Twitch Plays Pokemon- Thousands of people playing 1 game of Pokemon.

Man... I really want to see how they will beat the elite 4...

You lose once, and you gotta fight them all over again :x
I remember having to use a bunch of items like potions, full restores, and PP UP's as I went thru the Elite 4

No way this happens with all the trolls on there lol
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Word here we were talking about Lance when they won't make it past Bruno. He has two Onixes that bird Jesus won't be able to get past.
Do they have strength?

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this would be so much easier if this was yellow. at least if they walk up to a tree or boulder and spam A, they can activate an action
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Man... I really want to see how they will beat the elite 4...

You lose once, and you gotta fight them all over again :x

Hopefully they're smart enough to stock up on potions, revives, cures, and save after they beat someone.
At him not being able to make it into the gym because of the ledge.

Why has Nintendo not said something about this yet, I know they know about it, how can they not have heard
Once they beat the Elite Four I think the appeal dies down a lot. There's nothing else to do except maybe catch Mewtwo. I'd rather see that one idea go down that someone proposed where they play the second generation and do one game of anarchy and the other democracy.

Silver better be anarchy.
I wouldnt be surprised if they do take it to Gen 2 after this. I would continue to watch, and the lulz would be equally as prevalent IMO.
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