TMac still a top 10 player

Jul 10, 2003
...If anyone remembers my Lebron commentary, they should know I could care less about stats.I have observed Tmac beginning in the preseason and until now......he's back. He has to get his rhythm going in terms of the game slowing back down in speed when he gets aggressive, but if you watch him and pay attention dude got his swagger back. To me, hes the hawks best player easily...his prensense on the floor on offense is still there and you can tell team's see him as the hawks most critical weapon lowkey. Its only a matter of time before he puts marvin on the bench.
Watch him play. Stop acting like the typical go with the flow fans and watch the players play. You can see the swag is back.
I look at the game in affect and presense.

There is not ten players in the league...with the way tmac looks right now...that has his presense on offense.
Bro T-Mac is my favorite player ever behind Lebron... you're bugging. dude is done.
Me and Shuges are probably the biggest (and only) T-Mac fans on S&T and I think he'd agree with me in saying that you must be high.
Based on the first half I just watched, Vlad Radmanovic is gonna win the MVP this year.

I think that might be a bit premature, tho...
So... top ten player, with top ten "swag" and top ten "presense on offense?"

I don't see how anyone can disagree with any of that.
Im not saying tmac is the best player in the league...

...thats what the nba has came down to in terma of fan knowledge....if you aint the best putting up 28-30're "decent'. Reason why you dont see a team's 8th man off the bench as a average fans favorite player like you could in other sports.

Im talking merely his play on the court and the affect he has. I watched the first half of tonights game so other player on the hawks in a half court set got tmac's attention. Teague is deadly and really got...but even he doesnt have that awareness yet that tracy has.

All im saying is that by watching tmac so far...and trust me, ive seen him play at his highest and lowest...hes gonna wake ppl back up this season. I can already see the glimpses.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Me and Shuges are probably the biggest (and only) T-Mac fans on S&T and I think he'd agree with me in saying that you must be high.

 negro please.

Tracy BACK! 
Best player on the hawks
Josh Smith>>>>>>>tmac........Joe Johnson>>>>> tmac...Al horford>>>>tmac....Jeff teague>>>>tmac hell Marvin Williams >>>>tmac...I'm a hawks fan and tmac fan but dude is just serviceable now
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