TSA strip searches young boy.

America is a country filled with religious people that dont even think their God loves them. If I die, I die. If it doesnt happen today, itll happen tomorrow...... All this TSA @#$% is for the birds. Why so serious????
America is a country filled with religious people that dont even think their God loves them. If I die, I die. If it doesnt happen today, itll happen tomorrow...... All this TSA @#$% is for the birds. Why so serious????
During WWII, the United States had a problem calling out the Nazis on their anti semetic and racist practices, due to their own history in this regard.
America didn't have have a moral leg to stand upon, thus were forced to deal with segregation in the Armed forces, before dealing with the issue of Hitler and his ideals.

I've always felt that one of reasons that Obama was elected, was to get Black Americans behind the idea of being American, well at least for four years.

This may give us the feeling that we have something at stake as well, then being willing to defend a country that has continued to reject our advances, ever since reconstruction.

Personally, I'd kick a terrorist in the +++ if I caught him trying to blow up something that I am on, but this is on general principle, not because I may be American.

Some American White people, however, are really having a hard time understanding why they are hated around the world.

I am finding this to be hysterical, especially when there seems to be a very simple solution!

During WWII, the United States had a problem calling out the Nazis on their anti semetic and racist practices, due to their own history in this regard.
America didn't have have a moral leg to stand upon, thus were forced to deal with segregation in the Armed forces, before dealing with the issue of Hitler and his ideals.

I've always felt that one of reasons that Obama was elected, was to get Black Americans behind the idea of being American, well at least for four years.

This may give us the feeling that we have something at stake as well, then being willing to defend a country that has continued to reject our advances, ever since reconstruction.

Personally, I'd kick a terrorist in the +++ if I caught him trying to blow up something that I am on, but this is on general principle, not because I may be American.

Some American White people, however, are really having a hard time understanding why they are hated around the world.

I am finding this to be hysterical, especially when there seems to be a very simple solution!

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?
Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?
They are much more evolved than that. They've realized long ago that their will not beat us militarily. They also realize that they will not occupy any of our palaces,  eat our fine foods or watch the NFL. Instead they will let us bleed ourselves to death. Spend our money like there is no tomorrow, and in the cases of airports, always be on the defensive. God forbid, we get attacked in such places like a mall, an amusement park, the subway...ect, what are we going to do, pat-down people and install Xray machines there too... or better yet start profiling people? Why do we not preemptively start doing it now. All these things would curtail further such acts... yes... but what the long term cost?
I don't mind getting patted-down BTW... I'm simply saying that it is stupid because we're not addressing the core issue at hand... which is that we're major hypocrites in this world... all in the name of "bringing freedom" to others.

The length of lines is an inconvenience but that's not point. You're missing the point.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?
They are much more evolved than that. They've realized long ago that their will not beat us militarily. They also realize that they will not occupy any of our palaces,  eat our fine foods or watch the NFL. Instead they will let us bleed ourselves to death. Spend our money like there is no tomorrow, and in the cases of airports, always be on the defensive. God forbid, we get attacked in such places like a mall, an amusement park, the subway...ect, what are we going to do, pat-down people and install Xray machines there too... or better yet start profiling people? Why do we not preemptively start doing it now. All these things would curtail further such acts... yes... but what the long term cost?
I don't mind getting patted-down BTW... I'm simply saying that it is stupid because we're not addressing the core issue at hand... which is that we're major hypocrites in this world... all in the name of "bringing freedom" to others.

The length of lines is an inconvenience but that's not point. You're missing the point.
[h2]August 24, 2006[/h2][h3]What the Terrorists Want[/h3]
On Aug. 16, two men were escorted off a plane headed for Manchester, England, because some passengers thought they looked either Asian or Middle Eastern, might have been talking Arabic, wore leather jackets, and looked at their watches -- and the passengers refused to fly with them on board. The men were questioned for several hours and then released.

