Transgender Boy Wins High School Girls' Wrestling Championship in Texas

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The argument that I have heard though is that you’ve had those extra muscles for a while and reducing your current testosterone level doesn’t negate that. It’s similar to the argument that taking PEDs for a while and then stopping has a lasting effect.

I don’t know enough about the science to know if either are true - they make some sense though.
Still don't understand why caitlyn jenner isnt making an effort to change "her" voice. If you wanna be a woman, don't half as.s it
Deja Mattox :pimp:


Maryland School Leaves Conference Because of League's Transgender Policy


Grace Brethren High School in Maryland (Photo: Google Earth)

A Maryland school has accelerated its departure from its home high school athletic conference due to that league’s transgender policy, sparking a sharp debate.

As reported by the Washington Post, Grace Brethren Christian School, which educates students from prekindergarten all the way through high school, announced it was departing the Potomac Valley Athletic Conference (PVAC). And it made clear that the reason it was departing was the league’s stance on allowing transgender athletes to compete alongside other students.

Here’s more from the Post:

George Hornickel, Grace Brethren’s school director, wrote in an email that the “transgender issue” is what pushed up the move, citing the school’s Christian principles. He added: “[Schools] that allow boys to play on girls’ teams is a form of cheating [and] it gives them an advantage over girls teams who only play female athletes.”

“We are a Christian school and hold to the biblical teaching from Genesis 1:27 and other related passages which states, ‘So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them,’” Hornickel wrote. “This is how it has been throughout the history of the world, and we believe there are only two sexes: male and female.”

While Hornickel and Grace Brethren may take issue with the PVAC’s stance — they also cited concerns about Title IX and transgender athletes taking places from genetic female athletes — it’s clear the conference has little intention of backtracking on its policy. The PVAC has reportedly held meetings among athletic directors about its transgender athlete policy since 2016, leading to an update of its rules in February which redefined a prior regulation that held, “an athlete may only participate on a team of the same gender.”

Now, that rule is far more inclusive:

“The PVAC is committed to the safety of, and respect for, all participants. Every student-athlete should have the opportunity to participate in PVAC activities in a manner that is consistent with their gender identity. The PVAC and its member schools will rely on the gender determination listed by the student’s school in consultation with the student-athlete and will not make separate gender identity determinations.”

“It is a value for our league to make sure we are [respectful] of our athletes, that we know about it and that the league is proactive about it,” PVAC President Taisto Saloma, who also serves as the AD at the Washington Waldorf School, told the Post. “We are just trying to make it clear and make it as easy as possible and also a way for the league to state that this is important to us.”
Oxford-Educated Rapper 'Smashes Female Weightlifting Records While Identifying as a Woman' in Row Over Transgender Athletes
  • Southampton-born Zuby, broke various female lifting records 'without trying'
  • The 32-year-old claimed to have done so whilst 'identifying as a female'
  • It was a 'tongue-in-cheek' response to an issue that is raging in the world of sport

Rapper and Oxford graduate rapper, Zuby, stoked the flames of a burning debate when he took to Twitter to demonstrate that male athletes shouldn't compete alongside women.

The Southampton native posted a series of videos of himself in a gym apparently 'destroying' various female weight-lifting records.

But he did so whilst 'identifying as a female' as a tongue in cheek response to the issue around biologically male athletes taking part in female competition.

The 32-year-old claimed to have broke the women's dead-lift record of 238kg 'without even trying'.


Rapper beats female weightlifting records in transgender athletes row

He filmed himself from a gym, tweeting the results that sent his Twitter account into meltdown

'I keep hearing about how biological men don't have any physical strength advantage over women in 2019... So watch me DESTROY the British Women's deadlift record without trying.

'P.S. I identified as a woman whilst lifting the weight. Don't be a bigot,' he tweeted accompanied by a laughing face emoji.

The rapper's tweet blew up, amassing nearly 1 millions views, owing to the ongoing debate of the participation of transgender athletes in sport.

Rapper and Oxford graduate rapper, Zuby, apparently breaking one of several female records

This was the message that accompanied the videos the 32-year-old posted on his Twitter page

Zuby posted this picture on his Instagram of a visit to Oxford University, where he studied

Martina Navratilova, the female tennis legend, is a long-term campaigner for LGBT rights but claims that male athletes 'self identifying' as female to compete is unfair. (but on a serious note, how are they supposed to identify if they can't self identify? I thought that was the whole point of being a treh?)

