
And they will never know the feeling of being scared to touch one of these out of fear of getting shocked!



I loved how the buttons felt on the receiver and remote. :lol:
And they will never know the feeling of being scared to touch one of these out of fear of getting shocked!


YO! If you had the cable box you were DOING it back in the day.

We didn't get boxes until I turned 8 or 9

Before then we had that bootleg cable

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Kids will never know watching Channel 4 during WWF PPVs. You ain't order it because your parents knew it was ridiculous to pay $40 to watch wrestling. But you and your bro would just listen to the commentary on a screen of colors, hoping for that split second when the picture was clear
I'm 30 and I feel like people around that age had a unique childhood. I remember both how it was playing outside all day like our father's day they always bring up and when video games really started getting good (graphics, complexities, etc.) and staying in all day and night playing the hottest releases. I don't know if you can really say that for other generations.

And I was just talking to my boy the other day how kids these days will never know that feeling of calling a girls house and for one, being nervous at the chance their Dad's pick up the phone as if calling the girl you had a crush on wasn't intimidating enough. You couldn't just text her to break the ice. Cherished memories right there.
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I'm 30 and I feel like people around that age had a unique childhood. I remember both how it was playing outside all day like our father's day they always bring up and when video games really started getting good (graphics, complexities, etc.) and staying in all day and night playing the hottest releases. I don't know if you can really say that for other generations.

And I was just talking to my boy the other day how kids these days will never know that feeling of calling a girls house and for one, being nervous at the chance their Dad's pick up the phone as if calling the girl you had a crush on wasn't intimidating enough. You couldn't just text her to break the ice. Cherished memories right there.

Not lying at all man. Turn 28 next week, and I feel like we got to see the best of a lot of stuff, from it's early stages of struggle, then growing up during it's evolution where things became easier. Only thing I feel like I missed out on was not being old enough for the Texas/Kappa beach parties and clubs in their real hot phase in general. 2 of my cousins I'm most tight with (who are 33 and 35 now) were old enough and the things they used to tell me would have me on edge :lol: :lol:
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Not lying at all man. Turn 28 next week, and I feel like we got to see the best of a lot of stuff, from it's early stages of struggle, then growing up during it's evolution where things became easier. Only thing I feel like I missed out on was not being old enough for the Texas/Kappa beach parties and clubs in their real hot phase in general. 2 of my cousins I'm most tight with (who are 33 and 35 now) were old enough and the things they used to tell me would have me on edge :lol: :lol:

Imagine how I feel, I'm in my late 30s. Btw, the Kappa was the bizness. I went to a few.
We were the last of the analog/go get it if you want it generation. This new point, click, get generation will never understand the value of what they have........ Damn it I sound like an old man
We were the last of the analog/go get it if you want it generation. This new point, click, get generation will never understand the value of what they have........ Damn it I sound like an old man

Refer to my previous post, imagine how I feel. It's just too easy for these here whippersnappers these days.
Refer to my previous post, imagine how I feel. It's just too easy for these here whippersnappers these days.

It's actually becoming a big problem. This new generation doesnt have any logical and critical problem solving skills. The extent to "finding" something is a Google search. Once that fails they're tapped out of ideas. In the long run we're left with lazy people with absolutely zero resources, critical thinking skills, and experience.
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We were the last of the analog/go get it if you want it generation. This new point, click, get generation will never understand the value of what they have........ Damn it I sound like an old man

Refer to my previous post, imagine how I feel. It's just too easy for these here whippersnappers these days.

How do we choose to interpret this though? I find that by saying it's "too easy these days" leaves out the other end of the spectrum and how we still understand the value and can utilize the value of social interaction as in person-to-person, voice-to-voice, instead of phone-to-phone or through technology.

Edit: Blaster beat me to where I was going with this.
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We were the last of the analog/go get it if you want it generation. This new point, click, get generation will never understand the value of what they have........ Damn it I sound like an old man

Refer to my previous post, imagine how I feel. It's just too easy for these here whippersnappers these days.

How do we choose to interpret this though? I find that by saying it's "too easy these days" leaves out the other end of the spectrum and how we still understand the value and can utilize the value of social interaction as in person-to-person, voice-to-voice, instead of phone-to-phone or through technology.

Edit: Blaster beat me to where I was going with this.

Couldn't agree more. The current gen basically has every avenue to find the information they need, yet they take it for granted cause they feel like it'll always be there, cause it's that convenient. You have people typing in exact equations on google and finding the exact answers. Then I think about the pencil and paper struggles I used to have during Pre-Cal, then Physics by comparison :lol:. Those struggles just make you appreciate things later on when newer technology is available.
Yes indeed :pimp:

Channel 37 or 39, one Sunday per month...always looked forward to it :smokin
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