On Aug. 15, an entire airport terminal was evacuated because someone's cosmetics triggered a false positive for explosives. The same day, a Muslim man was removed from an airplane in Denver for reciting prayers. The Transportation Security Administration decided that the flight crew overreacted, but he still had to spend the night in Denver before flying home the next day. The next day, a Port of Seattle terminal was evacuated because a couple of dogs gave a false alarm for explosives.

On Aug. 19, a plane made an emergency landing in Tampa, Florida, after the crew became suspicious because two of the lavatory doors were locked. The plane was searched, but nothing was found. Meanwhile, a man who tampered with a bathroom smoke detector on a flight to San Antonio was cleared of terrorism, but only after having his house searched.

On Aug. 16, a woman suffered a panic attack and became violent on a flight from London to Washington, so the plane was escorted to the Boston airport by fighter jets. "The woman was carrying hand cream and matches but was not a terrorist threat," said the TSA spokesman after the incident.

And on Aug. 18, a plane flying from London to Egypt made an emergency landing in Italy when someone found a bomb threat scrawled on an air sickness bag. Nothing was found on the plane, and no one knows how long the note was on board.

I'd like everyone to take a deep breath and listen for a minute.

The point of terrorism is to cause terror, sometimes to further a political goal and sometimes out of sheer hatred. The people terrorists kill are not the targets; they are collateral damage. And blowing up planes, trains, markets or buses is not the goal; those are just tactics. The real targets of terrorism are the rest of us: the billions of us who are not killed but are terrorized because of the killing. The real point of terrorism is not the act itself, but our reaction to the act.

And we're doing exactly what the terrorists want.

We're all a little jumpy after the recent arrest of 23 terror suspects in Great Britain. The men were reportedly plotting a liquid-explosive attack on airplanes, and both the press and politicians have been trumpeting the story ever since.

In truth, it's doubtful that their plan would have succeeded; chemists have been debunking the idea since it became public. Certainly the suspects were a long way off from trying: None had bought airline tickets, and some didn't even have passports.

Regardless of the threat, from the would-be bombers' perspective, the explosives and planes were merely tactics. Their goal was to cause terror, and in that they've succeeded.

Imagine for a moment what would have happened if they had blown up 10 planes. There would be canceled flights, chaos at airports, bans on carry-on luggage, world leaders talking tough new security measures, political posturing and all sorts of false alarms as jittery people panicked. To a lesser degree, that's basically what's happening right now.

Our politicians help the terrorists every time they use fear as a campaign tactic. The press helps every time it writes scare stories about the plot and the threat. And if we're terrified, and we share that fear, we help. All of these actions intensify and repeat the terrorists' actions, and increase the effects of their terror.

(I am not saying that the politicians and press are terrorists, or that they share any of the blame for terrorist attacks. I'm not that stupid. But the subject of terrorism is more complex than it appears, and understanding its various causes and effects are vital for understanding how to best deal with it.)

The implausible plots and false alarms actually hurt us in two ways. Not only do they increase the level of fear, but they also waste time and resources that could be better spent fighting the real threats and increasing actual security. I'll bet the terrorists are laughing at us.

Another thought experiment: Imagine for a moment that the British government arrested the 23 suspects without fanfare. Imagine that the TSA and its European counterparts didn't engage in pointless airline-security measures like banning liquids. And imagine that the press didn't write about it endlessly, and that the politicians didn't use the event to remind us all how scared we should be. If we'd reacted that way, then the terrorists would have truly failed.

It's time we calm down and fight terror with antiterror. This does not mean that we simply roll over and accept terrorism. There are things our government can and should do to fight terrorism, most of them involving intelligence and investigation -- and not focusing on specific plots.

But our job is to remain steadfast in the face of terror, to refuse to be terrorized. Our job is to not panic every time two Muslims stand together checking their watches. There are approximately 1 billion Muslims in the world, a large percentage of them not Arab, and about 320 million Arabs in the Middle East, the overwhelming majority of them not terrorists. Our job is to think critically and rationally, and to ignore the cacophony of other interests trying to use terrorism to advance political careers or increase a television show's viewership.

