Twitter is serious business

compared to all the nonsense floating on the internet this is harmless.

you got dudes knocking people out on worldstar for fun and recording crackheads sucking peen for rocks..

none of it is acceptable but come on you dont hear people asking for sharkeisha to be fired from her job at the wafflehouse.
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compared to all the nonsense floating on the internet this is harmless.

you got dudes knocking people out on worldstar for fun and recording crackheads sucking peen for rocks..

none of it is acceptable but come on you dont hear people asking for sharkeisha to be fired from her job at the wafflehouse.

People pick and choose what they get outraged at and what they decide to become e vigilantes for.
tell me what exactly the internet was made for then.

1. To fap

2. So people with low self esteem and nothing better to do than throw their capes on during situations like this. (ie users like you.)
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:lol: young white American females and their privilege. Her being a PR rep should know better. But people have said and done worse, let this be a learning experience, no need to crucify her. A nice sit down with the CEO who's close to the cause should put the fear of God in her. Actually if she's an exec and not just a rep she should probably be atleast demoted, gotta hold yourself to a higher standard.
the fact of that the freddy mercury gif had to be explained just proves how stupid people are on the internet.


yes it was a stupid joke but its not like shes the president or anyone important, just another idiot making a dumb comment.

you see worst from users with NT#

Cornball *** comment, Freddie Mercury isn't a historical figure. It's not impossible to fathom that someone young wouldn't know anything about him, none of that makes them stupid. Dudes always want to take the little bit that they know and hype themselves up.
tell me what exactly the internet was made for then.

1. To fap

2. So people with low self esteem and nothing better to do than throw their capes on during situations like this. (ie users like you.)

When cats post stuff like this like they're above it all yet you see them post their personal **** which says otherwise. The hypocrisy through anonymity of the internet is starting to annoy me. Not just here but everywhere, like social media is sucking the fun out of ****. I need to leave anything social related alone.
Agreed completely.

Was it poor choice of words? Yes it was

Seeing the selectively offended e viggivlanties ruin this girls career over a stupid remark as dumb though especially when most the people casting shade aren't perfect angels themselves.

I'm not sure what's worse. Her poor decision making in choice of words. Or the fact that a persons hard work and time put into a career could be completely wiped down the drain all because of one bad sarcastic joke that people find offensive.

she ruined her own damn career (in PR AT THAT) for thinking a twitter account with her full name & job information was the place for her to spout that kind of garbage. this girl wanted the public recognition for her employment, but not the public responsibility. unfortunately for her (and many others who time & again learn too late), that's not how it works.

& come on, really - NT comparisons? although i doubt the kind of comment she tweeted wouldn't leave you with less than a warning from the mods here, you can get away with silly remarks on NT because its not even remotely as public as twitter & precisely because none of us are stupid enough to post here under anything but aliases. but let's surmise for a minute that an NT'r was a very public figure who did leave some nasty racist comments & was exposed to the media. you don't think there should be accounting for?

regarding the actual comment, though: it wasn't a "poor choice of words". a "poor choice of words" would be "you're not that fat" to the Mrs. or, "are you ******ed?" to someone with a learning disability. this was a deliberate attempt at a racist joke in the most public of forums; thousands of offended "e-vigilantes" from all over the world - African countries included - quite rightly took her to task for it.
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When cats post stuff like this like they're above it all yet you see them post their personal **** which says otherwise. The hypocrisy through anonymity of the internet is starting to annoy me. Not just here but everywhere, like social media is sucking the fun out of ****. I need to leave anything social related alone.

Maybe you should. People say stupid stuff on social media every second. You can't take it that serious if you're going to use it. It's one thing to be friends or follow someone you know that says hurtful and offensive things, but the anonymous users can't bring you down.
Maybe I will man, or maybe it's just the alcohol and lack of sleep talking. I don't get how the corniest ****** you know can jump online and all of a sudden they're a vocal *** Superman Gates Ross King Jr.
Maybe I will man, or maybe it's just the alcohol and lack of sleep talking. I don't get how the corniest ****** you know can jump online and all of a sudden they're a vocal *** Superman Gates Ross King Jr.
That's just how it goes man 

It's the internet and not meant to be taken seriously.. you can be a completely different person online than you are in real life, that's the fun part of it 
Just because something doesn't offend because you're not the culture, gender, race, nationality etc concerned doesn't mean that the people who feel talked about should not be offended. I'm sick of people making that argument. The joke was in bad taste but I didn't lose sleep over it. However, if someone's jimmies got rustled, that's on them. It's lame when non Black or Hispanic or Asian NTers wanna tell the others what should offend them when they don't qualify.
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tell me what exactly the internet was made for then.
1. To fap

2. So people with low self esteem and nothing better to do than throw their capes on during situations like this. (ie users like you.)
yes of course, anyone who finds these kind of comments offensive and/or let others know about it or wants to discuss gotta have low self esteem

grow up
yes of course, anyone who finds these kind of comments offensive and/or let others know about it or wants to discuss gotta have low self esteem

grow up

I think it's very offensive and completely out of line, 100%. However, it's just another dumb person saying dumb things. She'll retract it when she catches heat and apologize to save face knowing damn well she doesn't mean it.

So in the meantime what's the point of wasting breathe or keystrokes trying to start a movement? These people exist in our world and as sad and offensive as it is, there will be someone doing it tomorrow. I'm just saying you should let it go and just know that she's dumb and you shouldn't give people like that your time or effort. Go play in the real world if you let things like that hurt you so bad.
She seemed like a nice person but all these tweets showed a whole different side of her. :smh:

She might not even make it back to the states. She's stuck in South Africa till further notice. :lol:
White girls gone white girl
Well I feel like you're defending the dumb Becky.
Hard work? She probably sucked a D or used daddy's connections to get where ever she is. 

I don't know why yall stick up for these idiots. 
 Hmm... But on a serious note, it's good to see a handful of folks in here actually realize some dumb broad made an attempt at a very distasteful joke. Nothing more nothing less. Jokes about race, while usually not smart, do not mean the joker is a racist. Any repurcussions coming her way, oh well. 
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