To sell or not to sell..vol. I need a house!!

Aug 27, 2006
I'm giving some serious thought to getting rid of some of my collection to get some downpayment money to buy a house..My delimma is this, I don't wantto sell any shoes, but at the same time I'm tired of living in an apartment and want a house..So what should I do, or better yet, what would you do?..
Make sure you can afford a house payment everymonth first and if u dont wanna sell any kicks then dont just cut back on spending and u should be fine
How many kicks you have?...Personally I would never sell my collection unless I was in desperate need...
I got around 110 pairs..Whether I sell my shoes or not, I won't buy a house that I can't afford..I guess selling some kicks would get me into a housequicker than if I held onto my shoes..Either way it goes I'm gonna get a house..Im just tryin to decide if I should sell and get one now or not sell andhold off a couple of months..Thoughts???
Here is my suggestion - sell your shoes.

There may come a point in your life when you really don't care about shoe collecting anymore. I had shoes that I never thought I would let go, but at thispoint, pretty much all of my nice stuff is gone, even my grails.

There are way more important things than shoes, especially a house. If you can come with up a couple thousand off selling shoes and put it into a house,that's a lot better than holding onto them for 10 more years.

Your priorities will change. In hindsight, while I did enjoy shoe collecting, I wish that I had been a lot more selective and not thrown so much money away. It was a phase.
sell your shoes while they still have market value. In a while,people just won't have the spare money for kicks. Yes,even the 30k millionaires/NT ballers
I just hate to let go of the really good pairs, that I did so much work to get..Like my Tiffany's, DMPs, Altitudes, and a couple others along thoselines..I guess I should just say the hell with it and get rid of a few pairs and just keep the ones that really have sentimental value to me..Thanks guys
Sell. Now's a good a time as any to buy a house according to some of my friends that work in real estate. Just make sure you plan ahead and make sure youcan afford the mortgage payments along with all the other bills associated with being a home owner. More importantly, make sure you have a secure job.

I don't have a job..I'm permanantly(sp?) disabled and get S.S. every month..So I know what I can and can't afford..Like I said its just a matter ofdoing now and selling some shoes, or waiting a few months and keeping some shoes..
Originally Posted by casekicks

I just hate to let go of the really good pairs, that I did so much work to get..Like my Tiffany's, DMPs, Altitudes, and a couple others along those lines..I guess I should just say the hell with it and get rid of a few pairs and just keep the ones that really have sentimental value to me..Thanks guys

Sell the ones with sentimental value first, that way you won't care about letting go of the rest of them.

Honestly, I don't feel any worse having sold my grails than keeping them. What good are a pair of shoes that never get worn, if they can be transformedinto a couple hundred dollars that go into a house?

I barely wore any of my nice shoes, and I had tons of duplicates. What the hell is the point? Just sell them, trust me, in hindsight it is the rightdecision, especially if it makes it easier for you to afford a house.
i'm also thinking about selling off the majority of my collection i want to get rid of about 45 of my 60 pairs, not to buy a house like you but there areother things that i would just rather use that money for, for example i would love to sell of a bunch of pairs and go travel with some of that money.

since i graduated college in may i realize that i wear about 10 pairs since i don't wear kicks to class everyday, and the pairs i do wear aren't eventhe i might as well sell the DMPs, stash 95, mita 95s and grape Vs while i can still get a few hundred each for them
Thanks for all the help..I think I will get rid of a few pairs and see how it goes from there..Now I just gotta figure out how to use've addedsome of the kicks to my sig, has anyone had any luck with using their sig to help get rid of shoes or is it pointless to try that method?
Do your homework before you sell your collection. How good is your credit? Do you have or will you have a 20% down payment? Find out what kind of loanyou'll get approved for and what your monthly mortgage payment will be. Is there anything available in your budget?
learning how to use ebay...thats the biggest reason i haven't begun to sell yet lol.

i think i'm just gong to take the valuable "lightly worn" pairs to Flight Club...and then try and move the cheaper pairs on ebay for whatever ican get
perfect time to purchase a home now,rates are low. what are you looking to spend?
you should take an HONEST assessment of your collection and make two piles.

1. shoes that you REALLY want to keep and ALSO would eventually wear
2. everything else

sell pile #2.
Perfect time to buy a house, and your shoes are still worth something, when in 10 years, that is not guaranteed, the resell value can sky rocket or plummet,you have to make that decision now.
i also see it as if i'm falling out of this phase, and it seems like a lot of other NTers are too, then i'm better off selling the collection now whilethere is still a big demand for them
Personally I would buy a house. Like others have said right now is a great time to buy a house. As long as you can afford the houses monthly payments, youshould go with the house. What type of house are you looking to get?
Im gonna sell..I want a house too much..I'm tired of paying money for something that'll never be "mine"..I'm scared of using ebay..Ithink I'll just try to sell them to people that contact me thru my sig..I'm not tryin to mess with ebay fees, paypal fees, feedback and all the othermess you have to deal with..So does anybody want some shoes??LOLOL
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