The surest defense against terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized. Our job is to recognize that terrorism is just one of the risks we face, and not a particularly common one at that. And our job is to fight those politicians who use fear as an excuse to take away our liberties and promote security theater that wastes money and doesn't make us any safer.

This essay originally appeared on Wired.com.

EDITED TO ADD (3/24): Here's another incident.

EDITED TO ADD (3/29): There have been many more incidents since I wrote this -- all false alarms. I've stopped keeping a list.
[h2]August 24, 2006[/h2][h3]What the Terrorists Want[/h3]
On Aug. 16, two men were escorted off a plane headed for Manchester, England, because some passengers thought they looked either Asian or Middle Eastern, might have been talking Arabic, wore leather jackets, and looked at their watches -- and the passengers refused to fly with them on board. The men were questioned for several hours and then released.

On Aug. 15, an entire airport terminal was evacuated because someone's cosmetics triggered a false positive for explosives. The same day, a Muslim man was removed from an airplane in Denver for reciting prayers. The Transportation Security Administration decided that the flight crew overreacted, but he still had to spend the night in Denver before flying home the next day. The next day, a Port of Seattle terminal was evacuated because a couple of dogs gave a false alarm for explosives.

On Aug. 19, a plane made an emergency landing in Tampa, Florida, after the crew became suspicious because two of the lavatory doors were locked. The plane was searched, but nothing was found. Meanwhile, a man who tampered with a bathroom smoke detector on a flight to San Antonio was cleared of terrorism, but only after having his house searched.

On Aug. 16, a woman suffered a panic attack and became violent on a flight from London to Washington, so the plane was escorted to the Boston airport by fighter jets. "The woman was carrying hand cream and matches but was not a terrorist threat," said the TSA spokesman after the incident.

And on Aug. 18, a plane flying from London to Egypt made an emergency landing in Italy when someone found a bomb threat scrawled on an air sickness bag. Nothing was found on the plane, and no one knows how long the note was on board.

I'd like everyone to take a deep breath and listen for a minute.

The point of terrorism is to cause terror, sometimes to further a political goal and sometimes out of sheer hatred. The people terrorists kill are not the targets; they are collateral damage. And blowing up planes, trains, markets or buses is not the goal; those are just tactics. The real targets of terrorism are the rest of us: the billions of us who are not killed but are terrorized because of the killing. The real point of terrorism is not the act itself, but our reaction to the act.

And we're doing exactly what the terrorists want.

We're all a little jumpy after the recent arrest of 23 terror suspects in Great Britain. The men were reportedly plotting a liquid-explosive attack on airplanes, and both the press and politicians have been trumpeting the story ever since.

In truth, it's doubtful that their plan would have succeeded; chemists have been debunking the idea since it became public. Certainly the suspects were a long way off from trying: None had bought airline tickets, and some didn't even have passports.

Regardless of the threat, from the would-be bombers' perspective, the explosives and planes were merely tactics. Their goal was to cause terror, and in that they've succeeded.

Imagine for a moment what would have happened if they had blown up 10 planes. There would be canceled flights, chaos at airports, bans on carry-on luggage, world leaders talking tough new security measures, political posturing and all sorts of false alarms as jittery people panicked. To a lesser degree, that's basically what's happening right now.

Our politicians help the terrorists every time they use fear as a campaign tactic. The press helps every time it writes scare stories about the plot and the threat. And if we're terrified, and we share that fear, we help. All of these actions intensify and repeat the terrorists' actions, and increase the effects of their terror.

(I am not saying that the politicians and press are terrorists, or that they share any of the blame for terrorist attacks. I'm not that stupid. But the subject of terrorism is more complex than it appears, and understanding its various causes and effects are vital for understanding how to best deal with it.)

