Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

I understand fully what RKO is saying that this all seems too crazy for it to be just chance. I honestly think like that too sometimes. Simply studying physiology, which is such a tiny aspect of the universe makes me amazed. Like wow the body does all this, that's insane. Then on top of that start studying astrophysics etc, and it's so vast you immediately jump to the thought of some super entity making it all. When studying all this, I always end up thinking, "Oh there has to be something that made things like this." 

The problem with that thought process and I acknowledge it is that it's a cop out. Just because we cannot imagine/understand something we immediately say something had to make it. Also @RKO2004  I know you say there is too much order etc for it to be chalked up to chance, but we have to realize this development occurred over billions of years. BILLIONS OF YEARS. Imagine how insane that is. We as humans see 100 years as a long time. Imagine a billion. 

And with that, when thinking about the vastness of the world, I find religion to be kind of funny. It's one thing to think hey maybe all this was created, the entire universe, but to me its another thing to say this creator would not too long ago give people ONE SPECIFIC WAY TO WORSHIP HIM. And for this almighty guy to say you don't worship me this way you are doomed. That's illogical. And that alone makes me go eh religion is definitely man made. I don't even need to go into all the contradictions and wrong things in these books. Simply thinking about an almighty being sending his message to a small area in the middle east and expect everyone in the world to just acknowledge it, is very illogical. I'm going to assume the big guy who people think made the entire universe is much smarter than that. He definitely is 
Why dont you just debunk all your saying and repent unto him.

I encourage all of you unbelievers, if you truly want to know why we speak with

such boldness, experience him for yourself.

When the Lord tugs at your heart accept him.

Just know you can't turn back once doing it.
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Again, the dodge. I didn't say that we came from nothing. I asked you why does the detail of the human body mean that we were created. 

Also, evolution isn't made up. 
How am I gonna answer this....... Okay

I don't know.

Alright, have your faith.
lol I'm just asking you to explain. You're getting defensive. You can't give me evidence for why detail and complexity demands a creator despite making that claim? 
I understand fully what RKO is saying that this all seems too crazy for it to be just chance. I honestly think like that too sometimes. Simply studying physiology, which is such a tiny aspect of the universe makes me amazed. Like wow the body does all this, that's insane. Then on top of that start studying astrophysics etc, and it's so vast you immediately jump to the thought of some super entity making it all. When studying all this, I always end up thinking, "Oh there has to be something that made things like this." 

The problem with that thought process and I acknowledge it is that it's a cop out. Just because we cannot imagine/understand something we immediately say something had to make it. Also @RKO2004  I know you say there is too much order etc for it to be chalked up to chance, but we have to realize this development occurred over billions of years. BILLIONS OF YEARS. Imagine how insane that is. We as humans see 100 years as a long time. Imagine a billion. 

And with that, when thinking about the vastness of the world, I find religion to be kind of funny. It's one thing to think hey maybe all this was created, the entire universe, but to me its another thing to say this creator would not too long ago give people ONE SPECIFIC WAY TO WORSHIP HIM. And for this almighty guy to say you don't worship me this way you are doomed. That's illogical. And that alone makes me go eh religion is definitely man made. I don't even need to go into all the contradictions and wrong things in these books. Simply thinking about an almighty being sending his message to a small area in the middle east and expect everyone in the world to just acknowledge it, is very illogical. I'm going to assume the big guy who people think made the entire universe is much smarter than that. He definitely is 
Why dont you just debunk all your saying and repent unto him.

I encourage all of you unbelievers, if you truly want to know why we speak with

such boldness, experience him for yourself.

When the Lord tugs at your heart accept him.

Just know you can't turn back once doing it.
Thought you were going to post better or whatever? 

And no I'll never follow something that disintegrates people like religion does. Would never follow a book that says, life should be lived this way, don't think about it, and if you don't you are doomed. Doesn't make sense to me, and never will. Especially with all the different religions before the majors ones of today, all the different people around the world, etc. It's no coincidence three religions formulated in the same area, and they all have the same stories. While different religions formulated in different regions with different stories. If a higher being wanted it one way, he could easily make it one way. 

