UCSD Frat has 'Ghetto-Themed' Party

Dec 2, 2009
SAN DIEGO -- Administrators at the University of California, San Diego are condemning a weekend ghetto-themed party thrown off-campus by fraternity students to mock Black History Month, but they aren't likely to discipline anyone, it was reported Wednesday. The so-called "Compton Cookout" event urged all participants to wear chains, don cheap clothes and speak very loudly, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported. Female participants were encouraged to be "ghetto chicks." "It's insulting, it's derogatory, we're being made fun of, we're being made a mockery of and we're not being taken seriously," said UCSD student Elize Diop, who is black. [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]The invitation read, "For those of you who are unfamiliar with ghetto chicks -- Ghetto chicks usually have gold teeth, start fights and drama, and wear cheap clothes ...," the Union-Tribune reported. Click Here To Read The Full Invitation UCSD student Chevelle Newell told 10News, "The part where it talks about black women … that's not what I am." Jeff Gattas, the UCSD executive director of communications and public affairs, told the Union-Tribune that because the event wasn't sanctioned by the university or run by a student organization, university officials don't have a reason to penalize party hosts. Campus chancellor Marye Anne Fox learned about the party Tuesday and reacted by e-mailing a statement to the university's student body and staff, according to the newspaper, which reported less than 2 percent of UCSD's undergraduates are black. "We were distressed to learn that over the weekend an offensively themed student party, mocking the commemoration of Black History Month, took place off campus," her statement read. "We strongly condemn this event and the blatant disregard of our campus values." Click Here To Read Chancellor Fox's Full Statement The university publicly identified the party planners only as a group of students but in an e-mail obtained by the Union-Tribune from Gary Ratcliff, assistant vice chancellor for student life, the event was linked to Pi Kappa Alpha. "It was not an official Pike event, but the students who posted it on Facebook were members of Pike and other frats," he wrote, the newspaper reported. Garron Engstrom, president of Pi Kappa Alpha, issued a statement Wednesday which denied the fraternity was associated with the party. Click Here To Read Pi Kappa Alpha's response UCSD student Arthur Vigil said, "It's very insensitive. I don't think they're representing the school well." http://Read The Invitation To The "Compton Cook Out," As Posted On Facebook:
"February marks a very important month in American society. No, i'm not referring to Valentines day or Presidents day. I'm talking about Black History month. As a time to celebrate and in hopes of showing respect, the Regents community cordially invites you to its very first Compton Cookout. For guys: I expect all males to be rockin Jersey's, stuntin' up in ya White T (XXXL smallest size acceptable), anything FUBU, Ecko, Rockawear, High/low top Jordans or Dunks, Chains, Jorts, stunner shades, 59 50 hats, Tats, etc. For girls: For those of you who are unfamiliar with ghetto chicks-Ghetto chicks usually have gold teeth, start fights and drama, and wear cheap clothes - they consider Baby Phat to be high class and expensive couture. They also have short, nappy hair, and usually wear cheap weave, usually in bad colors, such as purple or bright red. They look and act similar to Shenaynay, and speak very loudly, while rolling their neck, and waving their finger in your face. Ghetto chicks have a very limited vocabulary, and attempt to make up for it, by forming new words, such as "constipulated", or simply cursing persistently, or using other types of vulgarities, and making noises, such as "hmmg!", or smacking their lips, and making other angry noises,grunts, and faces. The objective is for all you lovely ladies to look, act, and essentially take on these "respectable" qualities throughout the day. Several of the regents condos will be teaming up to house this monstrosity, so travel house to house and experience the various elements of life in the ghetto. We will be serving 40's, Kegs of Natty, dat Purple Drank- which consists of sugar, water, and the color purple , chicken, coolade, and of course Watermelon. So come one and come all, make ya self before we break ya self, keep strapped, get yo shine on, and join us for a day party to be remembered- or not. "
I'm not gonna lie, that invite made me
 a little.
anything fubu

We will be serving 40's, Kegs of Natty, dat Purple Drank- which consists of sugar, water, and the color purple , chicken, coolade, and of course Watermelon. So come one and come all, make ya self before we break ya self, keep strapped, get yo shine on, and join us for a day party to be remembered- or not

i've never seen an invite that long or involved.
ignorant fools.

Oh well, 1st amendment. they're well within their rights to do it.
aww man theyre about to catch some heat for this one

anyone here go to ucsd? i wanna see the pictures from this party
Originally Posted by Black Jesus

i can't even get mad at this stuff anymore

cosign, like a black man runs the country, i really dont care about white peoples fascination with urban culture 
^^^What Black Jesus said.
It's all laughs until they're confronted by the real deal anyway so whatever.
im sorry...how can anyone take this seriously? its as if we thru a hick party. Obviously, not all African Americans are ghetto, like all whites arent hicks.

Its just people looking for attention to hate on something and be in the news.

How about we ban halloween too because it discriminates against nurses, vampires and the ghost from Scream.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's sad that stuff like this takes place, but when some black people are constantly seen acting accordingly (ie; Ghetto chicks start fights and drama, smacking lips, weaves in bad colors, limited vocabulary), then I can't even say much. But college kids doing this? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] I mean, when will they grow up?[/color]
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

im sorry...how can anyone take this seriously? its as if we thru a hick party. Obviously, not all African Americans are ghetto, like all whites arent hicks.

Its just people looking for attention to hate on something and be in the news.

How about we ban halloween too because it discriminates against nurses, vampires and the ghost from Scream.

Halloween only discriminates against slutty nurses, vampires, and Tinkerbells.  I wouldn't have it any other way.
I swear whenever "they" try to make fun of us, they use some of the most outdated ways to do it. Jersey's? We still do that?

But I chuckled a little. Not a laughing matter. But if some of us stop acting like modern day minstrel shows, "they" wouldn't have anything to make fun of
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