UC DAVIS Represent

anyone a lambda? or deciding in pledging?

I'm a Sac State Lambda....definitely check out rush if you're interested....my main advice to you (as well as anyone else interested in rushing a fraternity/sorority) is this: keep an open mind, but don't feel pressured to join....feel free to PM me if you have any questions

imma uc irvine lambda... why wsup, gotta q homie?

what up bro. it's good to see fellow Lambdas on NT.
what up bro. it's good to see fellow Lambdas on NT.

koo wsup man! whend u cross? im gonna be up in the bay for awhile, any events i should check out? i think im heading out to berkeley on friday for their rush party.
Steve FSD, I crossed Fall 2000. pretty old, yeah? when'd you cross? I'm an alum, so I've been out of the greek scene for a minute, but if you're up here on Sep. 8, all the state schools are throwing a rush party that night in SF...I forget the exact venue tho.
naw, you're pretty young! lol. i'm fall 2k4. yeah, i'm living back at home [santa clara], for awhile. not going to uci right now but i'll be back there soon. i'm going to ucb tomorrow for their rush and will most likely go to the norcal rush party. nice meeting u bro.
Re-upping this post since school's bout to start in the week. Where are all the first years who posted here? How's it going so far? For my 2nd years and on, where y'all livin?
So are any first year NTers moving into the dorms Sat. or Sun, where are you guys living? I'm in Tercero South (Bld. 2) and trying to move in on Saturday but my scheduled move-in day is Sun. I'm feeling a little nervous but it should be fun.. peace
[/url]...Ima enjoy life from birth, to the nail in the coffin
Cus I'm only human i fear bein pale, stiff, and rottin...
^Lucky. Those dorms were so nice. With carpet, and desk chairs... and a lounge on every floor. Not just a room, but a lounge.
My sig is gone, after three years. :frown:
Segundo is so close to everything. It's really nice to go to the gym and walk back to the dorm.

Donpoppa... do it.
My sig is gone, after three years. :frown:
tercero south building 2 also.
psalm 23:6

surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever
It's welcome week...E, we gonna play some pranks on these freshies?
"the Range is laffy taffy, make em duck like daffy
apples and bananas you could say im friends with Raffi..."
Let me tell you guys my story about this racial profiling @#%$....

Two years ago, when I first transferred to UC Davis, I was driving down on of the cross streets of 5th street. I dont know what the road is called, but its the one that follows the railroad with a crazy 90 degree bend at the begining of it. It was late in the night, and I was driving pretty carefully. My friend advised me to take that way because it was a shorter distance to where I wanted to be. So I head down that road, it was a wet night, and I crashed my car into the curb. I was making that left, and I guess I popped my clutch or something, and i just remember sliding into the curb. So then I call the tow truck and BAM a davis 5-0 comes by.

Hes a pretty nice guy, and helps me out because its my first accident. He asks all the standard questions, and then towards the end as I place my car on the two bed. He then infroms me that I hit the curb according to some calculations that he used. I tell him that I was not speeding, and I knew I wasnt!! because my friend wanted me to drive faster, and I was weary of the speed limit since I heard so many horror stories about Davis cops. I am outraged, and was hoping that he was just going for his quota on traffic violations.

Couple weeks later I go to the Woodland court, and to my surprise the police officer isn't present. So I sit there for three hours, listening to other cases, and I am the last one called. Thinking that I finally got away with a traffic ticket, I walk up happpily in front of the judge, only to have her tell me that the officer is in another court date and that I would have to wait for him. So after everyone LEAVES, I am stuck there by myself, and I waited for 45minutes to an hour for the officer. And I cant even defend my case, and I am charged with a speed violation. I was so effing mad about that, not only because was the ticket BS, I received it knowing that I didn't deserve it.

THere are so many other stories around DAvis too, like I say, the Davis police gives you an unkown citation called "Asian driving a nice car" I swaer they are bitter that students around here drive expensive German or luxury cars that these racist fools cant even dream of. Or maybe theyre mad that we didnt buy a friggn domestic car or something....I mean cmon, when my friend (chinese) gets pulled over for looking suspicious right in front of his house 4 times in 2 weeks is friggn harrassment. @#%$ is ridiculous out here. Just watch out. I know of 10 friends who got DUIs in Davis for some BS reason. I am positive that this is not the case for the white residents here. Something like 70% of the traffic violations in Davis are given to Asian Americans? I know Asians usually arent the best drivers, but cmon. 70%?!?!?!?!? U know Davis cops got nothing to do when they pull out three squad cars for a speed ticket!!

man you got me all hyphy haha, I just wanted to give out the 411

Sitting here in the Griffin Lounge... taking advantage of that T4.

Yeah, I spoke my mind about how I feel about these dudes here. Burn, sucks that it happened, I've been lucky so far. I live across from the police station too... -_-
My sig is gone, after three years. :frown:
Wow..this thread really sunk. Let's try bringing it back. How's midterms everyone? And whatever happened to the sneaker club idea? Just wondering..
All those people graduated. Seriously. Let's just close this one up and start a new one...
"shegotgame - People want Vince to leave so he can join their team. Vince will stay put. Sig that."
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