to my socal COLLEGE students!!!!! help an east coaster out!!!

I want to attend a university in SoCal. Which universities are good for a business major, also a photography minor. And the dorms must be on & poppingbecause I won't be commuting (of course). Thanks in advance.
ummm if your going to be an ISDS major..... i WOULD NOT go with UCI...they JUST added their business program (which ISDS falls under).... cal state fullertonis the ONLY double accredited non-private business school in socal.... just a thought

oh and btw im a ISDS major at cal state fullerton hahahahahah
Originally Posted by PREM092

I want to attend a university in SoCal. Which universities are good for a business major, also a photography minor. And the dorms must be on & popping because I won't be commuting (of course). Thanks in advance.

i 've been going to cal poly for the lat 3 years. literally like 90% of the school commutes, for education its great (im a civil engineering major) butcampus life is severely lacking when compared to other schools. ALso...the dorm s are horrible haha. i commute (i live about 30 minutes away)
SDSU is a party school (if thats what you;re looking for) but from waht ive heard the quality of the education pales in comparison to other schools in thearea. Keep in mind a CSU is going to be cheaper than a UC, which will usually be cheaper than a private school (IDk how much difference its gonna make youthough considering you're from out of state)
do a little more research with what major you want to do and i can direct you to the best schools out here.
If youre into shoes poly is good. Actually you cant beat SoCal for that
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