
I last went two years ago. We had to start filleting the fish on the boat cause we ran out of room in our coolers. Each fish in that cooler was damn near 40lbs.

Not doing it right....

Jk fam
I don't like salmon unless it's in sushi form but my brother told me to try lox on a bagel and it was prety good. Didn't have a strong flavor.

Lox is salmon......... just prepared different and is usually a fillet from the salmons stomach...
I don't like salmon unless it's in sushi form but my brother told me to try lox on a bagel and it was prety good. Didn't have a strong flavor.

Lox is salmon......... just prepared different and is usually a fillet from the salmons stomach...

Yeah I know. That's why I said I don't like salmon but tried lox and liked it. Cooked salmon has a weird taste to me. Never liked it.
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