Tupac is dead...

If Tupac is alive and doesn't want to be spotted he sure as hell aint sporting a bandanna around his head like its 94'.
if he werent dead...

1. he would have an afro or atleast changed his look
2. definitely not in the U.S.
3. changed his name

or he probably didnt die in vegas, but died somewhere else and no1 knows it. if he did go to cuba, he's definitely dead with his type of attitude andmouth. but yea i think its impossible to stay in hiding for this long, unless your hiding in the mountains with osama
I mean.. if 2pac DID come back and say he was alive, wouldn't y'all be mad as hell? Let dood rest..
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Tupac told me he was dead so until he says otherwise he's dead.

I mean, if I was Tupac and I was trying to get away from the world, first thing I would do is grow hair. I'm just sayin....
1996 called, they said to move on, tupac is dead! his 7 years were up in 03. after that i stopped caring.
He can't be dead. My pops told me that he rapped about the twin towers falling. Unless he was psychic he wouldn't know about that. And the fact the hegot shot on a Las Vegas strip after a Mike Tyson fight and there weren't tons of witnesses makes it hard for me to believe he's dead.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

I honestly think he's dead. The thing that has ppl still skeptical is the chain of events leading to his untimely death

1. Changing of the name from 2Pac to Makaveli
2. "I aint mad at cha" video
3. whole 7 day theory theory
4. lines like "Still after me, I'm in Jamaica sippin daiquiries" "Get my cashflow, and get w/ Castro"
5. The eerie faint words from Pac in the DK7DT intro soundin like "Suge shot me"
6. Pac bein shot in Vegas and noone knows what happend, not even those who "run" Vegas
7. The fact that there is no statute of limitations on faking your death so if he isn't dead he could not come back to the US because he would be prosecuted.

etc etc
Yea I quoted myself so what.
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