Twitch Plays Pokemon- Thousands of people playing 1 game of Pokemon.


how are they going to catch mewtow....

You can catch Mewtwo with an Ultra ball. You have to be skilled and strategic with it though.

You gotta get him down to almost being fainted, then put him to sleep or paralyze him. Both of which are pretty damn hard to do because it will fail about 10 times before you pull it off.

And of course, save the game right before you start a battle with him.
:smh: took me two weeks to catch zapdos in pokemon x

articuno keeps running :smh:


how are they going to catch mewtow....

You can catch Mewtwo with an Ultra ball. You have to be skilled and strategic with it though.

You gotta get him down to almost being fainted, then put him to sleep or paralyze him. Both of which are pretty damn hard to do because it will fail about 10 times before you pull it off.

And of course, save the game right before you start a battle with him.

I'm hip, I'm talking about these guys, will they buy the ultra balls lol
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As an eight or so year old kid I remember hitting mewtwo once and catching him with a Poke Ball. I flipped and ran under my grandmothers bed.

So anyone can start their own twitch plays channel.
Who wants to set it up?

Its gotta be someone on Windows who can install pywin32
Would it be in our best interest to wait till the main feed completes the game so that our interests aren't divided?

Or should we ride the wave and create one now?
I don't think it matters.

Would this be an NT exclusive channel? Can you make twitch channels private 
I was just about to ask if we could make a private channel :lol: :nerd:

PokeMMO might be our best bet. Because I doubt someone is going to leave their PC on all the time just so we can play
I doubt it too 

See if you can get enough people back on. It was pretty popular until school started back up late Jan. last year.

So anyone can start their own twitch plays channel.

Who wants to set it up?

Its gotta be someone on Windows who can install pywin32 :nerd:
Would it be in our best interest to wait till the main feed completes the game so that our interests aren't divided?

Or should we ride the wave and create one now?

I don't think it matters.

Would this be an NT exclusive channel? Can you make twitch channels private :nerd:

not anymore
I think it'd be best to wait till the main game gets completed before creating our own, but either way it doesn't really matter. I'm down for either.

Spring break is coming up in a few weeks and it could gain some momentum then, over summer obviously too.
Dudes really wasted the Master Ball :lol:

Watching this has me itching to play a new Pokemon game. Last one I had was Diamond. Might need to cop a 3DS for the low off of eBay and mess with X or Y.
pretty sure i caught mewtwo with a pokeball once after i drugged him with a heavy dose of paralysis and sleep powder. he was geeked
pretty sure i caught mewtwo with a pokeball once after i drugged him with a heavy dose of paralysis and sleep powder. he was geeked
Later generation, but I caught a Rayquaza asleep with full health with a poke ball or great ball. Of course it was on my friend's game, I had to re-catch it for myself on my own game. 

how are they going to catch mewtwo....

i remember in pokemon silver whatever, i couldn't catch Lugia with some pokeball and had to use my master ball......ended up messin me up in the end cuz u had to catch the other bird which was lvl 70 to beat the dude at the end

but anyway, continue on....just bringin up bad memories
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