Touchy Subject: How do you guys feel about replica "other" things. Vol. We all know how we feel abou

if you cant afford it, dont buy the fake to make people think you can.

just dont buy fakes.

get your money up or forget it.
Hate everything replica but the replica Shelby Cobra doesn't bother me.
in da car world anything thats not a OG real deal matching number's car straight from da factory according to its build sheet is a "clone" car...

they're not fake cars..their just not true blue VIN accurate cars...think air randy whips.

There is a big difference between a clone car and a replica car. Clones are usually base models that share the same platform as a premium model and imitate their apperance and in many cases drivetrain IE Malibu/Chevelle SS or Caprice/Impala SS. Clone cars minimally start with a factory frame have real VINs that identify them as an original factory built car (albeit a base model VIN, but still this makes it much easier to register or sell) .

Replica cars are a straight knockoff usually built from mail order kits with no "real" original parts whatsoever. Frames are ususally custom built tube chassis so they have to be registered as a handmade vehicle.

a "kit car" is usually a real "other" car underneath though.....

miami vice's fake ferrari daytona was a real corvette underneath.

but i dont wanna open up da slippery slope cuz kit cars can turn into ratchet mobiles too lol...

as a fellow muscle car fan clone cars i agree with your definition, but i'd add that to da HARDCORE barrett jackson type collector, they would consider clone cars "fake" cuz it wasnt

straight from da factory wit certain things from da build sheet.

haha Ninja you never cease to amaze me! You really DO know your stuff ! Especially when it comes to cars.

70s Vettes have been one of the most popular chassis used to build a kitcars for ages. I actually had no idea the Daytona in MV was a fake, good look on the trivia lol. The Testarossa was real though?... right ??

I agree about the Barret Jakson snobs too. Ive seen some clones that smash on the real deal and I know most of those guys wouldnt touch them with a 10ft pole.

Personally I wouldnt mess with a replica car because they are usually exotics and I would hate to attract that much attention. But I think a well done clone is an awesome option if you are looking for a whip you love but can actually enjoy as a daily driver without worrying about messing up a peice of history... not to mention clones are a great way to save on insurance costs.
with replica things i just can't do it sometimes. only encounters i personally have with something replica is food. like them offbrand sodas and stuff its just not the same but i'm not saying i haven't ate generic stuff before. as far as sneakers, hats, and clothes go that's a :smh:
I really can't stand people who wear fake high end designer clothing.Franalations rocks a fake givenchy rottwiler tee :x And the wanna be fly hood dudes with fake monclers, and bb belts .Disgusting
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depends what it is... if it has the name brand and is fake then i cant promote that... but if its like a burburry scarf on chinatown with the exact print then i can roll with that.. because its not like it has the brand on there just the print really...
what ya feel about things that "intrinsically" are not considered genuine but atomically are 100% accurate? i.e. lab made diamonds instead of ground dug,

nike ID mimickin OG colored sneakers, air randy jordans, etc?

This is a perfect example. To the naked eye a moissanite and a diamond probably look exactly the same. Hell, the moissanite even might dance in the light better than a diamond. So what makes the diamond have more intrinsic value? People might say that diamonds are valuable because they're rare, but the production of diamonds is tightly controlled and those who control production know that there is value in scarcity. So what makes a diamond valuable if lab created stones can shine more brilliantly and they ARE NOT rare?
what ya feel about things that "intrinsically" are not considered genuine but atomically are 100% accurate? i.e. lab made diamonds instead of ground dug,

nike ID mimickin OG colored sneakers, air randy jordans, etc?
This is a perfect example. To the naked eye a moissanite and a diamond probably look exactly the same. Hell, the moissanite even might dance in the light better than a diamond. So what makes the diamond have more intrinsic value? People might say that diamonds are valuable because they're rare, but the production of diamonds is tightly controlled and those who control production know that there is value in scarcity. So what makes a diamond valuable if lab created stones can shine more brilliantly and they ARE NOT rare?
thats why i wouldn't go jump out da window for stones, keep da heavy paper for precious metal.
to be honest I cant tell the difference besides the obvious bags women carry... besides this one time... my freshman year I was talking to this girl and I told her that her chanel bag was nice..She laughed and yea its fake lol..
Edit*  Nvm. Why did I think this thread was about girls using dildos and vibrators?
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As far as clothes are concerned, I want them authentic. Same with cars, too. Electronics like headphones and what not, who cares? It's gonna break at some point, anyway.
Mods: Not even sure if this is even ok, but I'm in no way promoting anything replica here.

