***Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen***

I enjoyed it a lot I dont know what yall are complaining about so much ITS A ACTION MOVIE FOR GOODNESS SAKES
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas


ya who live in the middle of nowhere with no imax theater in reasonable distance

feel bad
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]word ...[/color]
How you people saying you enjoyed it when they killed Optimus for the whole freaking movie, and then bring him back for the last 10 minutes is beyond me...

He represented though, but Prime should have gotten way more exposure in this film...

Also, how was he getting pounded in the first one by Megatron shooting the fair, but all of the sudden this dude Prime is taking on 4-6 dudes at a time andwrecking shop...

They need to focus more on the story of the Autobots and Decepticons than the stupid love affair of Megan Fox and Shaia, yes Megan is easy on the eyes butshe's not going to sell this movie into the hundred millions...

I mean he did what this movie was intended though which was to entertain as a summer blockbuster...

Movie was mad cheesy though between the love seens, and unecassary comedy from Shia...

Also, GI JOE is going to suck so much too...
Watched it last night. I misssed the first 10 minutes because of traffic.

I pretty much enjoyed it... although, as many others on NT have said.... some parts were too short... and other parts just dragged on.

- Optimus taking on 3, 4 decepicons was just

- Quite a lot of humor in the movie... Sam's mom eating "brownies"... Wheelie humping Megan Fox's leg... Leo tazing himself in thebathroom... and that Sector 7 dude pinpointing his location "directly below the target's scrotum" had me

(Although they could've done without showing the Sector 7 jockstrap)

- too many quotables... "One man abandoned by his country... "

- The twins
(Did they get killed in the end though?)
- one of the decepticons having a tongue...

- The run to the Pillars scene was just too long for me...

- The Fallen was too easily killed IMO.
- The part where Sam's Pokemon-like calling out for "Bumblebee" every time Bumblebee does something was kinda annoying by the third time he didit in the movie...

- It sucked when they killed of Jetfire.
- It's always funny when Optimus gets all philosophical in the end...

That Corvette was straight
I hated Megatrons fat @@@ legs. He looked a mess and sounded so weak this time.

He was a flying tank for god sakes. They could have did better
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by rowbot626

Originally Posted by DubA169

Michael Bay is beyond a hack

niketalk really needs to step their movie game up

no one does explosions like michael bay dude... you act like we went to watch a movie that will show us the meaning of life or some %%%...smh... it is what it is an action movie plain and simple.
that's like saying nobody does slow motion like zack snyder. Which is also a ridiculous statement.

An action movie doesn't have to be dumbed down for it to be good.

dont tell me you watch a Van Damme flick for the story?? you watch a Van Damme flick to see the 360 kick replay in the end! cmon' now!
It wasn't a sophomore jinx. I enjoyed this more than TF1. Not just one eye candy this time but two. It would've been awesome if Fox and that fembotchick got into a cat fight. I would watch again but in IMAX.
He represented though, but Prime should have gotten way more exposure in this film...

i thought it was symbolic w/ prime not getting much exposure. the whole destinies intertwined thing. plus it showed the strengths of the autobots and humansvs hiding behind optimus. not to mention, optimus being vulnerable.
The first one sucked and so did this one.

That the plot is nonexistent and the characters dumb as dirt goes without saying. But I'm more than willing to overlook that since its an action movie. Butthe action sucks. Same problem as the first one. I wasn't sure if they wanted to film a fight scene or a colonoscopy of Optimus Prime.
Amazing movie
I'm definitely gonna try watching it a second time

Anybody know if there is a scene after the credits?
It was cool. Pretty solid. It's what you would expect out of a Michael Bay film.

I liked TF1 better though.

TF2 was just TF1 + more action + more fox + corny "love" story.

But I'm definitely swoopin' once it drops on Blu-Ray.

Just bring in Sunstreaker in TF3 and I'm straight.
http://www.youtube.com/v/fB0_vJUc3o4&hl=en&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/fB0_vJUc3o4&hl=en&fs=1&

"The Touch" should have started playing when Jetfire tore out his spark to hand to Optimus, then it should have been playing for the rest of thefight with Optimus, Megatron, and The Fallen.

"The Touch could have also played when Sam stabbed Optimus with the matrix but it wouldn't have been right seeing as how Optimus got the matrixslapped out of him like 30 seconds later.

at Devestator going out like that, he had so much potential in this movie.

also for not having Skywarp and Thundercracker(or was it clapper?) I mean come on, bring back the 3 OG seekers from the cartoon.

I still liked the movie though.
Originally Posted by brooklynhustla

The first one sucked and so did this one.

That the plot is nonexistent and the characters dumb as dirt goes without saying. But I'm more than willing to overlook that since its an action movie. But the action sucks. Same problem as the first one. I wasn't sure if they wanted to film a fight scene or a colonoscopy of Optimus Prime.

So, what movies did you enjoy in life? Must be hard to please you huh? (no karamo)
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