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Another day in the Twitch Plays Pokemon thread
by the time i wake up tomorrow, they will probably already have the 8th badge. something smells fishy at night :nerd:
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Theyre about to lose to Giovanni. Forgot this guy was the earth gym leader and he has a level 50 Rydon or something.
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It's looking like that, but Bird Jesus might save them. They had it too if Fonz used surf

They lost
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I wouldnt be surprised if they do take it to Gen 2 after this. I would continue to watch, and the lulz would be equally as prevalent IMO.

2nd Gen is too much :smh: :lol: :x
They'd never finish it. Its too much :x

Once they beat the Elite Four I think the appeal dies down a lot. There's nothing else to do except maybe catch Mewtwo. I'd rather see that one idea go down that someone proposed where they play the second generation and do one game of anarchy and the other democracy.

Silver better be anarchy.

Seeing them make it past the elite 4 and going to catch mew two is what I'm waiting for :lol:

They also have to get articuno and moltres.

There are a few more things to do before they're finished with this one.

Its almost the home stretch now though :smokin
It's looking like that, but Bird Jesus might save them. They had it too if Fonz used surf
They caught the fade. Glad I was up to watch though that was the first full battle I ever got to watch
Yup, me too. So frustrating but funny at the same time. What's the O/U on the time it takes to get back?
They wont be back in there until like noon
I wouldnt be surprised if they do take it to Gen 2 after this. I would continue to watch, and the lulz would be equally as prevalent IMO.
2nd Gen is too much

They'd never finish it. Its too much
Once they beat the Elite Four I think the appeal dies down a lot. There's nothing else to do except maybe catch Mewtwo. I'd rather see that one idea go down that someone proposed where they play the second generation and do one game of anarchy and the other democracy.

Silver better be anarchy.
Seeing them make it past the elite 4 and going to catch mew two is what I'm waiting for

They also have to get articuno and moltres.

There are a few more things to do before they're finished with this one.

Its almost the home stretch now though
Theyre not catching any of those though I will bet money on it
. Only reason they caught Zapdos is because they threw the masterball at it. They will end up knocking out every other legendary they run into. They dont eem buy Ultra Balls
The amount of fail and meme's to come from the attempts are going to be amazing though :rofl:
:wow: they made it back :wow: :wow:

I'm crying bruh.. They're trying to use the SS Ticket against Dugtrio :rofl:
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Yeah, but it's frustrating kuz it would be too easy to beat. But that's where the entertainment comes from

Also, Bird Jesus has the worst move set ever 
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Dawg, Zapdos is about to catch that fade.

Nudoqueen been body slamming him all match, and Nidoking about to come through and end it :smh: :x
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