***Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen***

Movie was a blast. End of story.

Im actually quite surprised many movie blog sites hated on it. Critics yes. Aintitcoolnews,joblo,latinoreview..no.

It had all of the negatives everyone is saying, bad editing, bad dialogue, stereotypical robots, long/eh plot but to me none of that $+@* mattered. It was afun movie about humans and robots. I dont get what they expected. I liked following around Shia and Megan. I personally would have been bored if it was mainlytransformers. If the movie was just based on transformers liek the cartoon, you are alienating mad ppl who don't want to see just a cartoon.

This movie was made for everyone

My friends loved it. I loved it. And my audience in a real IMAX auditorium loved it.

Devastor in IMAX
Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

allright this is coming from a G1 nerd...

i liked the movie... it was meant to be entertaining, which it was.. it was just a bit long... i wish there was a scene after the credits, maybe of unicorn screaming because prime got the matrix, or one of hotrod crashing on earth....

-starscream, megatron and soundwave all survived, so the three main decepticons will be in part iii
-starscream and megatrons bickering, always classic, i am glad they added this to the movie
-keeping with jetfires story of being a lost out of commission transformer on earth, for those who do not know in the original G1 series he was an old friend of starscream, because they were both cybertronian scientist they went looking for energon rich planets and jetfire got lost on earth
-the incorporation of the matrix of leadership, even though it's the "autobot matrix of leadership" but i understand why they changed it for the movie
-soundwave, i like that they kept him away form the battles, save him for the next movie

-i hated the fact that they used skids and mudflapper as the twins, they should have used sideswipe and sunstreaker, it doesnt matter if bay kept with the stereotypical personality, they still should of used those two as the twins instead
-also, the fact that sideswipe had wheels for feet, that was kinda suspect and how come jolt barely got any movie time, he was just that blue transformer in the background
-the fact that arcee was comprised of three separate entities, the pink mortorcycle and the purple one dies, but the red one survived, so i guess arcee is still alive
-i hate combiners, pretenders and all that other crap, it was kind of blah how jetfire and optimus combined, is it transformers energon or armada where prime combines with jetfire...?
-wheeli, i hated him in the 86' movie, i hate him now
-the constructicons, basically they had 2 sets of constructicons, a set that became devastator and another set that did battle against the army in the desert, that was kinda stupid...
-most importantly, the fallen, dude could teleport, levitate stuff... BUT HE HAD NO HAND-TO-HAND FIGHTING SKILL... i understand prime had the matrix and combined with jetfire, but come on now, he got murked pretty easily... he was pretty weak for one of the original 13

all in all i did enjoy it though.. i would love to see what they have in stored for pt iii, perhaps:
-hotrod and ultra magnus?
-will we finally find out what happened to barricade?
-5-words: thundercracker, skywarp, dirge, thrust, ramjet
-starscream betraying megatron?

when we left the theatre, my boy was like... "michael bay is a racist and a sexist... in the 1st movie the black autobot got killed, in the 2nd it was the chick autobot, in the 3rd movie im sure he's going to kill off the gay autobot.....ultra magnus..." i was like yea, ultra magnus is kind of ayoooo.....

can you match each movie autobot to their original counterpart???
I thought Barricade is dead? That's why Optimus showed up late in the battle in part 1....I think it was covered in the comics after hefinished off Bonecrusher he finished Barricade off
Movie was awesome.

Side note - A Beast Wars movie would be great, I loved watching that as a kid, too.
My opinions changed after seeing it a second time. It was all the hype that made me believe it was the best movie ever. It was just cool to see the TF'sback in action. The fight scenes were sweet, some scenes could have been left out, the autobots could have called in more robots. Decepticons were hella deep.They had back up for days. Megatron looked a mess.
If you see it twice, you will think differently about it as well. I was so geeked you couldn't have told me nothing bad about it.

I love long movies if it's good. TDK had a great dialogue , this one kinda dragged and jumped around.
LOL @ Ultra Magnus being Ayo

Is it me or did Megatron turn into a tank outta nowhere? no explanation of how he got that ability being that he was a jet before..
Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

allright this is coming from a G1 nerd...

-the constructicons, basically they had 2 sets of constructicons, a set that became devastator and another set that did battle against the army in the desert, that was kinda stupid...
-most importantly, the fallen, dude could teleport, levitate stuff... BUT HE HAD NO HAND-TO-HAND FIGHTING SKILL... i understand prime had the matrix and combined with jetfire, but come on now, he got murked pretty easily... he was pretty weak for one of the original 13

This is what had me scratching my head the whole time. The second time seeing it I noticed a whole lot of other ++#. I recommend people to see it again.It's all the hype that had you the 1st time around. It was a great movie, but a lot of bs they tossed in just to make the movie happen.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

LOL @ Ultra Magnus being Ayo

Is it me or did Megatron turn into a tank outta nowhere? no explanation of how he got that ability being that he was a jet before..

