To my minority NT'ers: Do you stay away from ordering stereotypical ethnic foods in public??

No, not at all. In fact, in my friend circles, I'm known as the "food guy"...and its not uncommon to take alot of my friends of other races to"stereotypical" food places, but also lots of street food.

BTW, I just have a natural preference for Mexican, Thai, Indian, Brazilian dishes, etc.

I eat chicken damn near everywhere and wish you would say something

My dominican dude still gets @ me for going in on the fried chicken at his crib
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

hell no. I'll be damned if I let what someone else thinks impact what kind of food I want.

I would be damned if I let what someone else thinks impact anything I do in general
I will GO TO WORK on some fried chicken, collard greens, watermelon, etc. Yes I LOVE it. Most stereotypes are fairly true for the most part...
Originally Posted by ca5perrr

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Nah man, rice and beans with a good meat side *pause* for me.
for real.

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Real talk,

I was deployed to Qatar back in 07. My birthday came up and my sup had a suprise bday for me with food from.......(drumroll)....KFC.

How'd this broad find a KFC in Qatar? How did she know I'd enjoy it so much? The world will never know.

you're in qatar the Six Flags of the middle east, you can find anything there,
Fixed.And Nando's Chicken inside the Doha Mall is

Fried Chicken in the Middle East is like crack cocaine,with KFC being The Carter.

It is definitely helping produce the thousands of Kim K. clones I seen there.
i'm vietnamese and that never stops me from ordering my fair share of dog.

but really, who cares about what you eat. any idiot who stereotypes over what someone eats, is just that: an idiot.
what are stereotypical white people foods? only thing i can think of is tater tot cassarole.
I think I've gotten to the point where I consider myself a connoisseur when it comes to food. If I feel like eating some seared ahi ill eat it. If I feellike eating some arroz y frijoles, ill do that too.
Originally Posted by dugtrio

what are stereotypical white people foods? only thing i can think of is tater tot cassarole.

stereotypical white people food is OTHER ethnicity's foods. i swear the people that be holding it down in all the chinese, indian, jamaican etc. joints isALWAYS white lol.

but if i had to say something maybe pork chops and apple sauce?
While we're on this topic.. why is it sterotypical for black people to like chicken? I'm not black and i LOVE chicken..
The first thing that popped into my head was the Chappelle skit. I am mexicanand I love mexican food and I will order what I feel like eating regardless of what others might think
thats no lie, you can always catch me eating jamaican curry. yea porkchops and applesauce seem like they could be white people food. what about pot roast?
i got it. white people def got the corner on sea food. nothing better than some peel and eat shrimp and some oysters lol.
yup, thats it right there. white people get down with some oysters bars and peel and eat shrimp.
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