U.S. Cities with the worst drivers vol. No surprise who's #1

Everytime I drive from NC up to NY to see my family I hate it when i get to VA/MD..you got people going 65 in the right lane and 62 in the left lane. Then you got the people who randomly slam on the damn breaks for no reason
Everytime I drive from NC up to NY to see my family I hate it when i get to VA/MD..you got people going 65 in the right lane and 62 in the left lane. Then you got the people who randomly slam on the damn breaks for no reason

I thought i had found the "key" to gettin where i need to be by using the slow lane...NOPE just horrible Virginians with they non drivin A!!!s

they do have strict laws tho. go 80 in a 70 an thats a wreckless driving offense.
I live north of Baltimore and work near DC. I drive with number 1 and number 2

Lol at DC. You have above a 100% chance of havIng an accident driving there then the national average. Thats wild to think about.
are they talking about IN THE CITY or the encompassing areas (the Beltway)?

I'm going to assume they are talking about the District itself because they mention Alexandria as well, which is still inside the Beltway.

side rant: DMV is such a stupid name for three areas that are so different.
Eff driving in SF. Eff learning how to drive on "Devil's Slide". Eff barely knowing how to drive stick in Pacifica, Daly City, and SF.

I still have no idea why/how some people out here drive stick :wow:

I have a 4 cylinder Honda Accord, and I have to floor it to stop my car from rolling backwards on those hilly @#$ traffic lights as soon as I take my foot off the brake :lol:

The biggest problem I have with driving in SF is idiot drivers who don't let you change lanes :smh: >: Like you really not gonna let me take that turn? The next 6-7 blocks are all one way only you @#$ hole
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Shocced SoVa isn't on the list. We drive fast everywhere for no reason, we can drive tho 8)
Everytime I drive from NC up to NY to see my family I hate it when i get to VA/MD..you got people going 65 in the right lane and 62 in the left lane. Then you got the people who randomly slam on the damn breaks for no reason

Lol its like they trap you, and you're forced to do the speed limit or tailgate(which gets you nowhere).

VA is strict though, word to my driving record. :frown: :x
VA is bound to have the worst drivers off the simple fact they have the most drivers and the roads are terrible.

On Friday evening it will take you over 4 hours to get from DC to past Fredericksburg.......which one can usually make in under an hour.

This s*** around here is a lifestyle change and you have no peace of mind.

Dude I was in VA for 2 years and I'd never seen such bad driving in my life. There's a highway that connects Newport News to Norfolk, OMG, dumb accidents on there ALL THE TIME! MAD traffic!

HRBT is the main strip to the other side. I stay away from that and take 664 8) no cops til you hit Suffolk around Docks Landing exit. Still be doing 90 on a regular day
in eastern WA state the drivers are bad in a diiferent style. everyone drives like 5 to 10 mph under the speed limit. no one really gets in wrecks because there is so much time to react because every1 goes so dam SLOW!!
I don't think they know the meaning of 1 way streets, honestly.
Elizabeth, Nj should be higher than Newark nowadays, though, nothing but drunk illegals getting to, or from strip clubs.

In Baltimore, there is this bar/nightlife area called Fell's Point that has this problem really, really bad. The illegals encompass/live for six blocks outside the bar area and there are a few strip clubs close by. My cousin is fairly high up in the Balto. city PD and he tells me that it's just about expected that there will be a hit and run murder right outside Fells comprised of drunk, college-aged kids stumbling to their cars and getting struck by a car full of drunk illegals flying through the neighborhood intersections at least once a weekend, esp. in the summer. So sad.
Seattle definitely needs to be on that list. One would think Seattlelites shouldnt have a problem driving in the rain since it happens so often, but once a single drop of rain hits the road all you see are brake lights and freeway traffic slows to 40 mph. One thing i will never understand..
Why are ppl surprised by NYC not being on there? New York has very good drivers. Don't confuse inconsiderate and over-aggressive with bad driving. In NY ppl will cut you off, honk their horns obsessively, and drive on your bumper if you ain't with the program but how often do you see ACTUAL accidents? Very rarely. Our taxi drivers are the best example of this. Ridiculously aggressive but they know how to not crash. On top of that the city is very driver friendly. There aren't any many ridiculous roundabouts or over-sized intersections with traffic turning in five different directions. Everything is linear and for the mostpart the lights cooperate. If you want to get from point A to point B you can do so without much need for hoping on and off major thru streets. Whereas in some other cities you have to take winding back roads, major roads, side roads, and highways. I can literally take Broadway from the northern part of the Bronx straight down to the bottom of Manhattan. Furthermore our driver's exam is ridiculously hard. We aren't just letting anyone with a permit and a couple lessons out on the road. So yeah we have great drivers in NYC. Mostly because we have to. This city is forever alive and crowded. Bad driving would just not work out here.

And as a New Yorker who has driven in Providence extensively I knew that they would be up there. It's horrible, from the infrastructure to the actual drivers. Only a few main roads that get super crowded during rush hours and everyone drives well below the speed limit. No one knows how to switch lanes or merge. Its ridiculous. And the drivers exam there is a joke.
DMV for sure. never seen so many ******s behind the wheel than when i lived in DC
if anyone has driven near land mark mall and going towards annadale, you would know how terrible drivers are. Its like the united nations of the worst drivers. I people just hop like two lanes with no signals, tailgating, cutting people off, swerving, its just dangerous and I'm always super careful driving around there.

and DC is just all over the place. Aside from the narrow streets in Georgetown, it should be easy to drive in DC, but so many drivers fail to follow simple runs. A lot of drivers are also from out of town so they are confused by our roads. Even with all that, there is still no excuse for DC's insane speed cameras.
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