True Life: I have OCD

Jan 12, 2006
Turns out I truly do have OCD.

It wasnt upsetting at first but now its like

Found out after my appointments with the doctors.

And people always thouhgt I was just self concious and a extreme worryer.

Anyone else have experience.
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Turns out I truly do have OCD.

It wasnt upsetting at first but now its like

Found out after my appointments with the doctors.

And people always thouhgt I was just self concious and a extreme worryer.

Anyone else have experience.

That sucks... But is must not be an extreme case, because you forgot a period.
My desk is my OCD, it isn't extreme and I don't really want to consider it an OCD.. but I always have to have it clean and neat. One little thing outof place and it will bother me the entire time until it's back where it should be. Cords have to be neat or else I feel like I can't sit there and doanything. And it is even worse when you live with a person that just throws everything anywhere and leaves it where ever it lands.
I think I'm a little OCD. I don't feel right when stuff is out of place. It bothers me really bad.
Originally Posted by roback1991

I think I'm a little OCD. I don't feel right when stuff is out of place. It bothers me really bad.

Word. Me, too. I also tend to re-read things over and over and over again. I feel that I overlook things, and it just doesn't feel right.
- I check mirrors all the time. Wether im driving or in my house I look at mirrors all the time. I notice every single little thing on me. No matter what itis. If people dont see it I do. And I ask do you see this? And I get haircuts once sometimes two times a week. Its like my relief. I cant go on with my dayunless my hair is cut sometimes I cant sleep if I know its not good and cant let myself be seen. I have to go get it cut. And it just replays in my head. Ifsomeone messed up my hair the thought of it stays in my head until i fix it.
- I panic like crazy. If im to scared to mail something in the mail I go to deliver it. For example letter to SJSU. The second after I turn it in In my head Igo "what if they lost it, what if she threw it away what if what if" And its not a one time thought. It relays in my head OVER AND OVER AND OVERagain. And I cant get it out.
- If I drive to work and my car is dirty, as im working over and over and over again im thinking of the dirt and what to do with it. I have an urge to run outgrab all the stuff and throw it out my car. My needs are not satisfied until I have completed the task.
- If I check my wallet and have $126 dollars in it and X amount in my savings and Y amount in my checkings I check over and over and over. If i make a purchaceI could have every receipt and use a calculator to check how much I am, but I still check over and over and over. If the calculator said 2+2 = 4 Id have toenter it over and over and over again to make sure.
- Wether im sitting or standing or wherever I am I stretch my right hamstgins, and then left hamstring and then right calf than left calf. I do that over andover for hours. If im walking or whatever it happens subconciously.
- If i go to my locker and take everything out ill still feel like im missing something I may stand there and check 4-6 times until im sure its all gone. Andthen if Im done with my hw In my head I still think over and over and over again to make sure my Hw Is done.
- If im having a conversation with soemthing and I say something I didnt like. It stays in my mind like crazy the conversation relays over and over for daysuntil I go up to that person who completely forgot about it and I bring it up and say i didnt mean to say that. Or if something happens at a party or anythingIt stays in my mind replaying to the point where i cannot concentrate on anything Until i let it out and even after i let it out it still stays on my mind.
- If im using my phone or anythign and i see a smudge I have to clean it. I cannot stand anything on it. I have to clean it ALL THE TIME. it has to be perfect.if not i have to get a new one. If i know theres something on my phone It stays in my mind driving me insane until i get it cleaned.
- It can be 3 am but if my room is dirty i get up gather everything and throw it away. I have to have evertyhing CLEAN. i will clean it over n over.

The list goes on and on and on. Everyone has a little OCD in them, but some people have it more than others. The doctor said Im one of the ones thats worsethan others. I have to get put on medications on my next appointment. My brother whose also a doctor said it will most likely be SSRI.
If I take a step wrong with one of my shoes I have to do the same with the other or I feel off balance. Like if I drag one foot by accident I have to do itwith the other one.
after reading ur list im thinkin i may have ocd myself...more mild case but still...and its subconscious so i had to think about it... when i first clicked thepost i was gone laugh at u...
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

- I panic like crazy. If im to scared to mail something in the mail I go to deliver it. For example letter to SJSU. The second after I turn it in In my head I go "what if they lost it, what if she threw it away what if what if" And its not a one time thought. It relays in my head OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. And I cant get it out.

that happens all the time B. they be losing my transcript even though i gave it to the registrar lady in person. i'm like "how you gonna losesomething i personally handed to you?"
I agree...fully. I've been told I have cases of OCD behavior from a lot of people. At the age of 4, my mom said I was too organized for that young of anage, and I didn't like anything on my hands. Whatever it was, I didn't like got to the point to where I used to wipe my hands in my hair (backwhen my hair was curly and babyish) after eatin' cheese curls or anything. I still do different BS that makes me think I have it, but I don't thinkit's that serious.
Sup bro,

You did the right thing which was first talking to a doctor. Just wondering if he was just your regular medical doctor you visit or a psychiatrist? It'sjust me, but I would make sure I'm having a psychiatrist diagnose me with any mental illness. There are many different symptoms that people with OCD gothrough and OCD can affect many people with the problem and how they live their lives. I also wouldn't say everyone has OCD in them, just that they haveworries that any human has in life as only about 2.5% of the population have OCD. One thing I learned is that you can't diagnose yourself or yourfriends!

I know it's tough, I've gone through it all my life and didn't even know what the problem was until recently. When those moments of anxiety striketo where you got to perform those rituals are the worst. There are however methods to controlling them and overcoming the problem whether it'spsychological procedures or meds which I'm deciding not to take right now. That's my choice however and the best for you would to be to talk it outwith someone who has experience in treating these disorders to see what's best for you.

I go through occasional spikes, but at this point in life I am actually trying to stop by methods that you can talk to your doctor about. One of them is justdoing some leisure activity like balling. Good luck man.
Having OCD kept my sneakers in great condition... after taking a med for about a year I now dont clean them after every wear and have a whole pile ofunclean sneakers in my closet.
yo was that you while back when somebody made topic of weird habits you do thread an i think myself and others said you sound like you had OCD or was thatsomebody else?
I'm afraid of becoming ocd ... I wash my hands alot ... but not to the point where ocd ppl do and their skin thins out.
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