UC DAVIS Represent

Whattup whatup y'all... How's everyone doing? Tryna hit up the library everyday and so far it's working. As for work.. I'm #*@$!%' lazy as *%%$ to have any motivation. All this drinking and smoking is wearing me out.
But yea I met an NTer--freaky the destroyer? on the bus today.. haha pretty random, but cool folk. Who else knows who here? There's keak, riceboy, leo, miken, etc. we should all have a session and spark one up..
^lol *+@%+ you said you wanted to get on my level. I didn't get to where I'm at by sparkin or throwin back bottles. UCD NT Summit?!
I'm tryna burn. i got no midterms this week. no class wednesday either so whats good NT. Cao what are you doing wednesday night?
im down to smoke
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

sup, lets do it!!

I ended up passing out hella early wednesday after my im hoop game. Btw, i'm in the 6' and under im hoop league with my roommates and some friens. We need like 2 more players, because we don't have any subs. If anyone is interested and down to play, let me know. I'm also doing indoor soccer thursday nights if someone is looking to play on a team. I think we will win it in soccer, and hoop is a possibility too but we could use some subs.  
^i'd take up your offer but I opted to join a team that's 0-2 while being blown out every game so far in the 6' and under league. I'm also on a CoRec B team that's on Wednesday nights too
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^i'd take up your offer but I opted to join a team that's 0-2 while being blown out every game so far in the 6' and under league. I'm also on a CoRec B team that's on Wednesday nights too
remember how i told you my team quit? apparently, they never read our emails so we still in the league. got a game monday night and i have to show up. no practice, gonna get embarrassed
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^i'd take up your offer but I opted to join a team that's 0-2 while being blown out every game so far in the 6' and under league. I'm also on a CoRec B team that's on Wednesday nights too

We got one win, one forfeit. 
sup, my bads late response, was pretty busy last week tho. what's everyone doin this week?
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

sup, my bads late response, was pretty busy last week tho. what's everyone doin this week?

IM hoop game wednesday and ice hockey practice right after. I'm gonna be really busy catching up this week..
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

fasho, post a pic tho so I know to take my %%$ there or not


biggest size is a 7 5/8 but it fits like a 7 3/4

hope this helps
since its a bad pic
...its all dark blue...UCD is in white with a tan/cream border...nothing on the back though
good looks!

Ima go cop when I have the chance, any tips for haircuts around here to?
It's been a while
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