Today I just have an ominous feeling we're in the beginning of the end of times.

Good looks Retro J.

17 Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'--and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked--

Look at the entertainment industry. Lot of folks fall in with this.
155 years ago black babies were being used as gator bait and yall talking about things are getting worse?


I don't think yall realize how ****** up the world used to be.

100,000+ have died in Syria; almost all innocent civilians - dating back to March 15th, 2011.

I don't think you realize how ****** up the world is right now.

As a Muslim - I do believe the end times are near; and closer than we think. I'm a firm believer in Judgement Day and with the current events going on in this world - I would'nt doubt that we'll see the end in the next 50-100 years.
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Good looks Retro J.

17 Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'--and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked--

Look at the entertainment industry. Lot of folks fall in with this.
A vain Emperor who cares for nothing except wearing and displaying clothes hires two swindlers who promise him the finest, best suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "hopelessly stupid". The Emperor's ministers cannot see the clothing themselves, but pretend that they can for fear of appearing unfit for their positions and the Emperor does the same. Finally the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor marches in procession before his subjects.

Everyone said, loud enough for the others to hear: "Look at the Emperor's new clothes. They're beautiful!"

      "What a marvellous train!"

      "And the colors! The colors of that beautiful fabric! I have never seen anything like it in my life!" They all tried to conceal their disappointment at not being able to see the clothes, and since nobody was willing to admit his own stupidity and incompetence, they all behaved as the two scoundrels had predicted.

      A child, however, who had no important job and could only see things as his eyes showed them to him, went up to the carriage.

      "The Emperor is naked," he said.

      "Fool!" his father reprimanded, running after him. "Don't talk nonsense!" He grabbed his child and took him away. But the boy's remark, which had been heard by the bystanders, was repeated over and over again until everyone cried:

      "The boy is right! The Emperor is naked! It's true!"

      The Emperor realized that the people were right but could not admit to that. He though it better to continue the procession under the illusion that anyone who couldn't see his clothes was either stupid or incompetent. And he stood stiffly on his carriage, while behind him a page held his imaginary mantle.
Y'all really quoting a book that's proven to be plagiarized and re written several times over and over to suit the rulers needs through time. I'm afraid some super religious individual would one day launch a nuke because anybody that blindly follows any book that isn't a cook book made by lil b isn't all together . Y'all truly scaring me because you all aren't thinking for yourselves at all .
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Yes we should be overjoyed to talk about our faith and to praise our God at any chance we get. But that does no equate to forcing our religion on others.

Just because I tell you how great Jesus is, that doesn't mean I'm trying to force my religion on you. Thats me expressing how happy I am and what the Lord has done for ME.

There's a fine line between the two. And at times I feel like both parties involved don't understand that.

Jus because I say "Jesus saved me, I am so happy he has blessed me with good health and continues to protect me" that doesn't mean I expect you to pick up a bible and come to church with me on Sunday. But somehow, some people feel so uncomfortable with others being religious, that they think they are being forced into religion. Makes no sense to me.

Right, but why express religious views when it can obviously be an issue with both people of different faiths and people of no faith?

I think the reason is that there is an attempt to force religion onto others. The purpose of talking about your god and your faith is demonstrate that power they have in your life and to entice non-believers. You can't keep it to yourself because you're supposed to share it with others. 

When it comes to religion, it's typically a matter of eternal life or eternal damnation. I imagine that most religious people want to force their religion onto others because they want to save people from eternal damnation. You have to express that message because that non-believer could die at any moment. 

You think that the Bible has a message that is applicable to everyone's life, don't you? You think that everyone should be capable of being saved by Jesus, don't you? If that's the case, you do expect people to pick up a Bible because you believe that it's in their best interest to believe and accept that message. 

Yes, I do. But you have to make a choice to follow the word before putting it into application.

I don't expect anything out of anyone. I'm not here on this planet to grab you by the hand and lead you into heaven with me. You make the choice for yourself.

Yeah, I want my brother to have eternal life, but I'm not going to force him into it. Thats his choice.

