TRY THIS RIGHT NOW(this site will guess anyone u have in your mind)

Guessed my person 2 times in a row. Guessed my wife's person too
It couldn't even get Amber Rose smh...*Exits the page*

But nah, this thing is pretty amazing...When I first tried it like 2 months ago, I was amazingly surprised and shocked...and also felt a bit scared haha. But then, I discovered how it was able to guess the person. And if you honestly answer those questions and not try to "cheat", then Akinator should be able to get it right 99% of the time. Pretty cool imo
It couldn't guess Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons, but I thought it was close from some of the questions.

EDIT: After I hit 'go on', it took 5 more questions to get the answer correct.

Curse this wretched wizard!
i guessed Goku.... what the +%+!.... this %@%* is crazy. it was right too... i never thought it would actually be right
got Wale, my pops, and Jeff Van Gundy

wrong on: Brittney Griner

does your character fight? HELL YEA
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