to all the black folks, please go vote

Jun 9, 2006


and this stuff isnt even old....a lot of our parents were alive when this was happening

john mccain opposed civil rights


thats all
its scary that some McCain supporters would still like this to happen... get out there and vote people!
PFT... dont get brainwashed into thinking you have to vote Obama because he is partly black. Vote your ideals. If they align with a white guy that is okay.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

How about ALL folks big ups to the non racists

u right madam. it just seems like everyone on here who admits to being white is a conservative who think minorities just want handouts, so i didnt wanna wastetheir time and have them click on the thread and come in here like "this stuff is old, you didnt get attacked by dogs or lynched"

its a lot of good white people in our country though, a lot of them sacrificed a lot to help us get where we are today

so good white people come in too

why are people in here shaking their head? all this stuff is facts, these arent photoshops. my mom is 46 and she was alive when this stuff was happening.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Word....and if you make over $250k a year....McCain/Palin baby!!!!!!

Smh. Paypal me $1000.


I'm not joking.

You have nothing to lose.

Nah, I'm cool...the 'lesser of 2 evils' thing don't really appeal 2 me, not 2 mention I could vote 10 times and if the electoral college goesagainst my vote...screw it. Aint no reason for that. So until they so sumthin with that ******ed +%% system, I won't be voting. Don't be bringin myblackness into this eitha, I still sit on the back of the bus by choice.

Side Note:
How would yall (I assume yall mostly Obama supporters) feel if Barack won the popular vote but lost the election?
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Word....and if you make over $250k a year....McCain/Palin baby!!!!!!

Smh. Paypal me $1000.


I'm not joking.

You have nothing to lose.

Word. doesnt it help reduce your taxes by donating?
Originally Posted by StocksandBonds85

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Word....and if you make over $250k a year....McCain/Palin baby!!!!!!

Smh. Paypal me $1000.


I'm not joking.

You have nothing to lose.

Word. doesnt it help reduce your taxes by donating?

you still lose money though. youd be tadxed on 249,000 as opposed to 250,000. youd prolly lose about 700 dollars by donating 1,000
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