If your opinion is that religion is here to force people into being faithful, then hey, thats your opinion.

But everything in life is a choice. Someone can't force you to believe anything. You make a choice to follow the path.

Feel me?

I look at things differently than a lot of people. I follow the word. I don't follow man, I follow the father. Thats just how I look at it.
155 years ago black babies were being used as gator bait and yall talking about things are getting worse?


I don't think yall realize how ****** up the world used to be.
100,000+ have died in Syria; almost all innocent civilians - dating back to March 15th, 2011.

I don't think you realize how ****** up the world is right now.

As a Muslim - I do believe the end times are near; and closer than we think. I'm a firm believer in Judgement Day and with the current events going on in this world - I would'nt doubt that we'll see the end in the next 50-100 years.
LOL @ Syria (your dumb comparison, not what's happening).

It's a civil war. More than HALF A MILLION people died in the American Civil War and hm, the world goes on.
Yes, I do. But you have to make a choice to follow the word before putting it into application.

I don't expect anything out of anyone. I'm not here on this planet to grab you by the hand and lead you into heaven with me. You make the choice for yourself.

Yeah, I want my brother to have eternal life, but I'm not going to force him into it. Thats his choice.

If your opinion is that religion is here to force people into being faithful, then hey, thats your opinion.

But everything in life is a choice. Someone can't force you to believe anything. You make a choice to follow the path.

Feel me?

I look at things differently than a lot of people. I follow the word. I don't follow man, I follow the father. Thats just how I look at it.
I didn't say anything about forcing people to believe. What I said was that it's in a believer's interest to force their religion onto others. In other words, talk about it, discuss it, actively try to convert people to the religion, etc. Religion is all about recruiting. Otherwise, you really don't need to talk about religion with people. 

You can't force people to believe anything, but you can do everything in your power to persuade them to. That's what I'm getting at. 
Yes, I do. But you have to make a choice to follow the word before putting it into application.

I don't expect anything out of anyone. I'm not here on this planet to grab you by the hand and lead you into heaven with me. You make the choice for yourself.

Yeah, I want my brother to have eternal life, but I'm not going to force him into it. Thats his choice.

If your opinion is that religion is here to force people into being faithful, then hey, thats your opinion.

But everything in life is a choice. Someone can't force you to believe anything. You make a choice to follow the path.

Feel me?

I look at things differently than a lot of people. I follow the word. I don't follow man, I follow the father. Thats just how I look at it.

I didn't say anything about forcing people to believe. What I said was that it's in a believer's interest to force their religion onto others. In other words, talk about it, discuss it, actively try to convert people to the religion, etc. Religion is all about recruiting. Otherwise, you really don't need to talk about religion with people. 

You can't force people to believe anything, but you can do everything in your power to persuade them to. That's what I'm getting at. 

Your second/third sentences contradict your opening statement. If someone is talking about something in hopes to convert someone into doing it by forcing it on them, is that not forcing someone to do something? Or TRYING to force someone to do something? Is that not what it is by definition?

Religion is not about recruiting. Thats where your misconception of everything falls. Thats where I see you don't understand.

You have a pre-conceived idea of what you think its all about already, so this conversation won't really go anywhere.

Never once have I talked about religion as a ploy or get others to "sign up" like I'm making commission on ever soul I save. Nor have I tried to persuade them into it.

As I have stated in my posts above, everyone has a choice. I'm not here to give them an ultimatum. If you don't want to be religious, then hey, do you. But don't falsely accuse a group of people or say "Religion is all about recruiting, you guys are trying to force your beliefs on people". Because thats not the case.

SOME people try. Those people do it less because of the religion and the teachings, and more of because they themselves want to feel some type of accomplishment with changing someone elses life. Thats a humanly issue, not a spiritual one.
Religion is not about recruiting. Thats where your misconception of everything falls. Thats where I see you don't understand.

You have a pre-conceived idea of what you think its all about already, so this conversation won't really go anywhere.

