To this day I can't believe I seen this in a movie.....Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Im trying to take everything in. The good, and the bad. There are so many different angles in which you can look at things in our world. Growing up, I was sortof oblivious to a lot of things until a few years ago I was sort of enlightened by a series of events that took place in my life. I was one of those few kidsthat grew up in the "Hood" and chose to go a different route. Moms spoiled me with all the riches (All the latest and hottest kicks, clothes, gamingsystems, etc.) I was an only child growing up in a single parent home and I never forget people calling me rich just because of all the materialistic things Ihad. I guess it all went over there head. They didnt know the true "Me". As far as the true meaning of life itself is concerned, it intrigues me.What are we here for? All the practicallities I thought about while growing up as an adolescent are all coming to fruition now. A lot of the people Ive knownfrom childhood onto adulthood and what they would eventually amount to, everything is becoming clear. Peeps you knew where going to go downhill and getcaptured by that negative life is really happening. Cats getting locked up and doing years in jail/prison, deceased, having multiple kids, doing all sorts ofdrugs, etc, It's all coming to the light. I HATED, I mean HATED going to church as a kid. But as I got older, I started understanding the bigger picture.Ive never been religiously inclined but I would like to know about all the metaphysical and advanced policies that go on in this world. I just need a bit moredirection. I feel as though Im on the right path but I always get sidetracked. Im still into sneakers, music, fashion, etc because that's what I know but Iwould like to get beyond that. This is a great post. Keep the ideas and knowledge coming.
I find it highly ironic everyone in here talking about how it's "going over other's heads" and "having their eyes open" are on a sneaker message board.

What does the medium have anything to do with? It's a sneaker message board but that's not all it is

If anything the fact these type of discussions are happening on sneaker message boards might tell you something about the demographics which make up sneakerculture.

It's a lot easier to cop out and say
Yeah, all of us who are "blind" get it. The world's a screwed up place. The government and the media try to hide stuff from us. Not everything we hear or see is true
then actually applying yourself to undermine the very world, government, and media, which you speack of.
Originally Posted by doyung9

"@ the part time revolutionaries... i think i want to be one too"

"EXACTLY... Dudes get so caught up in conspiracies and over-analyzing every single thing in life, and in the end, still wouldn't have found out the truth...just shut the !%*$ up and try to make the best out if this life given to you."

This is all I'm saying about this thread. I find it highly ironic everyone in here talking about how it's "going over other's heads" and "having their eyes open" are on a sneaker message board.

Yeah, all of us who are "blind" get it. The world's a screwed up place. The government and the media try to hide stuff from us. Not everything we hear or see is true. And NO, I WAS NOT BEING SERIOUS WITH THE MORPHEUS COMMENT, so to all you still quoting that, obviously, it went over YOUR HEAD.

All you really have to do is, "do you". If the daily dose of entertainment and preoccupation i.e. sex, drugs, sports, video games...ect is enoughfor you then thats fine. Thats the life you choose. How that is anymore significant or satisfying than digging deeper or "overanalyzing" as somewould call it, escapes me. Whatever floats your boat, ya know? Although eventually, as people grow older, I would imagine that lifestyle would grow old andrepetitive. Hence the "bored with life thread". Getting a job, paying bills, accquiring material things, having a family, retiring and dyinghorrifys me. Seems like such a waste of time. I have a deep seeded feeling that there is more to life than that, there is a larger purpose. But in allactuality, untill we really make some changes and really try to find that deeper meaning aside from reading a few things here and there, this is really justanother form of entertainment for those who take this stuff seriously. All i'm saying is don't knock it til you try it. You guys seem upset.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I find it highly ironic everyone in here talking about how it's "going over other's heads" and "having their eyes open" are on a sneaker message board.
What does the medium have anything to do with? It's a sneaker message board but that's not all it is

If anything the fact these type of discussions are happening on sneaker message boards might tell you something about the demographics which make up sneaker culture.

It's a lot easier to cop out and say
Yeah, all of us who are "blind" get it. The world's a screwed up place. The government and the media try to hide stuff from us. Not everything we hear or see is true
then actually applying yourself to undermine the very world, government, and media, which you speack of.