But I don't refute the presence of a possible superior being. Who knows. I don't and you don't either. 
Again, the dodge. I didn't say that we came from nothing. I asked you why does the detail of the human body mean that we were created. 

Also, evolution isn't made up. 
How am I gonna answer this....... Okay

I don't know.

Alright, have your faith.
lol I'm just asking you to explain. You're getting defensive. You can't give me evidence for why detail and complexity demands a creator despite making that claim? 
The egotistical way of thinking by humans is that we are superior beings. It's true to an extent, but in actuality we have deficiencies/we evolved with less favorable things that other animals do have. So if someone created us, it could have been done better. 
I was thinking about this the other day and as much as I bash religion
If I was in a situation where I was riding with a drunk driver and he somehow drove us off a cliff......those couple of seconds before we hit the ground.....I would probably pray.
And... you would still crash into the ground.

And if yoru're talking about securing a spot in heaven: the life you've lived up to that point, and the heart you have, neither of those things change just because you strung together the right words.
I understand fully what RKO is saying that this all seems too crazy for it to be just chance. I honestly think like that too sometimes.
People like RKO:
- "How did _____________ ?"
- "I don't know. Therefore, it was God."

People like me:
- "How did _____________ ?"
- "I don't know."

The end. That's it, because I know there was a time when 'we' thought the world was flat, but we advanced in knowledge and learned. The same will happen w/ so many things we don't know; I feel no need to chalk it up to an inaudible, invisible being.
And... you would still crash into the ground.

And if yoru're talking about securing a spot in heaven: the life you've lived up to that point, and the heart you have, neither of those things change just because you strung together the right words.

Naaaw it wouldnt be about me.
I would probably say something like "please god let my family be safe"
But its just a natural instinct.

Ive had a close call b4 and did the same type of thing.
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Thought you were going to post better or whatever? 

And no I'll never follow something that disintegrates people like religion does. Would never follow a book that says, life should be lived this way, don't think about it, and if you don't you are doomed. Doesn't make sense to me, and never will. Especially with all the different religions before the majors ones of today, all the different people around the world, etc. It's no coincidence three religions formulated in the same area, and they all have the same stories. While different religions formulated in different regions with different stories. If a higher being wanted it one way, he could easily make it one way. 

But I don't refute the presence of a possible superior being. Who knows. I don't and you don't either. 
If I didn't know the truth to our existence I wouldn't be here for 

76 pages speaking with people that mock me every chance they get.

Recognize that I am a boy who

knows the symptoms of a disease you 

currently have, and telling you the cure will save  you

as it saved me, but you don't want to take the cure

and would rather fickle with other possible cure that'll lead to 

nothing but inevitable death.

In order to be cured from this disease

you must trust in the medicine and it alone

and throw away the things you think you knew about the 


That disease is sin, the medicine is 

Christ and once you are cured you

will know the truth to your existence.
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Mommy and Daddy?

Or are you asking what makes humanity, humanity?

Or are you asking about 'us', like Christians, like 'What makes Christians, Christians?', like you're seeing me say stuff about Christians and asking me what I think makes y'all?

Or... what?
Hes talking about humans 
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Thought you were going to post better or whatever? 

And no I'll never follow something that disintegrates people like religion does. Would never follow a book that says, life should be lived this way, don't think about it, and if you don't you are doomed. Doesn't make sense to me, and never will. Especially with all the different religions before the majors ones of today, all the different people around the world, etc. It's no coincidence three religions formulated in the same area, and they all have the same stories. While different religions formulated in different regions with different stories. If a higher being wanted it one way, he could easily make it one way. 

But I don't refute the presence of a possible superior being. Who knows. I don't and you don't either. 
If I didn't know the truth to our existence I wouldn't be here for 

76 pages speaking with people that mock me every chance they get.

Recognize that I am a boy who

knows the symptoms of a disease you 

currently have, and telling you the cure will save  you

as it saved me, but you don't want to take the cure

and would rather fickle with other possible cure that'll lead to 

nothing but inevitable death.

