Top 10 Celebrities who tried to (allegedly) commit suicide...

^THAT was crazy. I remember they had pics and everything...

The most surprising, to me, was Halle Berry.

Really¿ The Halle/D. Justice era is definitely one for the ages. We still talk about it down here in ATL. They both were off the chain forreal.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

at people that still think TO was trying to kill himself... the media blew that out of proportion

but how about Deion Sanders? drove off a bridge

I heard Deion drove off a small cliff...and the car was totaled,but he was completly unharmed...
Originally Posted by mrshoeman

what about that one singer Houston? didnt he try and take his eye out because of the devil or somethin? lol
Damn I remember when that happened..that was mad nasty.

Because of the devil though? I thought it was because he was just strung out cause his album flopped or something.
Halle Berry has always had trouble with men. Didn't her ex-husband/boyfriend hit her to the point where she's now nearly deaf in one ear?
damn. these people have all the money they can handle and still try to kill themselves?!
Some of those are just speculation. A friend of mine could claim I was trying to die when I snorted a gram and a half of coke and downed a fifth of vodka in asingle night. Doesn't mean I was trying to kill myself.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Uh, no. If you swallow 30 Tylenol pills and don't tell anyone, you're expecting to die.

Then why stop trying when the first attempt doesn't succeed?

"[font=trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica]The thing I don't understand about the suicide person is the people who try and commitsuicide for some reason they don't die and that's it. They stop trying. Why? Why don't they just keep trying? What has changed? Is their life anybetter now? No. In fact it's worse because now they've found out one more thing you stink at. Okay, that's why these people don't succeed inlife to begin with. Because they give up too easy. I say, pills don't work, try a rope. Car won't start in the garage, get a tune up. You know what Imean? There's nothing more rewarding than reaching a goal you have set for yourself."[/font]
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