When they woke him up at the bottom of the ocean they took the parts from one of the construction joints. IMO Megatron looked a mess. Dude was a flyingtank........ I mean come on. lol Dudes legs were mad swollen lol

They never really even showed him transform. He was always hid behind something and you heard it. They could have done better
already posted , but just wanted to know if theyre any hidden things.like more auto's or decepts???hidden things that might appear if they have a 3rd?fillme in.
Originally Posted by j671

already posted , but just wanted to know if theyre any hidden things.like more auto's or decepts???hidden things that might appear if they have a 3rd?fill me in.

I hope so.

Your avy is sick!! I don't even remember that play !!!
i still dont know why there are no Lambo's in these movies when they had like 4 transformers that were Lambo's
Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

allright this is coming from a G1 nerd...

i liked the movie... it was meant to be entertaining, which it was.. it was just a bit long... i wish there was a scene after the credits, maybe of unicorn screaming because prime got the matrix, or one of hotrod crashing on earth....

-starscream, megatron and soundwave all survived, so the three main decepticons will be in part iii
-starscream and megatrons bickering, always classic, i am glad they added this to the movie
-keeping with jetfires story of being a lost out of commission transformer on earth, for those who do not know in the original G1 series he was an old friend of starscream, because they were both cybertronian scientist they went looking for energon rich planets and jetfire got lost on earth
-the incorporation of the matrix of leadership, even though it's the "autobot matrix of leadership" but i understand why they changed it for the movie
-soundwave, i like that they kept him away form the battles, save him for the next movie

-i hated the fact that they used skids and mudflapper as the twins, they should have used sideswipe and sunstreaker, it doesnt matter if bay kept with the stereotypical personality, they still should of used those two as the twins instead
-also, the fact that sideswipe had wheels for feet, that was kinda suspect and how come jolt barely got any movie time, he was just that blue transformer in the background
-the fact that arcee was comprised of three separate entities, the pink mortorcycle and the purple one dies, but the red one survived, so i guess arcee is still alive
-i hate combiners, pretenders and all that other crap, it was kind of blah how jetfire and optimus combined, is it transformers energon or armada where prime combines with jetfire...?
-wheeli, i hated him in the 86' movie, i hate him now
-the constructicons, basically they had 2 sets of constructicons, a set that became devastator and another set that did battle against the army in the desert, that was kinda stupid...
-most importantly, the fallen, dude could teleport, levitate stuff... BUT HE HAD NO HAND-TO-HAND FIGHTING SKILL... i understand prime had the matrix and combined with jetfire, but come on now, he got murked pretty easily... he was pretty weak for one of the original 13

all in all i did enjoy it though.. i would love to see what they have in stored for pt iii, perhaps:
-hotrod and ultra magnus?
-will we finally find out what happened to barricade?
-5-words: thundercracker, skywarp, dirge, thrust, ramjet
-starscream betraying megatron?

when we left the theatre, my boy was like... "michael bay is a racist and a sexist... in the 1st movie the black autobot got killed, in the 2nd it was the chick autobot, in the 3rd movie im sure he's going to kill off the gay autobot.....ultra magnus..." i was like yea, ultra magnus is kind of ayoooo.....

can you match each movie autobot to their original counterpart???

I didn't even know that Wheelie was in the movie, but I hated him too in the 86 movie, annoying little guy, so was blurr.

Like I mentioned in my other post, GM used this movie as an advertising campaign for two piece of crap cars, the twins. Although I like their characters, buttheir vehicle mode sucked. I really wish Michael Bay would put some exotics cars as Autobots, the Lamborghini triplets, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Red Alert(with his buddy Inferno) and bring a 4th Lambo Stunticon Breakdown. Also how about Wheeljack or Hound? These were the guys that appeared in 95% of the cartoonseries.

And Michael Bay always had a special privilege with the Department of Defense, why doesn't he just incorporate the Aerialbots in the movie? F-16s FightingFalcons were in the movie, make one as Skydive, F-15 Eagle as Air Raid. F-4 Phantoms had been retired from USAF service (except for Drone and targetingpurposed) so Bay just have to look for another Fireflight, maybe an F-18 Hornet. USMC aviation still got Harriers, there's Slingshot. And forget the FrenchConcorde as Silverbolt, stick with the military theme, and bring in the B-1 (BONE) Lancer, which was also in Transformers 2, to complete the aerialbot force.
[h1]'Transformers' scores $60.6 mil on day 1[/h1] [h4]Easily on target for projected $150 mil-plus by Sunday[/h4]
By Carl DiOrio

June 25, 2009, 11:08 AM ET

AMSTERDAM - Paramount's DreamWorks-produced action sequel "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" - screened for a receptive group of European exhibs at the Cinema Expo confab here earlier this week - rung up $60.6 million in its first day in domestic release.

Par released the early estimate of first-day boxoffice Thursday morning. The figure included more than $16 million from midnight Wednesday performances, as the 2 ½-hour, Michael Bay-helmed pic -- in which Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox reprise topliner roles -- seems well positioned to hit its projected $150 million-plus in opening-frame boxoffice through Sunday.