The implausible plots and false alarms actually hurt us in two ways. Not only do they increase the level of fear, but they also waste time and resources that could be better spent fighting the real threats and increasing actual security. I'll bet the terrorists are laughing at us.

Another thought experiment: Imagine for a moment that the British government arrested the 23 suspects without fanfare. Imagine that the TSA and its European counterparts didn't engage in pointless airline-security measures like banning liquids. And imagine that the press didn't write about it endlessly, and that the politicians didn't use the event to remind us all how scared we should be. If we'd reacted that way, then the terrorists would have truly failed.

It's time we calm down and fight terror with antiterror. This does not mean that we simply roll over and accept terrorism. There are things our government can and should do to fight terrorism, most of them involving intelligence and investigation -- and not focusing on specific plots.

But our job is to remain steadfast in the face of terror, to refuse to be terrorized. Our job is to not panic every time two Muslims stand together checking their watches. There are approximately 1 billion Muslims in the world, a large percentage of them not Arab, and about 320 million Arabs in the Middle East, the overwhelming majority of them not terrorists. Our job is to think critically and rationally, and to ignore the cacophony of other interests trying to use terrorism to advance political careers or increase a television show's viewership.

The surest defense against terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized. Our job is to recognize that terrorism is just one of the risks we face, and not a particularly common one at that. And our job is to fight those politicians who use fear as an excuse to take away our liberties and promote security theater that wastes money and doesn't make us any safer.

This essay originally appeared on Wired.com.

EDITED TO ADD (3/24): Here's another incident.

EDITED TO ADD (3/29): There have been many more incidents since I wrote this -- all false alarms. I've stopped keeping a list.
Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?
They are much more evolved than that. They've realized long ago that their will not beat us militarily. They also realize that they will not occupy any of our palaces,  eat our fine foods or watch the NFL. Instead they will let us bleed ourselves to death. Spend our money like there is no tomorrow, and in the cases of airports, always be on the defensive. God forbid, we get attacked in such places like a mall, an amusement park, the subway...ect, what are we going to do, pat-down people and install Xray machines there too... or better yet start profiling people? Why do we not preemptively start doing it now. All these things would curtail further such acts... yes... but what the long term cost?
I don't mind getting patted-down BTW... I'm simply saying that it is stupid because we're not addressing the core issue at hand... which is that we're major hypocrites in this world... all in the name of "bringing freedom" to others.

The length of lines is an inconvenience but that's not point. You're missing the point.
Yes common sense would indicate a bunch of dudes rocking Ak-47s and sandals will not be taking over the White House anytime soon.  And yes the US historically have been hypocrites. We fight for 'freedom' but take away 'freedom' We give aid to 3rd world countries while at the same time bomb 3rd world countries.  Nothing new there. 

However there is no way the terrorists are winning.  The terrorists aren't even spreading the terror, our media is.  I guess my main point is our lives here in America, especially to the majority that do not have love ones in the military, hasn't really been affected by the terrorists.  Are we really complaining about TSA strip searching a kid?  Really?

Maybe I had a hard life but if I had the disposable income to be able to travel by plane to visit relatives this holiday season, the last thing I would worry about is a body strip search.  Sure it's a hassle to deal with power tripping folks but hell if TSA wanted to see me butt naked, it's all good because it's worth it to be able to fly/travel to see my relatives.     
Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?
They are much more evolved than that. They've realized long ago that their will not beat us militarily. They also realize that they will not occupy any of our palaces,  eat our fine foods or watch the NFL. Instead they will let us bleed ourselves to death. Spend our money like there is no tomorrow, and in the cases of airports, always be on the defensive. God forbid, we get attacked in such places like a mall, an amusement park, the subway...ect, what are we going to do, pat-down people and install Xray machines there too... or better yet start profiling people? Why do we not preemptively start doing it now. All these things would curtail further such acts... yes... but what the long term cost?
I don't mind getting patted-down BTW... I'm simply saying that it is stupid because we're not addressing the core issue at hand... which is that we're major hypocrites in this world... all in the name of "bringing freedom" to others.

