UC DAVIS Represent

^i'm not sure if anybody wanna meet me while I'm on that's surp, but if you do, hit me up on picnic day. Crown/coke? Vodka in water bottles? Weoffthat.
edit: maybe not crown/coke.
that calc 21b final killed me

oh well off to break
Originally Posted by d0njaye

damnit cao, no more NT..go study for your finals lol
what up DJ.. where you be at bruh. come up for our rush week soon, seen the new flyers?? Join our FB group y'all - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=332020860745&ref=ts
I just finished my last final, for Spanish. I was so %+$!+# up I came an hour late and still finished that @!+% before half the class. I didn't think it was that hard.. hopefully I pass though.

Good luck who ever has finals. MacGyver, I'd spark with you but I gave it up for lent. But if picnic day is after 4/20, I'm down for a session
Yeah, i got an invite a while back. if we went with pacman, people prolly think we're a filipino based fraternity. I should make my way back up to davis to visit sometime. My training schedule is crazy, it's almost like my second job.

good luck with rush and keep up the hard work.
anyone know when admission letters come out?

i applied for Fall 2010 but I never received a prospective student ID number or anything like that... can anyone help me out?
congrats to yall who got accepted

i'll be joining yall too this fall.

But what the hell is up with the admissions page? i can't log in for some reason.
congrats congrats fellow NT'ers

let us know if you'd like an online orientation NT version about this lovely school here. feel free to ask questions
so, grades are slowly popping up. i'm not too happy with them but at least i didn't fail any classes this quarter

i really miss the arc though, cant stand the stuff i have at home cuz it doesn't give me a complete workout. and i'm not paying for 24 fitness
^ actually.. y'all can help me with the clothing/shoe shop aspects of Davis..cause I really don't pay attention to those

I can tell you guys about campus resources, clubs, events, food places, stuff like that though.

and I'm off AD now, that's wassup. This quarter I will take it a lot more seriously.. taking PSC 162, PSC 101, ANT 002, BIS 10V. These courses are for my psych major so yea
Much love to UCD for a wonderful  & memorable 4 years!!

Finished up college this quarter (a quarter early) with degrees in Economics & Communication.

Now I have 2 weeks of vacation, then I will be starting work down in the South Bay.

Best of luck to everyone out there still @ UCD! Gain as much experience in the field you want to work in ASAP!!! Can't emphasize this enough!
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

^ actually.. y'all can help me with the clothing/shoe shop aspects of Davis..cause I really don't pay attention to those

I can tell you guys about campus resources, clubs, events, food places, stuff like that though.

and I'm off AD now, that's wassup. This quarter I will take it a lot more seriously.. taking PSC 162, PSC 101, ANT 002, BIS 10V. These courses are for my psych major so yea

Hey bro, have you taken PSC 100 or 150? I'm a new student there and I want to know if it's a bird class or do I have to study?
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