We all know how we all feel about fake shoes in general. It's disgusting...

So, I was wondering, how do you guys feel about other fake things such as wallets, belts, watches? You know, where there's a much less chance someone would call you out on them.

Please, all the e-thugs, if you're gonna front and act like we're all made out of money, don't even comment.

Personally, I really like LV belts, but I can't find myself spending $400 on a belt, not even $200!

i feel like if you love the design then buying replica is understandable (i dont think its ok, im saying i understand why someone would do that)

honestly i buy what i like, if i feel im being overcharged even if i like it i wont buy it, but i wouldnt buy replica because i've never come across something that i had to have that bad
Separating the "have" from the "have not's" is not for gloating, it's a symbol of rewarded hard work. Luxury items are for people that can afford these items to help a class of people with the same work ethic or ideals as themselves. Magazines (GQ etc), vehicles, clothing and accessories, or electronics are built for CLASSES of people.

People who buy fake anything, do not have the concept of hard work and their craving for instant gratification is a clear indication for their lack of self-esteem and leadership skills. Individuals that need to fit in that badly are usually unstable to begin with.

You sound like you on that high horse bro, you think that everybody who wears luxury items work hard for it ? There are plenty off moochers, scammers, thieves, trust fund babies etc who wear that high end stuff. Im not saying there arent people who work hard every day and earn enough to buy whatever they want, but not everyone with a 500 dollar belt or a 1k purse knows the value of hard work ..... the world isnt that black and white.

And to say people who buy fake things dont know the value of hard work is seriously judgmental and a big blanket statement. How do you know if they worked hard or not, your telling me that the people who buy bootleg kicks off the table in discount stores dont know the concept of hard work. Some of them are just struggling families trying to keep clothes on their kids, and some people dont even know theyre buying fake goods.

I dont cop or condone fake goods but you make people who do sound like 2nd class citizens......:smh:
Anything that I don't care about the quality of, I'll buy fake/replica. I tear up all of my t-shirts so I'd never buy one for more than $20 (and even that's a stretch). If my watch keeps proper time it can be fake as hell and it won't matter. Does that belt keep my pants up? Fake. I couldn't ever spend $400 on a belt when I could spend $20 and save the rest of that for something I actually need. Sneakers are actually the only thing that I splurge on. And truthfully, one of the main reasons that I would never buy fake sneakers is because there are far too many ways that wearing improperly made shoes can completely **** up your body alignment and cause all kinds of pain if you're not careful.
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I don't like replica items but I have owned replica jerseys, both football and basketball, but that is about as far as I will go...I feel you though on the $400 belt...ridiculous...but if you have the money to spend on it and it's not really going to set you back then why not...
aye famb, where did you cop your high horse?
So the day laborer that cops fake j's doesn't work hard? Sorry to break it to you, but not everyone that is able to afford name brand items worked for them or deserves them. The have and have not's is just another "creation of the other" that pits one group of people against another. Capitalism is what drives people to cop fakes. Some feel they need these items to fit in or be accepted (kids and kicks)
Dude said discuss like this is was a big topic :lol:

Since when did the word "discuss" imply a big topic? smh...

Anyways, I see everyone's points here, they all make sense. In the end, to each his own. As a sneakerhead, I definitely feel superior whenever I see someone wearing fake shoes, but I'll never really confront them about it. That's their business. I don't know how hard they worked to get those, fake or not. We all have our stories, so I TRY not to judge. We all know we do it anyway...
Honestly, I can't knowingly rock something fake unless it's to appease someone, like wearing a fake jersey because someone bought it for me.  It's more so because of quality, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find a little satisfaction in having an authentic product.  Doesn't bother me if someone is rocking something fake though, I really don't even notice...
I have had this argument many times and obviously I personally don't support fakes... but the two that always stump me are the argument of relating "replica" items to art and attitude...

Art - You can't afford to have a Van Gough in your living room, but would you clown me for having a picture of his artwork framed? Even if I made clear that it was obviously a picture of his art and not the original?

Attitude - If I am rocking fake shoes, and you call me on it, what does that say about you regarding your priorities in life? Then again, if I am rocking fakes, and nobody calls me on it or notices, then who cares right?
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