UA Curry 4

yeah me too... only wanted that black pair.... oh well, hopefully someone will split them up
400 is steep, but I will be trying for the pack. If I somehow do end up getting it, I'm definitely letting that white pair go.
Footlocker app got error, can’t pick the size. I asked them on Twitter since the app crash earlier, they just reply back like they don’t know what they doing? It on your app go check it before answer lol.
I guess I'll try for the pack. Hopefully the other colorways don't disappoint, definitely want them to continue with the dubnation, batman, and splash party colorways.
The pack flipping open and socks is a nice touch. Wood grain looks nice compared to the past UA Curry packs. Hopefully the parades drop sometime as the friends and family.


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Footlocker app got error, can’t pick the size. I asked them on Twitter since the app crash earlier, they just reply back like they don’t know what they doing? It on your app go check it before answer lol.
Size is working now.

Need to find out if theyre tts :emoji_thinking:
Those pairs are nice. Oh wait.. Decided to release in a pack only in New York? I'll gracefully bow out
The design is 11ish and li ning ish but dope.
The textiles looks light and classy.
But look cheap like they wont last the test of time.
Felt is a no go on longevity and durability it peels too.
Is that foam nerf or something like it?
I invision cracking around the circular holes and creasing.
Grip looks fantastic. Laces kd ish .
UA has along way to go . the curry 1 is the best they stole jordan 22 last shoe i only respect o.g. designs .
$400 is too much. There will be a black base and a white based colorway im sure that will be a GR at some point that i can pick up as a consolation prize
I just go home. When I lined up 2 hours ago, they said only about 200 people had gone through for the 600 rings. They looked on pace to run out around 6-7pm when the event ends. They started giving free tshirts away about an hour ago too.
I got there at 11 wasn’t too long of a line. Line got longer as it started. Not sure now. I left around 12:25. They let in maybe 10 at a time so you gotta wait until people leave. Not sure if there is a time limit. I was probably inside for 10 minutes. Just took pictures, got the ring and left. If there is a big group they’ll be there longer. Best to go by yourself or another person as they’ll let you in ahead of the line. You got to pick which of the 3 ring designs. I got the SC one as many probably picked that too most likely so chances might be slimmer.
Who's got pics of the rings they were giving out??

3 designs: SC logo, "I can do all things", and a smiley face

And yeah, they are metal, not plastic. Worst case scenario, you get a souvenir ring if your a curry fan. Giving mine to my lil niece since she's all about SC.

Btw, credit to @bayareagotsole on IG for the shot. I was too lazy to take a pic myself in store.


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