The nine-times Wimbledon champion, 62, says she is happy to address transgender athletes by whichever pronoun they desire, but would not be happy to compete against them unless they have fully transitioned.

Some think this view doesn't represent or protect trans athletes.

Zuby, who describes himself as a 'recreational lifter', told The Times that the video 'struck a nerve'.

He said: 'It was done in a humorous way, but it made it more real: it showed the fallacies of the arguments on the other side.

'I have seen people saying there is no inherent biological strength difference between men and women. I posted it being a bit tongue-in-cheek, showing what I think is the obvious absurdity of their argument.'

The rapper was videoed apparently beating three female British weightlifting records in a gym

Following up his initial tweet in which he took on the dead-lift he decided to take on two more records.

'I'll take the squat and bench press records too while I'm at it... May as well. To fight bigotry,' he said.

He was praised widely and said himself that '98%' of the feedback was positive.

He shares a similar opinion to the aforementioned Martina Navratilova who has courted controversy since coming out as a lesbian in 1981.


Navratilova (left) has claimed transgender women competing in sport have an unfair advantage over other women unless they've had surgery, Dr McKinnon (right) is a vocal critic

She received a wave of homophobic abuse and campaigned vehemently for LGBT rights.

She became the unnoficial spokesman of the fresh debate in December 2018 when she wrote on Twitter: 'You can't proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women.'

She was called out by Canadian academic and cycling champion Dr Rachel McKinnon, who is the first transgender woman to win a female world cycling title.

McKinnon, 35, still has her male anatomy, but has lived as a woman since she was 29.

She accused Navratilova of transphobia and demanded an apology.

The cyclist wrote afterwards: 'I still can't believe she said me of all people.'

Czech-born Navratilova said in an opinion piece for The Times that transgender women in sport are 'cheating' unless they have irreversible surgery to change their anatomy.

She made a 'critical distinction' between transgender women like McKinnon who take hormones and former tennis player Renee Richards who was born Richard Raskind and had gender reassignment surgery.
strongest woman in the world
she should get an espy and a bunch of endorsements for her bravery

In all seriousness though I’m all for the “Do you” mentality but people forget YOU can believe what you want but that doesn’t mean you GET what you want or you ARE what you want to be. Stage is set though so “these people” (people going all out for the be whatever you feel mentality) better accept everything like they claim. Feel free to classify as a woman and break multiple physical records on a daily basis :lol:
Imo the modern solution is to have cis females who have undergone no hormonal therapy compete separately. And then have all others together. Cis males, trans women who were born males, and trans men who were born females and having hormone therapy to boost testosterone to now be men. To clarify, it would be 2 divisions total, one for female girls and another for everyone else.

This isn’t about political correctness but about moral correctness imo, to let these kids who likely deal with stress and crises we’re fortunate to not have to deal with, and they presumably wish they didn’t have to deal with by just having been born a different sex and not undergoing medical procedures and mental hardships live decently.

A lot of us here have faced discrimination for being a certain color, ethnicity, growing up with a certain religion, etc. These are all things we didn’t have much choice in and neither are the genetic dispositions and environmental influences that lead to someone’s desire and decision to be trans, especially if that someone is a kid. If it doesn’t inherently hurt anyone then I have no problem with them living as who they are/believe they’re meant to be.

In this instance this person does negatively effect the cis females they’re up against, but that’s not inherent in her choice, it’s in what I believe is a flawed structure that allows for it by having her pooled in with cis females.

Of course the cynics and bigots will then say “but wuddabout the feminists that’ll then say this is sexist?” My response would be, I can’t speak for them (only myself and give my 2 cents,) don’t assume what their answer would be or if there would be consensus, and to personally seek out their opinions if it matters that much to you. And that doesn’t mean find one extreme tweet and say “all feminists think ____.”

But yea, unless I’m missing something, I don’t think any of this is as big of a deal as society makes it out to be. It’s just that society isn’t handling it correctly. And the solution is a middle ground between not letting them partake at all, and not addressing the elephant in the room that are the physical advantages that come with testosterone. Whether one is a trans woman who was born a male, or a trans man who was born female undergoing hormonal therapy.
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Imo the modern solution is to have cis females who have undergone no hormonal therapy compete separately. And then have all others together. Cis males, trans women who were born males, and trans men who were born females and having hormone therapy to boost testosterone to now be men.

