Tim Duncan Unappreciation: The Backfire Edition

Well son looks like your going to have to accept this giant...




Clutchshooter wrote:
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

every year that KG has had a team as good as duncans he has :

won the MVP or almost won the MVP

had a better statistical year then
than duncan

and got more wins then
than duncan

battle that

ok, better. on to business.

first off you make it sound like there is a large range of years where this occured.

it's 2 seasons.

Secondly this season's stats

18.8ppg, 9.2 reb, 3.4 ast, 1.2blk, 1.3stl

19.3 ppg, 11.3reb, 2.8 ast, 2.0 blk, 0.8 stl

So you're saying that kg's line is substantially better?

i wouldnt say it was better at all. TD averaged more points, more blocks and 2 full rebounds more.

A lot of why kg won that DPOY was based on the strength of the celtics big season.

You obviously didnt check the figures before you made that statement but at least you used the really big font.

i never said its a wide range of years

i said every year

its only been 2 years

cuz kg's only been on contending teams twice

and you cant tell me that he wasnt better then duncan both those years

he was an mvp canidate and dpoy this year so obviously he was better then duncan this year

and why didnt you list 2004 when kg was mvp


ppg -24.2

rpg - 14.0

bpg - 2.2

spg - 1.5

apg - 5.0


ppg -22.3

rpg - 12.4

bpg - 2.7

spg - .9

apg - 3.1
OP, I don't understand how you can get mad at a game for his personality. You can change your skill-base, you can learn new things on the court but youcan't change your personality or your drive. Thats just internal. Same thing with Sheed', people always say "What if he had thatKiller-Instinct?" Who knows. All we know is what he is and you can't change that...

But I do agree, what in the hell is going on with dude's wardrobe? Like I said before, it literally looks like he doesn't even have hangers or anironing-board in his house. He takes his clothes out the dryer and just balls the**** on the floor...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]SMH @ this post. Why are you focused on Timothy Duncan so much?[/color]
no player in the league has done more than him, and if he wanted to score points demand the ball like malone did or shaq did when they scored a lot TD could dothat, but guess malone and shaq were never as good as TD on defense. TD is a team player, you shoudl teach you kids to play like TD if he is going to be a bigman.

hate on timmy legend all you want
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

After seeing where this post has went, I'm glad it backfired.

There is a reason Tim Duncan doesn't have that same "intensity" as some players do... he doesn't need it. His stats are rediculous regardless, and they're better than his rivals a high percentage of the time.

Every player in the NBA cries because of fouls, not because they're whiners necessarily either, sometimes the refs just aren't doing what they should be. Maybe him crying is more pitiful because that's where 90% of his emotion is shown during the game. BTW, Y'all see dude after he hit that three against PHX?

You don't see him in any ads hardly, he's not on drunkathlete.com knocking back shots with college girls, he's just doing him. I would love for more athletes to be less in the spotlight.

I even heard he left money on the table to create more cap room for the free agency period.

11 Million of it. Basketball is gonna take a huge blow when this man retires.
i never said its a wide range of years

i said every year

its only been 2 years

cuz kg's only been on contending teams twice

and you cant tell me that he wasnt better then duncan both those years

he was an mvp canidate and dpoy this year so obviously he was better then duncan this year

and why didnt you list 2004 when kg was mvp

i didnt list that year because YOU said his numbers were better EVERY year this occured.

and i can certainly tell you kg's personal seson could not be conceived as definitively better than duncan's.

also his numbers were absolutely not better this year.

