Twitter is serious business

If you're in the majority you automatically get the benefit of the doubt, duh.
so is the majority a white superiority complex thing..

Or a stupid sheltered thing...

Seriously.. No sarcasm or jimmy rustlage.
the joke didn't even make sense.  I guess that's an ongoing theme with what gets attention on the internet nowadays
so is the majority a white superiority complex thing..

Or a stupid sheltered thing...

Seriously.. No sarcasm or jimmy rustlage.

Based on my experience after going to two majority white schools for high school and college, it's a stupid sheltered thing, not exactly racism. Rich white kids dont have boundaries to what they find hilarious and have no sense of what others might feel, because to most of them, the problems minorities face are so distant that they might as well not exist. Always doing too much. Makes me glad I grew up in lower and middle class neighborhoods with minorities of all kinds.

I won't lie, my friends and I use racist jokes towards each other that we find hilarious. Even then it never gets to the point where we're mocking the problems that our people face. At most it's lighthearted stereotypical humor
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