It's evident you guys are all for the cause. I commend you. But just as much as it's going "over my head", it's also obviously going overyours as well, sir.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I understand there's philosophy to the Matrix trilogy. The problem arises when we over analyze entertainment to the point it's not enjoyable. The point of a movie like that is to think about it, but not torture yourself and try and find some deeper meaning in the presentation.

how can u consider obtaining knowledge torture? It's quite enjoyable to be free from the institutional shackles ... You may think it's torture butit's enlightenment son.. Can't take this plagurized set up to fail system serious... People like yourself believe everything is peaches and cream, wallst is going up so everything is ok... The govt is honest and caring... Obama is a blessing . Jesus was real and the pope is really is solely a holy figure inworld politics.... A little advice for the future.... Your country will be different one day you'll wake up in this lifetime and your country will be ashell of it's former self....
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

A little advice for the future.... Your country will be different one day you'll wake up in this lifetime and your country will be a shell of it's former self....
Care to elaborate a little?

Do you recoil a bit when people start using spiritual language, even the word "spiritual"? Be honest. If it helps, I'll admit that I do. For years, if I'd read something with language that sounded even remotely spiritual, I'd picture the author as a pleasantly delusional man or woman trying their best to add meaning to a life that in some way had disappointed them. Later, after receiving an extensive education in the sciences, my prejudices extended to a belief that spiritual folks were simply seeking a substitute for the foundation of science they lacked. Maybe you feel this way a little too.

I do know this - a shift has occurred in the way I see myself and interpret the world around me. No part of this process needs to be described in any spiritual or religious terms, although I can see now why someone else might choose to do so. This transformation of consciousness (does that sound too spiritual?) is undeniably the enlightenment of which spiritual speakers speak, and I'd like you to experience the same if you're interested. There is nothing special or unusual about me that has allowed this change to happen, and there is nothing in your past that could possibly keep you from becoming enlightened too.

The goal of this book is to communicate the nature of this change while avoiding conventionally spiritual language almost entirely. Don't be in too much of a rush to get to the end, and try to keep a sense of humor along the way. If we're going to take this process seriously, it's actually important that we not take ourselves too seriously. I promise we'll eventually get to where you want to go. to Lose Your Mind.pdf
Deep !%$ Gtek. Always count on you for deeper intellectual interchange. Cultural and intellectual provincialism is an ongoing epidemic. Of course it would besimple, and the "easy" way to blame external factors on my future, and current state, but when one refuses to settle we see results. The pill is a"Mcguffin" if you will, the pill is pointless and meaningless, the state of mind is all that matters, the ingenious screenwriter realized thatviewers can only relate mind altering with pills. Hence the "Mcguffin" if you will.

I often feel that life is so gorgeous. Really. Look around you, everything has gone through so much, just to be in your life. From your soda you sip on, to thecell phone in your hand, to the people in your life. The fact of chance, or fate is really futile. Nobody knows which is truth, myself I think it is a littleof both. Why are the people in my life, in my life. Because of MY choices? That would be selfish, and quite narrow minded. Is it someone elses choice as to whyI am where I am? I don't think it is that guiltless either. Life is grey, but that does not mean it is any less magical. From the sleep in my eye, to thetears I cry, everything is gorgeous, and life, no matter the outcome is ALWAYS beautiful.

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I understand there's philosophy to the Matrix trilogy. The problem arises when we over analyze entertainment to the point it's not enjoyable. The point of a movie like that is to think about it, but not torture yourself and try and find some deeper meaning in the presentation.

how can u consider obtaining knowledge torture? It's quite enjoyable to be free from the institutional shackles ... You may think it's torture but it's enlightenment son.. Can't take this plagurized set up to fail system serious... People like yourself believe everything is peaches and cream, wall st is going up so everything is ok... The govt is honest and caring... Obama is a blessing . Jesus was real and the pope is really is solely a holy figure in world politics.... A little advice for the future.... Your country will be different one day you'll wake up in this lifetime and your country will be a shell of it's former self....

Way to generalize. If people who view movies as just movies are what you described, then you must be one of the great Americans that are holed up in a bombshelter somewhere deep in the woods with an AK and some extended clips in a huge pile in the corner, waiting for theZombie/Communist/Fascist/Alien/Illuminati/Jesus returning take over who has a negative view of just about every single aspect of the world for the simple factthat things just aren't going the way he planned in life and someone needs to be blamed.

See? I can do it too.