The length of lines is an inconvenience but that's not point. You're missing the point.
Yes common sense would indicate a bunch of dudes rocking Ak-47s and sandals will not be taking over the White House anytime soon.  And yes the US historically have been hypocrites. We fight for 'freedom' but take away 'freedom' We give aid to 3rd world countries while at the same time bomb 3rd world countries.  Nothing new there. 

However there is no way the terrorists are winning.  The terrorists aren't even spreading the terror, our media is.  I guess my main point is our lives here in America, especially to the majority that do not have love ones in the military, hasn't really been affected by the terrorists.  Are we really complaining about TSA strip searching a kid?  Really?

Maybe I had a hard life but if I had the disposable income to be able to travel by plane to visit relatives this holiday season, the last thing I would worry about is a body strip search.  Sure it's a hassle to deal with power tripping folks but hell if TSA wanted to see me butt naked, it's all good because it's worth it to be able to fly/travel to see my relatives.     
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?

The lack of perspective in this thread is baffling to say the least.

Somehow being inconvenienced for a few minutes at an airport is the equivalent of being locked in a cage of immense hardship, poverty, violence, and fear of free expression.

I want some NTers to spend one week in a country like Afghanistan, post-War Iraq, Haiti, Liberia etc and hell even Nigeria then come talk to me about "freedom".

Let me preface this by saying, the freedom America pushes as a justification for invading other countries is a load of crap. Terrorists have done a great job inconveniencing the hell out of us, but it pales in comparison to what the innocent people in some of those countries that supposedly harbor terrorists are going through. Dudes on NT sitting in front of a computer, eating an extra large meal from McDonald's tum'bout I lost my freedom. This has been one of my pet peeves about every political debate in the last 10 or so years, I absolutely hate when that word gets thrown around liberally.   

Until America addresses the issues that lead to a big red target being on their backs, security measures should be taken on planes. If anything for peace of mind (flying is terrifying enough as it is, sad to say but I'm not about that life-seeing someone get searched before a flight doesn't make me scared, it kinda calms my nerves). I don't always agree with the way they go about it, and profiling muslims may potentially do more harm than good. So search everybody....yes including children. At this point America is in a no-win situation. On the one hand the terrorists have successfully created a climate of fear on the other hand if something does go down it would only further perpetuate that fear and terror.

The full body scans are kinda OD....I don't like it but if it gets implemented my life goes on.

That's a very good article dirty, there are points made in it that I do agree with. We shouldn't downplay the role the media serves in perpetuating that climate of fear, and there are things the gov't can do to combat terrorism. The resources wasted in security measures pales in comparison to the resources spent fighting "terrorism" in an unjust and fruitless war. Over the years I've grown cynical of politics as a whole, whether its the illuminati
or just sheer stupidity America has done a lot of things wrong in the past decade.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?

The lack of perspective in this thread is baffling to say the least.

Somehow being inconvenienced for a few minutes at an airport is the equivalent of being locked in a cage of immense hardship, poverty, violence, and fear of free expression.

I want some NTers to spend one week in a country like Afghanistan, post-War Iraq, Haiti, Liberia etc and hell even Nigeria then come talk to me about "freedom".

Let me preface this by saying, the freedom America pushes as a justification for invading other countries is a load of crap. Terrorists have done a great job inconveniencing the hell out of us, but it pales in comparison to what the innocent people in some of those countries that supposedly harbor terrorists are going through. Dudes on NT sitting in front of a computer, eating an extra large meal from McDonald's tum'bout I lost my freedom. This has been one of my pet peeves about every political debate in the last 10 or so years, I absolutely hate when that word gets thrown around liberally.   

