To this day I can't believe I seen this in a movie.....Red Pill or Blue Pill?

What's the deeper meaning for district 9? I haven't seen the whole thing, but it seemed like a heavy handed commentary on racism and apartheid and somegovernment critique. Is there anything more to it?
Originally Posted by True Blues

These elements are investigated even further (and more obviously) in the second film.

For any of you interested in Matrix-specific analysis, I suggest you buy the Blu-Ray Triology. The extra discs have some really good stuff on them.

If you want to dig even deeper read this:


It will blow your mind.
isn't that the book he kept his tech-stash in? See.. I know the trilogy like the back of my hand, but I'm not up on the inspiration forit.
. I "get" the various undertones though. They're clearly just spins on the various messianic dogmas of eastern and western philosophies,all sort of mixed together. Is Neo Christ-like, or akin to a buddhist monk? Both. And Neither. It's NOT that complicated guys..
... it'severything we already know or believe spiritually, but it's wrapped up in the guise of a movie about guns, robots, and superheroes.
The matrix is amazing. When i watched it , automatically got the message it was showing even though i am 14 . It really makes you think about the world we livein and the type of stuff that can very well go down and its true, people only mention the special effects , when the story is what makes this movie sorevolutionary.
There is nothing more annoying than over analyzing pop culture to the point it's lost all relevancy as entertainment. You must lead a sad and bitter lifeif you can't find enjoyment in such things.
Congrats. That's the first step to a lot you have to learn.

I think (hope) everyone will go through this phase at some point in life where you begin to discover the truths.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

There is nothing more annoying than over analyzing pop culture to the point it's lost all relevancy as entertainment. You must lead a sad and bitter life if you can't find enjoyment in such things.
I feel you, I know I'm not the only one that thinks that maybe this is a nicely made movie with a creative script and brilliant execution.This is someone's story right, what makes you guys think that they were trying to get some message out. Maybe they just wanted to make a goodmovie/fiction.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by dkjordan23

Originally Posted by hellaones

^ mind pointing me in the right direction?
Read Lacan's essay on the mirror stage and then rewatch The Matrix. The whole movie is a representation of the mirror stage.

where can i find this online .. I tried googling it but only found analysis of the paper
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

There is nothing more annoying than over analyzing pop culture to the point it's lost all relevancy as entertainment. You must lead a sad and bitter life if you can't find enjoyment in such things.
I feel you, I know I'm not the only one that thinks that maybe this is a nicely made movie with a creative script and brilliant execution. This is someone's story right, what makes you guys think that they were trying to get some message out. Maybe they just wanted to make a good movie/fiction.

They weren't though. Certainly, creating an entertaining and visually stunning film was a component of the Matrix, but there are blatant philosophicalelements to the films unto themselves, as well as the triology as a whole. This is evident in not only watching the movies, but also if you followed theirdevelopment.

Hell, there are major University Philosophy courses dedicated solely to study the Matrix. It really is considered a modern philosophical text.
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by True Blues

These elements are investigated even further (and more obviously) in the second film.

For any of you interested in Matrix-specific analysis, I suggest you buy the Blu-Ray Triology. The extra discs have some really good stuff on them.

If you want to dig even deeper read this:


It will blow your mind.
isn't that the book he kept his tech-stash in? See.. I know the trilogy like the back of my hand, but I'm not up on the inspiration for it.
. I "get" the various undertones though. They're clearly just spins on the various messianic dogmas of eastern and western philosophies, all sort of mixed together. Is Neo Christ-like, or akin to a buddhist monk? Both. And Neither. It's NOT that complicated guys..
... it's everything we already know or believe spiritually, but it's wrapped up in the guise of a movie about guns, robots, and superheroes.

Yeah, Simulcra and Simulation is the book he stashes it in-- a subtle nod by the Wachowski brothers. Baudillard is a really interesting guy-- he has a veryunique perspective on the modern world. Easily one of the most brilliant men of the modern age.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

There is nothing more annoying than over analyzing pop culture to the point it's lost all relevancy as entertainment. You must lead a sad and bitter life if you can't find enjoyment in such things.
I feel you, I know I'm not the only one that thinks that maybe this is a nicely made movie with a creative script and brilliant execution. This is someone's story right, what makes you guys think that they were trying to get some message out. Maybe they just wanted to make a good movie/fiction.

The woman who wrote the story said so herself..
Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

There is nothing more annoying than over analyzing pop culture to the point it's lost all relevancy as entertainment. You must lead a sad and bitter life if you can't find enjoyment in such things.
I feel you, I know I'm not the only one that thinks that maybe this is a nicely made movie with a creative script and brilliant execution. This is someone's story right, what makes you guys think that they were trying to get some message out. Maybe they just wanted to make a good movie/fiction.