Hasbro is a co-producer of the pic, which like its 2007 predecessor is based on a line of toy action figures. The first "Transformers" pic rang up more than $708 million in worldwide coin.
I never kept up with the cartoon, but as a person that saw the movie I thought that it was horrible. I can appreciate the action scenes and the CGI, but thiswas just completely and utterly unbelievable. First of all, every single girl at shia leboufs school was a 8+. Even the extras were bangin. Second of all,anything and everything that could have happened in favor of the autobots did. Decepticons started "turning" just so that the autobots could finallywin. Once that old $$$ decepticon changed sides i lost interest in the movie. Maybe this follows the storyline of the cartoons (IDK), but I did not like it.

Having said all of this I give this movie a 7 out of 10, and the only reason I do so is because Megan Fox was in it and she looked so incredibly amazing I gaveit a 5/10 just for having her in it. Unless I'm 100% sure shes a ******...i'm smashing IDGAF
UPDATE: Transformers Breaks Wednesday Record with $60.6M!
Source:Variety June 25, 2009

Michael Bay's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen earned $60.6 million its first day, easily breaking the opening day record for a Wednesday release at thedomestic box office.

The previous record-holder was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which grossed $44.2 million in its first day.

The $60.6 million is the second-biggest single day at the domestic box office ever, trailing only The Dark Knight's $67.2 million and surpassing Spider-Man3's $59.8 million.

"Revenge of the Fallen," playing in more than 4,200 theaters in the U.S., has a strong shot at surpassing the $152.4 million earned by Spider-Man 2in its first five days. That film opened on the same Wednesday in 2004. The 5-day record is held by The Dark Knight, which made $203.8 million its first fivedays last July.

The opening day haul in the U.S. included $16 million in midnight runs, the best run ever for a film released on a Wednesday. And it's the third-best ofall time after The Dark Knight ($18.5 million) and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith ($16.9 million).

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Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

i still dont know why there are no Lambo's in these movies when they had like 4 transformers that were Lambo's

The Audi R8 wasn't good enough?

The Audi got handled with the quickness though

Devestator transforming was
That old deception killed it in a bad way.

The movie tried wayyyy too hard to be funny, 30minutes should have been cut.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Movie was awesome.

Side note - A Beast Wars movie would be great, I loved watching that as a kid, too.
beast wars was
i still got some of the toys somewhere in the house
Like I mentioned in my other post, GM used this movie as an advertising campaign for two piece of crap cars, the twins. Although I like their characters, but their vehicle mode sucked. I really wish Michael Bay would put some exotics cars as Autobots, the Lamborghini triplets, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Red Alert (with his buddy Inferno) and bring a 4th Lambo Stunticon Breakdown. Also how about Wheeljack or Hound? These were the guys that appeared in 95% of the cartoon series.

I hated this about the movie. Like they were pushing Chevy's. Kind of what turned me off Fast and the Furious 2, when they were trying to shoveMitsubishi's down our throats. Think about it, part 1, the notable cars were Bumblebee (Chevy Camaro), Barricade (Ford Mustang) and Iron Hide (GMC).

It didn't seem as product placement, but when they gave the twins their new set of wheels it was blatant, gave a
during that scene.

Overall, I liked it.

I watched the cartoon as a kid, not as deep as that dude that just did the dissertation (A+, very insightful).

-will we finally find out what happened to barricade?
Barricade was
in part 1 (The 'Stang). I don'tthink Optimus off'ed him after Bone Crusher. He just dissapeared.

Like many, I wish there were more autobots. They always seem outnumbered and smaller as well. I guess they want the underdog feel.

Correct me if I am wrong, but no Autobot has taken flight. (Optimus at the end of Part 2 doesn't count)
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Movie was awesome.

Side note - A Beast Wars movie would be great, I loved watching that as a kid, too.
now that's what I'm talking bout
it was an entertaining movie.. really enjoyed the fight scenes.. but like someone said above in the final battle sequence there were times when i couldn'tdistiniquish who was who...

and just being nitpicky (cause i did enjoy it).. i thought they could have cut out 10-15mins or so (maybe even 20 mins) in the desert before and after findingthe matrix.. and it would have made the film alot smoother.. also i wish they had more of sideswipe in the movie

i also didn't like how they went overboard with the sexual innuendos, fart jokes and the cursing.. a good amount of the stuff was funny.. but theyseriously killed the joke.. like wheelie humping megan's leg and megan landing on dude's crotch all weren't needed

and it can get a bit annoying if you start thinking about it too much.. like why there were two sets of contructicons... or why sam wouldnt give the'dust' to one of the 3 autobots that were with him to take to optimus, instead of running couple miles.. and like xxhu5sl1npnoyxx said, how the helldid the fallen not have any fighting skills, especially when you consider his other powers

personally.. the only reason i think fans of the original series would be disappointed.. was because it is easy to see the potential for a better movie.. andthat doesn't make it bad.. but there is room for improvement..

just food for thought.. does anyone think the movie would have been better if it concluded on all the autobots having to fight constructicons and thendevastator to prevent him from finding that thing in the pyramid.. and then they are able to get the matrix at the end and revive optimus..

then part III we would still have the fallen, megatron, starscream, and soudwave (who would actually come to earth) to come battle the autobots
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