Tiger Woods News Conference Scheduled :: FRIDAY 2-19-10

Dude should've wore a tie. If you not gonna wear a tie, at least wear the right shirt.

Only thing I wanted to hear from Tiger was: "I'm coming back to the course, ######."

 Nope. The circus goes on.
[h2]VIEO Porn Star Breaks own uring Tiger Apology - "He Told Me He Loved Me"VIDEO: Porn Star Breaks Down During Tiger Apology - "He Told Me He Loved Me"http://www.radaronline.com/exclusiv...n-during-tiger-apology-he-told-me-he-loved-me[/h2]

Posted on Feb 19, 2010 @ 11:25AM  

print it send it

http://[url=http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid16157557001/bctid67519163001]http://link.brightcove.co...7557001/bctid67519163001 [/url]

One of Tiger Woods’ many mistresses, porn star Joslyn James, collapsed in tears Friday as she watched the golfer’s televised media event while in Los Angeles with her attorney, Gloria Allred.

VIDEO: Tiger Woods' Televised Apology - Hear His Entire Statementhttp://www.radaronline.com/exclusiv...n-during-tiger-apology-he-told-me-he-loved-me

During the news conference, Allred demanded Tiger apologize directly to James, whom claims she was impregnated twice by Woods.

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Sister Of Tiger Woods' Porn Star Mistress Doesn't Believe A Word She Saidhttp://www.radaronline.com/exclusiv...n-during-tiger-apology-he-told-me-he-loved-me

“Whatever rehab Tiger participates in, it will not be meaningful or effective unless he acknowledges the relationship he had with my client. He must call her, or better yet, meet with her in person to apologize and explain to her why he lied to her over and over again,
James, whose real name is Veronica, claims she had a 3-year romantic relationship with Tiger, and that he told her that she was the only woman in his life other than his wife Elin.

I love that. ' He promised I was the only mistress.'
Guess I won't be watching ESPN for the next few days (I barely even watch it to begin with).

I only care about when he's coming back to the Tour.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

These ARE the same people that followed Clemens around all day and had "Breaking News: Clemens Urinates for 2 mins" all day long for 6 months. 

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I just hope Tiger gets cured. There is obviously something wrong with a guy wanting to have sex with all kinds of attractive women. We need a cure. $!#@ AIDS.

Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

 reppin Buddhism

it fixes all

thought it was a good speech

Good speech? He read from a piece of paper. I kind of understand why he did it but I am pretty sure he came off as insincere to most people including myself. Why is it you can't say how you feel inside? Is it maybe because you don't feel that way? I don't know and I'm not trying to judge anyone but I will judge the speech and that speech was anything but good.

And using religion was bad form. I mean come on who on here knew he was Buddhist? Nobody, that's because he's not a practicing Buddhist. Now the fact that he doesn't practice is whatever. He can do what he wants but to bring it up now??? I mean what you just forgot about it for 20 some years and now you are gonna play that card so people can feel bad for you? Come on man, like I said I am not trying to judge him, not trying to say if he really feels bad or not because i don't know. What I do know is he didn't help his cause by even coming out and having a presser like this. He should have just not talked about it at all and handled it with his family. He doesn't owe anyone an apology other than his family and friends. The fans won't be there once he's washed up, the media won't be there either.

He is NOT a role model nor is any sports fan, he's a guy who plays golf (really really well) and why is it people look up to him? People need to wake up and realize you don't look up to people like that, sure admire his golf game but that's it.
if they are going to keep playing the speech....at least just do some highlights of it....the stupid thing is 14 min long and they keep showing the whole thing......i understand this is the top sports story of the day but come on man
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