They weren't though. Certainly, creating an entertaining and visually stunning film was a component of the Matrix, but there are blatant philosophical elements to the films unto themselves, as well as the triology as a whole. This is evident in not only watching the movies, but also if you followed their development.

Hell, there are major University Philosophy courses dedicated solely to study the Matrix. It really is considered a modern philosophical text.
Maybe they just used the whole idea as inspiration. I know the Matrix is inspired by several philosophical ideas, but I don't think they werereally trying to sent out a message. To me, it just seems like a movie that looked visually stunning, yet still carries a simply meaning which what makes itgreat. If you think about it, alot of movies follow this criteria, it's just that The Matrix took it to the extremes. Every movie has some kind of hiddenmeaning to it IMO.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

There is nothing more annoying than over analyzing pop culture to the point it's lost all relevancy as entertainment. You must lead a sad and bitter life if you can't find enjoyment in such things.
I feel you, I know I'm not the only one that thinks that maybe this is a nicely made movie with a creative script and brilliant execution. This is someone's story right, what makes you guys think that they were trying to get some message out. Maybe they just wanted to make a good movie/fiction.

The woman who wrote the story said so herself..
Oh, I stand corrected.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

How them little slimy, cross dressing, transgendered freaks just stole Sophia Stewarts whole story and ran with it though?


She better win that lawsuit. They crooks came off with a couple hundred million of her work...enough for Larry's (Lana)sex change





She won. There was a story about it online; she's living in the Northwest these days and is going to use some of the money she won to start a record label. When I first heard in 2007 on the Tom Joyner Show that the concepts for the movies was stolen from her, I thought it was just some random woman coming forward, but since the truth's come out, I've been leery about many "creator-owned" projects.
Nah she didn't win... Damn shame too...
Originally Posted by devildog1776

The matrix is a methaphor ... I'll explain

- neo the chosen one is parallel to Jesus Christ or superman whichever floats your boat.... When neo gets to Zion and Henie greeted withnsuch admiration it can only be held for " the chosen one" people brought gifts , wanted him to protect them in times of trouble and asked if he could bless their children ... Peep the matrix 2 for a detailed review

- morpheous Is named after a Greek god( of dreams and sleep) he is the one to awaken the chosen one out of his spiritual slumber.... His role is to simply offer truth...

The red and blue paradigm is a desicion we subconsciously choose at some point in our lives... We get an offer from our " dream or morpheous " state and depending on our comfortabililty in our present state we make whichever decision makes us who we are... Choose to live oblivious to our spectrum of reality or choose to search for answers to the question you hold dearly in your heaet....

There's so much in this movie that it simply can't be types on my iPhone..... I'd be here for an hr if i really went in...

Neo was killed in front of room 303 take of the zero and we have 33 the age of Jesus' demise. Awoke 72 seconds later if turned into hrs equals 3 days... Jesus rising and we all know neo ascends to the heavens after he destroys smith...

NEOs passport expires on 9/11/2001 in the movie

So much to chat about this flick... I wanna watch it again to really get down into the symbology of the characters
Cluttered apathetic minds.

Devildog always bringing s_ to the table.

There is alot of stuff that is subliminally thrown into today's M.E.D.I.A. (Multi Ethnic Destruction In America)
But what people need to realize and grasp from the matrix is the true concept.
The truth about the mind maze of the matrix and how to unplug from it within consciousness and knowledge,
instead of being confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance.

That Neo passport expiration is something else though.

That's why its important that we have brothers and sisters that can decipher these type of things
and put the knowledge to use.
I notice something new every time I watch this film.
Is some type of mind control being used to control the masses? Damn right. Check out this article. highly recommend it.

Thats good many see that this system has you trap. But there is an exit and that exit is knowledge.
I myself decided to learn the law, statues, codes and etc. But it goes deeper than that. You should also learn about contracts, trust, and corporate immunity.We all enter into contracts and not even know it.
I understand there's philosophy to the Matrix trilogy. The problem arises when we over analyze entertainment to the point it's not enjoyable. The pointof a movie like that is to think about it, but not torture yourself and try and find some deeper meaning in the presentation.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I understand there's philosophy to the Matrix trilogy. The problem arises when we over analyze entertainment to the point it's not enjoyable. The point of a movie like that is to think about it, but not torture yourself and try and find some deeper meaning in the presentation.

If I were in this life for just enjoyment I would be looked at as an idiot. I dont want to enjoy most movies.
There is a reason Hitler killed mentally disabled people. Schizophrenia aint even a real disability. Hitler knew that those type of people would be able tolook at the situation and figure out his next move.

Every modern religion has a bit of truth within it, yes even Scientology. Its up to you as people to find it.
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