In order to be cured from this disease

you must trust in the medicine and it alone

and throw away the things you think you knew about the 


That disease is sin, the medicine is 

Christ and once you are cured you

will know the truth to your existence.
Okay. So if God believed the only way to reach out to him was through Christ, why did he send his son to one specific area of the world. Why didn't he send his son all over the world to make sure his message would be clear as day? 

And do you associate with people of other faiths or people who have no faith? Would you still be their friend? 
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I'm glad you know me so well Ska.

My mother brought home Chipotle one day. Before I went there myself and saw the workers, I just assumed Rice/lime/Cilantro/Grilled Chicken/Beans/Salsa/Sour cream/cheese/lettuce/guacamole just mysteriously fell into a bowl.
Mommy and Daddy?

Or are you asking what makes humanity, humanity?

Or are you asking about 'us', like Christians, like 'What makes Christians, Christians?', like you're seeing me say stuff about Christians and asking me what I think makes y'all?

Or... what? :lol:

Humans. I'm talking about all of us.

What makes us tick besides flesh, blood, heart and brain.
I heard he dorms at Arizona State.
He dorms everywhere.
Even Hell?
Right, why can't it be chance? What is that based on? 
If you walk into a room and you see a painting. A beautifully complicated painting. Do you say it just popped up there or some created it and placed it there?
Someone painted it n placed it in there. However, this is question neither helps nor harms your argument because the same could be said about God. Did he just pop up there or did someone create 'him'? I will say this however, using logic n reason, one can deduce the fact that someone in fact painted the painting n placed it there. Using simple observations, past experiences, facts, n a little common sense, you can easily put one n one together n come to the conclusion that, "Hey I've seen others paint paintings. Hey, I've also have seen others place objects into rooms, building, etc. Therefore someone must have done this" Using the scientific method, one could ultimately find the truth to your hypothetical situation. But, can the same be said about the existence of God.
Yes, I've studied quite a bit of biology. Now explain to me why being detailed means that god must have created it. 
Cuz its not just an empty hollow shell that functions on its own.

It has a conscience, a sense of right and wrong, emotions, and self consciousness.

If you think an explosion from nowhere made something so complex, I find that as a cop out.

Name one observational explosion that makes a complex creation, that is life.

I still await one example.
Who said the body was an empty, hollow shell? A conscience n the sense of right n wrong are learned behaviors. We are taught n disciplined as children by our parents as to how to feel about certain things. However, as we grow up n experience life we gain knowledge n wisdom that also influences these behaviors. Emotions stem from these behaviors, but also stem from basic instinct(Our innate need to survive). All of these learned behaviors are then compiled to give us a sense of self. Since we are able to experience n gain knowledge n wisdom from those experiences, we then come to realize our sense of consciousness.

Also, the Big Bang Theory does not cite everything coming from nothing. It simply states that all matter was confined to an infinitely minuscule point that happened to expand in an extremely rapid manner. Therefore, everything came from something.

"I don't believe in God or religion. They have been used for wrong"

Science and technology hasn't? Money hasn't?
The difference is money n science are backed by tangible evidence. Religion n God simply aren't.
You dodged the question. Explain why detail means a creator exists. All you did was explain to me why it's detailed and then present your own misrepresentation of how life began. 
I gave you the answer, look at yourself.

What makes you think that the knowledge you have came from nothing?

So you are saying the humans back then were merely stupid

and never made up such beliefs such as evolution.

Smart men have came and died knowing that their own understanding is incapable

of solving life's mysteries.

You think anyone is smart enough to answer their own existence?

We only base our knowledge on what we know, if anything else comes up that 

makes more sense to us, we easily change our minds and run with that idea.

We will never find out our beginning with our own limited knowledge. It has already been proclaimed by Him.

He created heaven, earth, man, light and all living things.
My knowledge has come from experiences based on upon the real  world. You are just basing yours upon the supernatural. Mine is based on logic, reason, n fact. Yours is based upon belief n faith. Yours are based upon the same principles that pagan  beliefs, religions, n mythologies were based upon. Therefore, following that logic, your beliefs are just as reasonable as theirs. Yet somehow they are wrong n you are right. Where is the logic in that?