Until America addresses the issues that lead to a big red target being on their backs, security measures should be taken on planes. If anything for peace of mind (flying is terrifying enough as it is, sad to say but I'm not about that life-seeing someone get searched before a flight doesn't make me scared, it kinda calms my nerves). I don't always agree with the way they go about it, and profiling muslims may potentially do more harm than good. So search everybody....yes including children. At this point America is in a no-win situation. On the one hand the terrorists have successfully created a climate of fear on the other hand if something does go down it would only further perpetuate that fear and terror.

The full body scans are kinda OD....I don't like it but if it gets implemented my life goes on.

That's a very good article dirty, there are points made in it that I do agree with. We shouldn't downplay the role the media serves in perpetuating that climate of fear, and there are things the gov't can do to combat terrorism. The resources wasted in security measures pales in comparison to the resources spent fighting "terrorism" in an unjust and fruitless war. Over the years I've grown cynical of politics as a whole, whether its the illuminati
or just sheer stupidity America has done a lot of things wrong in the past decade.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?
They are much more evolved than that. They've realized long ago that their will not beat us militarily. They also realize that they will not occupy any of our palaces,  eat our fine foods or watch the NFL. Instead they will let us bleed ourselves to death. Spend our money like there is no tomorrow, and in the cases of airports, always be on the defensive. God forbid, we get attacked in such places like a mall, an amusement park, the subway...ect, what are we going to do, pat-down people and install Xray machines there too... or better yet start profiling people? Why do we not preemptively start doing it now. All these things would curtail further such acts... yes... but what the long term cost?
I don't mind getting patted-down BTW... I'm simply saying that it is stupid because we're not addressing the core issue at hand... which is that we're major hypocrites in this world... all in the name of "bringing freedom" to others.

The length of lines is an inconvenience but that's not point. You're missing the point.
Yes common sense would indicate a bunch of dudes rocking Ak-47s and sandals will not be taking over the White House anytime soon.  And yes the US historically have been hypocrites. We fight for 'freedom' but take away 'freedom' We give aid to 3rd world countries while at the same time bomb 3rd world countries.  Nothing new there. 

However there is no way the terrorists are winning.  The terrorists aren't even spreading the terror, our media is.  I guess my main point is our lives here in America, especially to the majority that do not have love ones in the military, hasn't really been affected by the terrorists.  Are we really complaining about TSA strip searching a kid?  Really?

Maybe I had a hard life but if I had the disposable income to be able to travel by plane to visit relatives this holiday season, the last thing I would worry about is a body strip search.  Sure it's a hassle to deal with power tripping folks but hell if TSA wanted to see me butt naked, it's all good because it's worth it to be able to fly/travel to see my relatives.     
They are terrorizing us... fittingly, they're called terrorists. We're shook. They do something, we react. There is NO way we can prevent everything (i.e lone wolf scenario). So just right there, we're always going to be late. In the meantime we're becoming more and more paranoid and chipping at our liberties. The outlook in that respect isn't good.
I'm not against security measures... it's law/order and that's fine. It has prevented numerous incidents I'm sure. But at some point we have to reassess the situation... if we're so shook of an american looking 5 year old and an old granny with metals from her hip surgery, then how can you say we're not terrorized and say that the terrorists are not winning. Sure they can be used precisely because they look innocent but so can all 300 million Americans. It's just unsustainable.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

The terrorists are winning
They are the ones living in caves, dining on rats and waiting on unmanned drones to drop bombs on them and their families. 

As for us?  We're watching 13 hours of NFL football on Sundays while dining on fried chicken and beer...  Tell me again how the terrorist are winning... because the line at the airport are longer... are you serious?
They are much more evolved than that. They've realized long ago that their will not beat us militarily. They also realize that they will not occupy any of our palaces,  eat our fine foods or watch the NFL. Instead they will let us bleed ourselves to death. Spend our money like there is no tomorrow, and in the cases of airports, always be on the defensive. God forbid, we get attacked in such places like a mall, an amusement park, the subway...ect, what are we going to do, pat-down people and install Xray machines there too... or better yet start profiling people? Why do we not preemptively start doing it now. All these things would curtail further such acts... yes... but what the long term cost?
I don't mind getting patted-down BTW... I'm simply saying that it is stupid because we're not addressing the core issue at hand... which is that we're major hypocrites in this world... all in the name of "bringing freedom" to others.

