Thumbs Up, no Thumbs Down. Explain!

Jun 1, 2007

Why is there a Thumbs Up Feature, but no Thumbs Down. Just defeats the purpose of a rep system if there is nothing to counterbalance it.

Yes people deserve a thumbs up if their post is helpful, funny, or whatever the case may be. But what do users get for trolling or useless/false information??

Please Respond.
Having a thumbs down option wouldn't promote the positive, fraternal vibe that I think the staff was going for with the rep implementation.
So why let people abuse the thumbs up?
Either have one or the other.

It's gonna get abused either way, I think the thumbs down would be abused way more than folks think the thumbs up gets abused. I guess it's just in S&T where I see the thumbs up actually used where it's deserved for the most part but I could see it getting outta hand so to speak where a thumbs down comes into play.
ninjahood would probably be at 0 with all the thumbs ups he gets from people still living with their moms and thumbs down from all the people who moved out.
I hear what you're saying . . .

there's a REPORT button and a BLOCK MEMBER option, BUT that's several degrees above a plain ol' "thumbs down"
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but I don't see the value of a THUMBS DOWN button. Hmmm, I mean, I can see how someone would want to THUMBS UP a post, but if you didn't care about it / disliked it, you could just ignore the post?
how do people abuse THUMBS UP? it doesn't change the post at all. it doesn't highlight the post on the screen or send it to the top.

do more reps translate into anything tangible to use on NT?
how do people abuse THUMBS UP? it doesn't change the post at all. it doesn't highlight the post on the screen or send it to the top.
do more reps translate into anything tangible to use on NT?

You haven't seen the PowerBallin/TruthGetsBusy fiasco? Dude had his two screen names and kept repping his PB account. It's already happening with people creating new accounts just to rep their primary account.
Go on and see how they're UP/DOWN system works.

Dudes with fits that aren't that bad had like 50 down votes with like 15 up votes.
how do people abuse THUMBS UP? it doesn't change the post at all. it doesn't highlight the post on the screen or send it to the top.
do more reps translate into anything tangible to use on NT?

As an online forum, we use 3 things to determine the credibility of said user:

1. Join Date
2. Post Count
3. Rep System

If we can rep a user, so that he is regarded in the highest esteem...why not be able to neg that he is known as a pit dweller of the NT world.
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