Also, based on your argument, people have always been to stupid to think for themselves n therefore must have a creator  make all their decisions for them. Yet it is disguised as free will. These two things contradict each other. Can you not see that?
Here's one example.
Whats a living thing that an eruption makes?
Volcanic eruptions fertilize the soil around it. This then helps the plant life in the affected area grow. Take Hawaii for example. Ever notice the lush plant life surrounding the volcanoes?

Like @DarthSka  has said, science doesn't pretend to know the answers. It only affords us the ability to find the answers for ourselves.
I'm glad you know me so well Ska.

My mother brought home Chipotle one day. Before I went there myself and saw the workers, I just assumed Rice/lime/Cilantro/Grilled Chicken/Beans/Salsa/Sour cream/cheese/lettuce/guacamole just mysteriously fell into a bowl.

I get what you're trying to say with creation, but the comparisons you're using just aren't comparable. And again, when it comes to the origin debate it's a stalemate because nobody can prove anything
I'm glad you know me so well Ska.

My mother brought home Chipotle one day. Before I went there myself and saw the workers, I just assumed Rice/lime/Cilantro/Grilled Chicken/Beans/Salsa/Sour cream/cheese/lettuce/guacamole just mysteriously fell into a bowl.
Before you saw the workers, I assume you knew how food is made; maybe not every dish, but the overall process.

My response earlier (and it still stands) is pertaining to things you have no clue about.

- "How did life begin?"
- "I don't know. So crazy, it HAS TO be Goid; just has to!"


- "How did life begin?"
- "I don't know."
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Okay. So if God believed the only way to reach out to him was through Christ, why did he send his son to one specific area of the world. Why didn't he send his son all over the world to make sure his message would be clear as day? 

And do you associate with people of other faiths or people who have no faith? Would you still be their friend? 
He sent his son to Israel because they were the chosen tribe, a promise he made to Abraham for his obedience.

Even with the prophecies in the old testament of their Messiah, many of the Jews doubted him because

he didn't make a grand entrance with his coming.

Christ after his ascension gave one mission to the church, to witness the gospel.

His love, Peace, and his gift of everlasting life.

Through faith are we saved, not through sight.

That is why we have missionaries and evangelists across the

world spreading his message. That whosoever receiveth Him

will receive life and be made a new creature on Earth.

Yes I have unbeliever friends. I'll still be your friend even if you said

you were a Satanist.
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What makes us tick besides flesh, blood, heart and brain.
Cognitively? The development of an individual's desires and goals and fears motivate him accordingly.

No matter what I answer, though, the response could be "Exactly! That's God! Had to be!"
 Through faith are we saved, not through site.

That is why we have missionaries and evangelists across the

world spreading his message. That whosoever receiveth Him

will receive life and be made a new creature on Earth.
This must be why so many were murdered because they refused to believe. The whole religious concept has been a plague to mankind worse than any other man made thing. It gave justification to enslaving an entire continent, raping n stealing another, all the while exploiting indigenous peoples n their lands for millennia. How can such good arise from something so inherently bad? The Old Testament is littered with tales of genocide, rape, n theft. The New Testament condemns all that don't follow to an eternity of suffering. Yet God is this wonderful deity, perfect in every way imaginable. He gives you free will, but you better do what 'he' says or else, but don't forget 'he' already knows what you will do n it's all in 'his' plan. Where is the good will in that? Now, I rock with Jesus as a moral figure in fiction, much the same as heroes in other tales. But to believe this entire notion of Heaven n Hell, a creator, a God that is omnipotent n omnipresent that loves you unconditionally, but is quick to smite you, is just too far fetched. I mean the Bible is the GREATEST STORY to ever be told, but that is just it A STORY. To believe in this just makes you sound completely ignorant n naive to the real world. At some point you have to realize that life is not some fantasy land, full of whimsical beings. I mean at some point you have to wake up right?

Don't mistake this as bashing you for your beliefs, kuz who am I to tell you what to believe. But I just wanted you to understand why I feel the way I do. Just to show you my perspective. I'm all for gaining insight into others' beliefs, just don't come at me with vague n cryptic answers based on nothing. (Nothing as in recycled dogma)
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