The length of lines is an inconvenience but that's not point. You're missing the point.
Yes common sense would indicate a bunch of dudes rocking Ak-47s and sandals will not be taking over the White House anytime soon.  And yes the US historically have been hypocrites. We fight for 'freedom' but take away 'freedom' We give aid to 3rd world countries while at the same time bomb 3rd world countries.  Nothing new there. 

However there is no way the terrorists are winning.  The terrorists aren't even spreading the terror, our media is.  I guess my main point is our lives here in America, especially to the majority that do not have love ones in the military, hasn't really been affected by the terrorists.  Are we really complaining about TSA strip searching a kid?  Really?

Maybe I had a hard life but if I had the disposable income to be able to travel by plane to visit relatives this holiday season, the last thing I would worry about is a body strip search.  Sure it's a hassle to deal with power tripping folks but hell if TSA wanted to see me butt naked, it's all good because it's worth it to be able to fly/travel to see my relatives.     
They are terrorizing us... fittingly, they're called terrorists. We're shook. They do something, we react. There is NO way we can prevent everything (i.e lone wolf scenario). So just right there, we're always going to be late. In the meantime we're becoming more and more paranoid and chipping at our liberties. The outlook in that respect isn't good.
I'm not against security measures... it's law/order and that's fine. It has prevented numerous incidents I'm sure. But at some point we have to reassess the situation... if we're so shook of an american looking 5 year old and an old granny with metals from her hip surgery, then how can you say we're not terrorized and say that the terrorists are not winning. Sure they can be used precisely because they look innocent but so can all 300 million Americans. It's just unsustainable.
When me and my family travel, my brother ALWAYS gets pulled out for a "random" interview. I'm the prototypical white American looking boy (if there is such a thing), 6-3, 200lbs, brown hair, blue eyes etc. My brother on the other hand, has more of the Italian/olive skin look.He has black hair, and is a hairy dude. Seriously every time we go through security, they pull him out for a "random" interview. We always kind of laugh about it because it has happened so many times, and it has never happened to me. It doesn't help that he's rarely clean shaven and his passport picture he seriously looks like some crazy terrorist anyways.

My point is, this is just the system we live in. I wish that we didn't have to sacrifice our freedoms for securities like these, but at least to me, up to this point, it is worth our safety. Thats not to say that sooner or later it will be taken to far and I will be done with the entire thing, but I don't think its THAT serious and I'd rather wait in line and get checked to make sure me and my family is safe. But like all things, when is it to much?
When me and my family travel, my brother ALWAYS gets pulled out for a "random" interview. I'm the prototypical white American looking boy (if there is such a thing), 6-3, 200lbs, brown hair, blue eyes etc. My brother on the other hand, has more of the Italian/olive skin look.He has black hair, and is a hairy dude. Seriously every time we go through security, they pull him out for a "random" interview. We always kind of laugh about it because it has happened so many times, and it has never happened to me. It doesn't help that he's rarely clean shaven and his passport picture he seriously looks like some crazy terrorist anyways.

My point is, this is just the system we live in. I wish that we didn't have to sacrifice our freedoms for securities like these, but at least to me, up to this point, it is worth our safety. Thats not to say that sooner or later it will be taken to far and I will be done with the entire thing, but I don't think its THAT serious and I'd rather wait in line and get checked to make sure me and my family is safe. But like all things, when is it to much?
rashii you know better than to think I want racial profiling.. %#$$ outta here with that nonsense.
rashii you know better than to think I want racial profiling.. %#$$ outta here with that nonsense.
Originally Posted by Essential1

rashii you know better than to think I want racial profiling.. %#$$ outta here with that nonsense.

Just messing with you, bro.

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