This isn’t about political correctness but about moral correctness imo, to let these kids who likely deal with stress and crises we’re fortunate to not have to deal with, and they presumably wish they didn’t have to deal with by just having been born a different sex and not undergoing medical procedures and mental hardships live decently.

A lot of us here have faced discrimination for being a certain color, ethnicity, growing up with a certain religion, etc. These are all things we didn’t have much choice in and neither are the genetic dispositions and environmental influences that lead to someone’s desire and decision to be trans, especially if that someone is a kid. If it doesn’t inherently hurt anyone then I have no problem with them living as who they are/believe they’re meant to be.

In this instance this person does negatively effect the cis females they’re up against, but that’s not inherent in her choice, it’s in what I believe is a flawed structure that allows for it by having her pooled in with cis females.

Of course the cynics and bigots will then say “but wuddabout the feminists that’ll then say this is sexist?” My response would be, I can’t speak for them (only myself and give my 2 cents,) don’t assume what their answer would be or if there would be consensus, and to personally seek out their opinions if it matters that much to you. And that doesn’t mean find one extreme tweet and say “all feminists think ____.”

But yea, unless I’m missing something, I don’t think any of this is as big of a deal as society makes it out to be. It’s just that society isn’t handling it correctly. And the solution is a middle ground between not letting them partake at all, and not addressing the elephant in the room that are the physical advantages that come with testosterone. Whether one is a trans woman who was born a male, or a trans man who was born female undergoing hormonal therapy.
This sounds well and good but there’s not enough transgender kids to start their own competition in any sport

You really think they are going to have 4 different gender divisions...and be able to fund them all?
Imo the modern solution is to have cis females who have undergone no hormonal therapy compete separately. And then have all others together. Cis males, trans women who were born males, and trans men who were born females and having hormone therapy to boost testosterone to now be men.

This isn’t about political correctness but about moral correctness imo, to let these kids who likely deal with stress and crises we’re fortunate to not have to deal with, and they presumably wish they didn’t have to deal with by just having been born a different sex and not undergoing medical procedures and mental hardships live decently.

A lot of us here have faced discrimination for being a certain color, ethnicity, growing up with a certain religion, etc. These are all things we didn’t have much choice in and neither are the genetic dispositions and environmental influences that lead to someone’s desire and decision to be trans, especially if that someone is a kid. If it doesn’t inherently hurt anyone then I have no problem with them living as who they are/believe they’re meant to be.

In this instance this person does negatively effect the cis females they’re up against, but that’s not inherent in her choice, it’s in what I believe is a flawed structure that allows for it by having her pooled in with cis females.

Of course the cynics and bigots will then say “but wuddabout the feminists that’ll then say this is sexist?” My response would be, I can’t speak for them (only myself and give my 2 cents,) don’t assume what their answer would be or if there would be consensus, and to personally seek out their opinions if it matters that much to you. And that doesn’t mean find one extreme tweet and say “all feminists think ____.”

But yea, unless I’m missing something, I don’t think any of this is as big of a deal as society makes it out to be. It’s just that society isn’t handling it correctly. And the solution is a middle ground between not letting them partake at all, and not addressing the elephant in the room that are the physical advantages that come with testosterone. Whether one is a trans woman who was born a male, or a trans man who was born female undergoing hormonal therapy.
Guess I phrased it poorly but that’s not what’s I proposed

What I meant was 1 division for cis females. And 1 division for all others. So a total of 2 like we currently have it.
Guess I phrased it poorly but that’s not what’s I proposed

What I meant was 1 division for cis females. And 1 division for all others. So a total of 2 like we currently have it.

Eh, I think people deep down inside KNOW that isn't right but nobody can offer a better solution

Can't segregate them because of thw optics and it would cost too much to have MORe divisions

The combat sports are the worst when it comes to that.
Their goal is inclusion. Anything else will not work. They “are” females. They want to participate with females

it's not females, they are women & trans women are women's not "female's track & field" it's women's ...same with every other sport.
Their goal is inclusion. Anything else will not work. They “are” females. They want to participate with females

They just need to realize that sometimes you don’t always get what you want in life.

It’s a joke that a girl can train all her life to be the best woman in her respective sport and some dude who identifies as a chick and has male testosterone and strength can just come in and throw all that hard work out the window. If steroids and performance enhancers aren’t allowed in sports to deter cheating and unfair advantages, neither should that nonsense.
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