2 full rebounds and a block less than duncan wuth half a steal and half an assist more? also while averaging less points. that made his seasonbetter?

again a lot of kg winning dpoy was the celtics huge season.

tim duncan is the definition of 'anchor' on defense and one of the reasons he hasnt won a dpoy is because he has been rock steady as such since dayone.

also while kg was stellar early on, he faded as the season wore on. any legitimate mvp candidacy was long passed by febuary.

that kind of sensational d is considered 'just timmy' and nothing special.
The reason Tim Duncan will never win DPOY is because what he does is expected of him. If any other player starts averaging close to what he got then suddenlythey are DPOY candidates. That is a true mark of greatness to make the extraordinary seem normal.
As much as I like KG, you can not compare him to Duncan. KG is 13 years deep in the league and this is only his second time out of the first round. Hedoesn't take over a game like Duncan can and often disappear in the fourth quarter. Kenny Smith said it best when he said KG may be the only great playerin the league where you can't expect him to score 40 to win you the game. I'm also glad this thread back-fired. Not only is TD my favorite player inthe league, but anybody that hates on greatness deserves a
With the exception of whining about fouls, name everything that people often say is "wrong" with the NBA....

Tim Duncan is absolutely none of those things. In fact, he is the complete opposite of all those things.

People have said plenty about the winning in this thread already, but beyond that he is the consummate teammate, one of the most unselfish players in theleague, never demands the spotlight but takes charge when he's needed, does everything you want a big man to do and plays the game the way everyone wishesbig men would in this day and age, is one of the most coachable players in the league, is a leader and model for all his teammates.

With the exception of this year and one year where he was battling plantar fasciitis, he has been All-NBA first team every year of his 11 year career. All-NBAfirst team his first 8 years... meaning from the time he was drafted and over 8 years, he was no less than top 2 at his position in the league. His first 8SEASONS he was TOP 5 in MVP voting.

But who cares, he's a joke 'cause he doesn't dress how you'd wanna dress....
Who cares how he dresses?

All I know is that the guy can ball.

Sure, he's not exciting to watch but he gets the job done. I'm not a fan of him but he can play for my team anytime.

TD = Greates PF of ALL TIME
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM


This picture just makes me dislike him so much more than I should. You're a millionaire. You can get fitted better than that. Dude come like this to every game too. Probably bumpin Hootie and the Blowfish too. I mean, seriously, what music oes he listen to, he stay with the portable music device pregame.

Stop crying after every foul called. This dude got the weakest swagger too. It's like he uses that blank look because people expect him to have it.

With this guy's skill level, if he played with energy like an Amare or KG, he would be unstoppable, instead he decides to be stiff as a board.
tired of arguing on nt, but lol @ anyone trying to knock td

he's paid his dues and has shown his worth as a basketball player enough times
So ....you make a thread about how you "un-appreciate" Tim Duncan, you realize that many people disagree with you, and you edit the title to showthat the thread "back fired"..........who does that??
Must have redefined the term "active" when we talkin about NBA player's status. I mean Kobe do be killing them with little effort and all, but he's still being active.

and for the record of course accolades and all that do matter, but that is by no means the full measure of a person's skill. Hakeem >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Duncan in every facet of the game. LITERALLY and he only got 3 rings,1 MVP, and played in one of most competitive eras for big men. Duncan is really a GREAT player, but he's also a beneficiary of a really good situation.
i said active nba players meaning who are still playing, not retired.

lol. and you must be out of your mind if you think kobe ranks higher than td.

i say td is pretty close to hakeem as of right now. accomplishment wise, about the same if td's not better.

ppl think td skill level isn't as high as those great players, mainly because he's not "athletic" but he does little things so well that wecan't really see.
For a person with over 6000+ posts, I'd like to think you're smarter than this. You may not like Duncan as a player, but to criticize him for the wayhe dresses is ******ed. Lock this post because nobody is going to agree with this numskull.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

LITERALLY and he only got 3 rings,
that last ring one of these?


rockets only won 2 rings and he definitely didnt get one somewhere else.
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

For a person with over 6000+ posts, I'd like to think you're smarter than this. You may not like Duncan as a player, but to criticize him for the way he dresses is ******ed. Lock this post because nobody is going to agree with this numskull.

I'm not criticizing him, but the dude DOES need a stylist, but Duncan is

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