Tiger Woods News Conference Scheduled :: FRIDAY 2-19-10

Originally Posted by Grimey

Stephen A

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

What did Screamin A say?

Basically went off on Tiger saying he sounded fake, except when he was goin' in on the media about his family and stuff.

And he said that there's pretty much no way Tiger is going to go from a playa back to being monogamous.
that tiger was full of crap and that everyone who is praising this speech is living in a dream world

and you don't go from havig sex with 17 diff girls to none. peopel don't change that dramatically
First off you would be surprised how dramatically people can change "if" the motivation is right. Second, I didn't see the press conference but I heard it on the radio and I am always more inclined to believe people are more genuine if they don't read from a piece of paper. Not saying he wasn't genuine but it didn't sound like it to me.

I guess only time will tell.
This dude Tiger. LOL

This is too funny - when he looks straight into the camera and says "I am so sorry"

Completely calculated and practiced.

PS - looks like he's aged a bit (or maybe it's just lack of sleep from being afraid of Ellin clubing him while he's dozing).
Ya'll crack me up sometimes.

I know nobody is foolish enough to think he was gonna go up there and use give extemporaneous speech.
Wasn't paying attention that I had ESPN on still. Of course it was on this morning 'cause my t.v. is set to turn on to ESPN at 6am.

Bristol hasn't talked about ANYTHING else since Tiger's statement, analyzing his different faces and voice tones and what not.

*switches to NBAtv*



DJ is the MODEL for success.  Take notes fellas (professional athletes of course).

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Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by dmxfury

He shouldn't be sorry for anything... except to his wife. He doesn't owe me, you, or anybody else anything.
He does owe his sponsors as well, they paid him for a certain image that was portrayed, especially companies that base their business of trust of clients and integrity.  I'm still amazed that all this came out of a 1 car wreck right by his property.  I've never seen a fall from grace like his....crazy

But you are right I'm owed nothing
If you own a piece of nike you are owed something

this one time i was wearing some nike gear i got dirty looks by this group of middle aged woman and they asked if i was one of Tiger's mistresses
...I'm a dude

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Ok i was just being sarcastic

Bill Clinton cheats and Hilary is right there with him at the press conference.

Kobe cheats and Vanessa is right there with him at the press conference.

Tiger cheats and Elin is NOWHERE to be found at the press conference.

First step to redemption would have been having your wife by your side (see Kobe, Clinton, etc)
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Bill Clinton cheats and Hilary is right there with him at the press conference.

Kobe cheats and Vanessa is right there with him at the press conference.

Tiger cheats and Elin is NOWHERE to be found at the press conference.

First step to redemption would have been having your wife by your side (see Kobe, Clinton, etc)
Well from what he said before about keeping his family isolated from media, it makes sense that she wasn't there. I am by no means defending Tiger but we don't even know the details, he could have made the decision himself to go at it alone. Let's not jump to conclusions.

Along with that, do you know what it's like to be a women with two kids and a husband who cheated on you multiple times? Who says she is supposed to be at the press conference? Is she not entitled to even still be upset? What if she hasn't completely forgiven him yet but wants to see if it's possible to work it out. She might not have even completely decided yet if she can deal with this. Just giving people something to think about.
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