Never once have I talked about religion as a ploy or get others to "sign up" like I'm making commission on ever soul I save. Nor have I tried to persuade them into it.
Matthew 28:18-20

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 12:30

Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
2 Corinthians 5:20

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
Your second/third sentences contradict your opening statement. If someone is talking about something in hopes to convert someone into doing it by forcing it on them, is that not forcing someone to do something? Or TRYING to force someone to do something? Is that not what it is by definition?

Religion is not about recruiting. Thats where your misconception of everything falls. Thats where I see you don't understand.

You have a pre-conceived idea of what you think its all about already, so this conversation won't really go anywhere.

Never once have I talked about religion as a ploy or get others to "sign up" like I'm making commission on ever soul I save. Nor have I tried to persuade them into it.

As I have stated in my posts above, everyone has a choice. I'm not here to give them an ultimatum. If you don't want to be religious, then hey, do you. But don't falsely accuse a group of people or say "Religion is all about recruiting, you guys are trying to force your beliefs on people". Because thats not the case.

SOME people try. Those people do it less because of the religion and the teachings, and more of because they themselves want to feel some type of accomplishment with changing someone elses life. Thats a humanly issue, not a spiritual one.
Forcing your beliefs on someone is not the same as forcing someone to believe. Do you just give up on someone because they don't believe or do you continue trying to convert them? 

Hah, religion isn't about recruiting? The Bible is all about spreading the word of god. What purpose would that serve?
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I look at things differently than a lot of people. I follow the word. I don't follow man, I follow the father. Thats just how I look at it.

Lol no you don't. You follow the word of some guy who taught u the bible and the christian faith. Probably a child molester at that. You're no different than every other christian. You are taught and told what to believe and how to believe it. You are delusional if u think u are any different.
Yes, I do. But you have to make a choice to follow the word before putting it into application.

I don't expect anything out of anyone. I'm not here on this planet to grab you by the hand and lead you into heaven with me. You make the choice for yourself.

Yeah, I want my brother to have eternal life, but I'm not going to force him into it. Thats his choice.

If your opinion is that religion is here to force people into being faithful, then hey, thats your opinion.

But everything in life is a choice. Someone can't force you to believe anything. You make a choice to follow the path.

Feel me?

I look at things differently than a lot of people. I follow the word. I don't follow man, I follow the father. Thats just how I look at it.

I didn't say anything about forcing people to believe. What I said was that it's in a believer's interest to force their religion onto others. In other words, talk about it, discuss it, actively try to convert people to the religion, etc. Religion is all about recruiting. Otherwise, you really don't need to talk about religion with people. 

You can't force people to believe anything, but you can do everything in your power to persuade them to. That's what I'm getting at. 

Why do you get worried about somebody trying to recruit you to a religion?

People try to recruit me to MLMs but I just refuse and keep it moving
I look at things differently than a lot of people. I follow the word. I don't follow man, I follow the father. Thats just how I look at it.

Lol no you don't. You follow the word of some guy who taught u the bible and the christian faith. Probably a child molester at that. You're no different than every other christian. You are taught and told what to believe and how to believe it. You are delusional if u think u are any different.

Oh ok...
I look at things differently than a lot of people. I follow the word. I don't follow man, I follow the father. Thats just how I look at it.

Lol no you don't. You follow the word of some guy who taught u the bible and the christian faith. Probably a child molester at that. You're no different than every other christian. You are taught and told what to believe and how to believe it. You are delusional if u think u are any different.

Oh ok...
Hey remember when two planes flew into two of the largest, most symbolic, iconic buildings in New York city?

Yeah. Two commercial airliners. FLEW INTO A a giant missile. after being hijacked by two humans, while carrying many more humans, flying into one of the world's biggest most populated cities, in order to destroy two giant buildings, which coincidentally were filled with even more humans.

But you know what, that was over 10 years ago...this. THIS post, this time period right this minute is most definitely a sign of the end. A man was killed in the streets and a girl hung herself due to bullies.

Thanks for shedding light on these things and helping us realize, OP.

Dudes in here posting religious passages
What im saying.

Dudes can never pass up the opportunity to earn brownie points with their version of Jesus.

The fact that this thread is still going is even more of a disappointment.
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