UCSD Frat has 'Ghetto-Themed' Party

Originally Posted by Agent0024

Thats my opinion and I'm a 26 year old Crip, with gold teeth, and tattoos. My mom is white by the way too and my father originated from African slaves and the indigenous nations of Native Americans that resided here undisturbed until the earth cancer called the caucasoid invaded and raped, pillaged and destroyed thousands of separate cultures co-existing with each other.... so I guess since I used a couple big words I'm not a "real" Crip and I'm just e-banging right? I won't continue this rant but instances like this make me proud to be anti-American, even with a bi-racial President

cool story bro
i swear NT has some of the most sensitive people on the internet.  
Originally Posted by Agent0024

racism still alive, they just be concealin it- Kanye

I wonder what would happened if I threw a Poindexter Paddy Party where everybody rolls up in their mom and dad's car with their parents charge card and a bunch of emo/karamo attire, attributes and the whole 29.... despicable that white people are allowed to still openly practice and demonstrate active racism, in relation to an institute of higher learning no less, without so much as an official condemnation or willingness to halt such a disgraceful display of the still-present and prevalent separation between whites and Blaccs....

Thats my opinion and I'm a 26 year old Crip, with gold teeth, and tattoos. My mom is white by the way too and my father originated from African slaves and the indigenous nations of Native Americans that resided here undisturbed until the earth cancer called the caucasoid invaded and raped, pillaged and destroyed thousands of separate cultures co-existing with each other.... so I guess since I used a couple big words I'm not a "real" Crip and I'm just e-banging right? I won't continue this rant but instances like this make me proud to be anti-American, even with a bi-racial President

You're a mess.
Originally Posted by Agent0024

racism still alive, they just be concealin it- Kanye

I wonder what would happened if I threw a Poindexter Paddy Party where everybody rolls up in their mom and dad's car with their parents charge card and a bunch of emo/karamo attire, attributes and the whole 29.... despicable that white people are allowed to still openly practice and demonstrate active racism, in relation to an institute of higher learning no less, without so much as an official condemnation or willingness to halt such a disgraceful display of the still-present and prevalent separation between whites and Blaccs....

Thats my opinion and I'm a 26 year old Crip, with gold teeth, and tattoos. My mom is white by the way too and my father originated from African slaves and the indigenous nations of Native Americans that resided here undisturbed until the earth cancer called the caucasoid invaded and raped, pillaged and destroyed thousands of separate cultures co-existing with each other.... so I guess since I used a couple big words I'm not a "real" Crip and I'm just e-banging right? I won't continue this rant but instances like this make me proud to be anti-American, even with a bi-racial President

nothing would happen man. thats what im getting at.

this has and will always be what is defined as ghetto. No one in that invitation said lets all act like regular black folk. Or lets act like Agent0024. It was a ghetto party. Just like the Jersey Shores parties theyve been having. Just like any dress up party thats been happening.

If they had a Klu Klux Klan dress up party or a Nazi party then granted I would understand because that just personifies hatred. Ghetto is and will always be defined as that and society has accepted that. SNL, MAD TV, movies, comedy sketches....its all there.
I live in San Diego and this the 1st i've heard of this. lol OMG.. This is so ignorant. Damn I miss passing by UCSD at night.
I remember at UC Irvine Sigma Pi always threw a "Cinco de Drinko" party, and some crazy group called MECHA always went crazy about it with protests and stuff. Just recently UCI was on the news with it's damn Jewish/Muslim Student Union controversy again.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

It's sad that stuff like this takes place, but when some black people are constantly seen acting accordingly (ie; Ghetto chicks start fights and drama, smacking lips, weaves in bad colors, limited vocabulary), then I can't even say much. But college kids doing this?
I mean, when will they grow up?
Black people, here is your problem.

This little ghetto barbecue cook out was exactly what it was intended to be, GHETTO. Don't automatically assume that you are ghetto just because you are black, its self degrading and wrong for the most part. Lets look at the term "Hoodrat", a hood rat can be a variety of races, sizes, and shapes. If someone calls someone else a hoodrat it doesn't mean all women should get offended. It means you have been coined a label, not for your flaws as a race but as a person.

Now Ghetto people on the other hand should be offended.
My thing is this while many have made excellent points. The problem is people are offended by this whole you're/im ghetto. These are only phrases words. Your reactions feelings towards this is your own interpretation. To me this whole being ghetto etc being loud, liking fried chicken etc isnt a negative connotation. I partake in all of these activities. Does it make me unintelligent,ignorant....No. The problem is people use these words to associate that notion, and said party gets offended and act accordingly.

Example the word bad, i can interpret that as good, something excellent. Or I can interpret this as i am a bad person and because of this act in an unruly, mischievious manner. Why would I fault/blame the person who said bad? It was my own concious decision to interpret that way, and it was my concious decision to act accordingly.

Wearing gold fronts,jordans,drinking deuce 11, etc does not equate stupidity or classless. Neither does a 3 piece suit, etc is equivalent to intellect. Why would you get offended or act in a certain manner just because a depiction is created of yourself. Im pretty sure baby,master p, etc love popeyes, drank dark liquor, etc stereotypical notions of african americans. Albeit they dont view themselves as low class, or unintelligent. Its like the old saying only a hurt dog, hollers. When people stop taking being ghetto etc as a offensive term, and when people stop using being labeled ghetto as an excuse to be unsuccessfull,unintelligent,and classless. The stereotypes and the negativity surrounding the term would go away all together.
there is no walk of life where a 3 piece suit is equivalent to intellect...who cares, its a theme party...i bet if i were to "go to a party in the hood" the majority of the people would be acting that way...they are only following the image that african americans portray and broadcast of themselves, like it or not, thats a fact.
one simple question though?

if you're not ANY OF THE ABOVE, why would it offend you?
silence is deadly, people gave an otherwise inferior and insecure people
the attention they sought...rather than smirk and made them a parody
of themselves.

..they're suppose to be "elite" and "superior" yet they're worried about mis-enfranchised
minorities of low income urban areas that may never have the opportunites the are getting?

if i was a black, i would've ignored them...you're in college to become what
they're trying to be...if you're in a race you don't stop to see how the other guy tied his shoes, you keep it moving
until you feel the cross the finishline.
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

there is no walk of life where a 3 piece suit is equivalent to intellect...who cares, its a theme party...i bet if i were to "go to a party in the hood" the majority of the people would be acting that way...they are only following the image that african americans portray and broadcast of themselves, like it or not, thats a fact.

I beg to differ i while own my own business have tested this theory time and time again. I posted this in a thread similar to this. I gauranteed that if you went into certain establishments dressing one way vs the other people dialogue, mannerism etc would greatly differ. Dont think so have a 4.0 gpa and have long dreads a 4x tee some baggy shorts and some chucks/vs a man in a well tailored suit with a 2.0 go to sign up at lets say harvard mit. I can gaurantee the dude with the 4.0 will be addressed and treated as he is an athlete, or maybe just came to the school by accident, while the dude with a 2.0 would atleast be taking serious, that is untill they see his grade point average.

To say ppl dont view depicate make judgement on a person based on dress is absurd. If that was the case ppl wouldnt even dress a certain manner etc for the workplace,interviews, and there wouldnt even be a professional dress code. Or a class dress code for clubs/restaurants.
^what im saying is that if i saw someone in a 3 piece suit, id laugh at them, what im saying is that only an idiot who was trying to hard would ever dress in one.

in the end, its a theme party.

get over it.
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