"We ran thru 100's of girls in a two yr period... took no names and didnt care about feelings"... Odds are if you wifed her up she wiped us down... this is a brotherhood that will NEVER be broken ..TEAM RAUNCHY 4 life
Also, if this is the future of intellectual thought I may have to borrow your AK for a second so I can shoot myself in the head now.
StaXX wrote:
Enlightenment people.
These kind of threads are gems, but it will probably go over A LOT of heads.




Originally Posted by Nothin4ever



this thread is such a living example of the matrix trilogy actually

neo vs. smith

those that believe vs. those that don't believe

would one exist without the other?
Originally Posted by Kakashi

the matrix trilogy is a philosopher major's classic, next to boondock saints.
epistemology, meta cognition shall consume all who step into this realm, you might as well sit in between two facing mirrors. yes we are too smart to be smart. after you know this, then being equally stupid makes you beyond smart.

what will really put your noodle in a headlock is looney toons coyote and road runner skits are deep than the matrix trilogy...i fear the man that wrote them.

i think i went over heads...forgot where i was at
Originally Posted by Kakashi

Originally Posted by Kakashi

the matrix trilogy is a philosopher major's classic, next to boondock saints.
epistemology, meta cognition shall consume all who step into this realm, you might as well sit in between two facing mirrors. yes we are too smart to be smart. after you know this, then being equally stupid makes you beyond smart.

what will really put your noodle in a headlock is looney toons coyote and road runner skits are deep than the matrix trilogy...i fear the man that wrote them.

i think i went over heads...forgot where i was at

Then elaborate..
Originally Posted by Kakashi

Originally Posted by Kakashi

the matrix trilogy is a philosopher major's classic, next to boondock saints.
epistemology, meta cognition shall consume all who step into this realm, you might as well sit in between two facing mirrors. yes we are too smart to be smart. after you know this, then being equally stupid makes you beyond smart.

what will really put your noodle in a headlock is looney toons coyote and road runner skits are deep than the matrix trilogy...i fear the man that wrote them.

i think i went over heads...forgot where i was at

Wile E. Coyote often obtains complex and ludicrous devices from a mail-order company, the fictitious Acme Corporation, which he hopes will help him catch the Road Runner. The devices invariably fail in improbable and spectacular ways. Whether this is result of operator error or faulty merchandise is debatable.

[h2]ac⋅me[/h2]-noun the highest point; summit; peak: The empire was at the acme of its power.

That was easy.
Originally Posted by man listen

Originally Posted by Kakashi

Originally Posted by Kakashi

the matrix trilogy is a philosopher major's classic, next to boondock saints.
epistemology, meta cognition shall consume all who step into this realm, you might as well sit in between two facing mirrors. yes we are too smart to be smart. after you know this, then being equally stupid makes you beyond smart.

what will really put your noodle in a headlock is looney toons coyote and road runner skits are deep than the matrix trilogy...i fear the man that wrote them.

i think i went over heads...forgot where i was at

Wile E. Coyote often obtains complex and ludicrous devices from a mail-order company, the fictitious Acme Corporation, which he hopes will help him catch the Road Runner. The devices invariably fail in improbable and spectacular ways. Whether this is result of operator error or faulty merchandise is debatable.

[h2]ac⋅me[/h2]-noun the highest point; summit; peak: The empire was at the acme of its power.

That was easy.

^^this guy definitely would be the i said over heads.

I understand it how I understand it. It just goes back to your other point on metacognition
Originally Posted by man listen


I understand it how I understand it. It just goes back to your other point on metacognition
just minutes ago you said "that was easy" andsupplied a theory for your confidence , you were running on thin you offer apology
even though you were a genius in your previous statement?

why did you look down? wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaw....SPLAT!

i better stop, i might win a putlizer prize
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Way to generalize. If people who view movies as just movies are what you described, then you must be one of the great Americans that are holed up in a bomb shelter somewhere deep in the woods with an AK and some extended clips in a huge pile in the corner, waiting for the Zombie/Communist/Fascist/Alien/Illuminati/Jesus returning take over who has a negative view of just about every single aspect of the world for the simple fact that things just aren't going the way he planned in life and someone needs to be blamed.
Here's a bit of Helgelian math for you all. Solve:

Extreme right wing unquestiond patriotism + extreme left wing corrupt government conspiracy = ?
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