepresentation of how life began. 
I gave you the answer, look at yourself.

What makes you think that the knowledge you have came from nothing?

So you are saying the humans back then were merely stupid

and never made up such beliefs such as evolution.

Smart men have came and died knowing that their own understanding is incapable

of solving life's mysteries.

You think anyone is smart enough to answer their own existence?

We only base our knowledge on what we know, if anything else comes up that 

makes more sense to us, we easily change our minds and run with that idea.

We will never find out our beginning with our own limited knowledge. It has already been proclaimed by Him.

He created heaven, earth, man, light and all living things.
Again, the dodge. I didn't say that we came from nothing. I asked you why does the detail of the human body mean that we were created. 

Also, evolution isn't made up. 
I was thinking about this the other day and as much as I bash religion
If I was in a situation where I was riding with a drunk driver and he somehow drove us off a cliff......those couple of seconds before we hit the ground.....I would probably pray.
I understand fully what RKO is saying that this all seems too crazy for it to be just chance. I honestly think like that too sometimes. Simply studying physiology, which is such a tiny aspect of the universe makes me amazed. Like wow the body does all this, that's insane. Then on top of that start studying astrophysics etc, and it's so vast you immediately jump to the thought of some super entity making it all. When studying all this, I always end up thinking, "Oh there has to be something that made things like this." 

The problem with that thought process and I acknowledge it is that it's a cop out. Just because we cannot imagine/understand something we immediately say something had to make it. Also @RKO2004  I know you say there is too much order etc for it to be chalked up to chance, but we have to realize this development occurred over billions of years. BILLIONS OF YEARS. Imagine how insane that is. We as humans see 100 years as a long time. Imagine a billion. 

And with that, when thinking about the vastness of the world, I find religion to be kind of funny. It's one thing to think hey maybe all this was created, the entire universe, but to me its another thing to say this creator would not too long ago give people ONE SPECIFIC WAY TO WORSHIP HIM. And for this almighty guy to say you don't worship me this way you are doomed. That's illogical. And that alone makes me go eh religion is definitely man made. I don't even need to go into all the contradictions and wrong things in these books. Simply thinking about an almighty being sending his message to a small area in the middle east and expect everyone in the world to just acknowledge it, is very illogical. I'm going to assume the big guy who people think made the entire universe is much smarter than that. He definitely is 
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Lucifer was a angel who thought he could be greater than God,
Lost and Fell with a third of the angel rebellions from heaven.
Now known as Satan.

Trust and Obey, For there is no other way, to be Happy in Jesus
But to Trust and Obey~

So the all powerful god lets the devil live to destroy humanity? That doesn't make sense

Yes, I've studied quite a bit of biology. Now explain to me why being detailed means that god must have created it. 
Cuz its not just an empty hollow shell that functions on its own.
It has a conscience, a sense of right and wrong, emotions, and self consciousness.

If you think an explosion from nowhere made something so complex, I find that as a cop out.

Name one observational explosion that makes a complex creation, that is life.
I still await one example.

Here's one example.

View media item 1122828
I was thinking about this the other day and as much as I bash religion
If I was in a situation where I was riding with a drunk driver and he somehow drove us off a cliff......those couple of seconds before we hit the ground.....I would probably pray.
I love your honesty.
Again, the dodge. I didn't say that we came from nothing. I asked you why does the detail of the human body mean that we were created. 

Also, evolution isn't made up. 
How am I gonna answer this....... Okay

I don't know.

Alright, have your faith.
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