True/False: It Comes A Point In Time Where Every Son Wants To Fight His Father.

Fought my dad, turned into a shoving/grappling match in the kitchen. He had shoes on I didn't so I couldn't leg sweep him into the counter like I was trying to.
true, his wife accused me of jumping her son who i never met at a mall i havent been to in years. he called me and said he was gonna teach me a lesson. i had my cousin take me to his house but he wouldnt open the door. he woulda handed it too me but all i wanted was one good hit.
Originally Posted by Club29

please, I would DESTROY my dad in a fight.

I love the guy, but he doesnt want it

Awesome ! HAHA.. I could take my dad, but it wouldn't be easy and I would have to be willing to go dirty cause I know for a fact he would pull no punches.
its true I raised up on my dad once...didnt swing on him but wanted to put him in the best sleeper ever
I say true. It all comes down to why & over what.
Some guys will say "Nah, I'll never fight my old man; I love him too much". 

I envy those guys with sadness since why I fought my dad was over years of physical abuse & beatings over trifling things, yelling at my mom & sister.

After I fought him & put him in the hospital he never laid a hand on me or lost his temper with me again. Sad what it takes to get some "balance & family harmony". 

In an ideal utopian world you'd never even have to make this post.

Now that I have my own son (baby boy) I pray & hope every day that our relationship is nothing like that my father & I had.

Treat your kids right & God-willing they will love & respect you always for it. 
dayyum you guys are ruthless. coming from a different culture where elders are shown respect, there is no way I would ever fight my dad if i were a dude.
The only reason I would ever even try if he harmed my mother.
Originally Posted by mdwst9

ive wanted to fight him n he told me he was gonna knock me out one day lol. but i wud never eem think to step foot to my dad.
exactly. It's that 'I can't live here anymore' moment.
damn i really dont know how to answer this .... i love my pops and i cant even see us getting that heated of a discussion where we have to throw down.... but there have been times where i was tested/tempted too.....

i feel if that day ever did come our bond as it is now would be dead
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

[h3]True/False: It Comes A Point In Time Where Every Son Wants To Fight His Father. [/h3]

False. There are no absolutes.

Except for what you wrote? but i agree, everybody's life is different.  But i've almost come to blows with my pops a couple times, love him to death though.

I have respect for my parents whatever they do, I can't imagine myself hitting my dad or even getting physical with him either.
TRUE, my dad and I got at it twice. He tried to hurt my mom both occasions. We both have high blood pressures so we get ticked off pretty easily.
hail, I'mma girl and I wanna fight my dad. I know for a fact, ALL of my brothers want to...and the youngest one actually pushed him once

I'd probably cry when he dies but this man made me look up to someone else for a father figure. I'm more inclined to listen to my uncles.
I mimed the Hadouken motion and made contact with my Dad's midsection, then I did a little shoryuken. I knocked him back a little and he tipped over the the table behind him. I was like 10 years old. It wasn't a real fight, just for fun, but it's as close as I've gotten to a a street fight.
One time my pops and I were arguing, I'm much bigger than him since i was about 12/13, he's like 5'9 180lbs im 6'2 265. I literally was thinking about hitting him, dude must've read my mind punched me square in the jaw, pushed me down on the kitchen chair and walked out into the living room, like nothing happened.
Had a couple of altercations when I was 15-16. Took a swing at him, and he tackled/grappled me where I couldn't move until I gave up. Truth be told our relationship was never the same.
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