Tyler Perry's House of payne...Vol. Stoneface

Tyler is wanting all the money so he doesn't really hire much help on the production side

Many people watch it just to support Perry, he does have that "black family message"

After a successful pilot run, Perry signed a $200 million dollar 100 episode deal with TBS.

(i wished he would switch movie topics though)
My mom watches it almost everyday. Oddly though, I never hear her laugh at it. I too dislike about 95% of Tyler Perry's work. I think he just reiteratesold fashioned black stereotypes. The acting is terrible and the stories are just predictable. He has another show that is called The Browns or something that Iknow will be just as terrible.
I was flipping through the channels and all I know is some fat little boy was going to be raped by some weird white guy.

I stopped watching.
Originally Posted by J d0t c0medy

I was flipping through the channels and all I know is some fat little boy was going to be raped by some weird white guy.

I stopped watching.

That episode actually made me remember how crazy those dudes can be.
Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

I've seen just about every episode, but I watch it because it's like a train wreck, and I love shows with awkward moments that make me laugh even when they're not supposed to be funny. For example the episode when the twins were born, and the Pastor started singing at the hospital, it was one of the corniest moments in the history of television. That dude sings for everything. It's such an odd show. Even though some of the things on the show are so on point, it still seems like Tyler Perry is so out of touch with reality. The show will have me sitting there sometimes like "why did they do that"? They take the jokes way too far sometimes to the point where it's not even funny anymore. Lately I've just been watching to look at Rudy Huxtable and Denyce Lawton, I also like crackhead Jeanine, she's bad in my opinion.
That and the stupid episode where Malik was sentenced to 3 years in prison for joy riding and crashing a motorcyles
. I was like what the hell thats doesn't make any sense.
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