UFC 3 vol. It's Tiiiiiiime.

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Jonbx5


if anyone else is looking for a reem code go to that site

Thank you..Finally got the overeem code for the 360..
K6PGJ-GJTQ7-9FXVG-XCQ7D-QY6HZ( was checking if they ran out, this is a 360 code if anybody needs it)

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]also just started my career mode since ive been getting disconnected from online games a lot...its pretty fun for the most part, the little training mini games can get really annoying tho. [/font]

Originally Posted by Nako XL

so does this have replayability or youre all over it already?

Enh, I copped first night played through one welter weight career total and haven' touched it since. Still feels like there's matches you're suppose to win/not win. CPU goes in to sledge hammer mode and doesn't fatigue or you get subbed in the blink of an eye. Overall the Pride feature is dope but i haven't really played it much, I'd say rent it first at this point.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

so does this have replayability or youre all over it already?

Honestly, I'm over it already..The only time I actually play this is when the UFC has a upcoming fight card..
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