I'm in awe. Nice pickups fellas. I need to step up my shoe game and come out of retirement.
Nice pick-ups guys, inggit ako sa mga kicks niyo..i wish i have those lebrons (pebbles &
nice stuff the kicks..
lets keep this thread going

heres a lil something something...

a lil more to come later
^^^ Master Melonhead coming through with some Bron III heat!!! As usual, jaw-dropping and obnoxiously sick kicks. It's photos like that that HELP merealize that I will have to retire from the sneaker game soon or my whole family's leaving me coz someday I might not be able to put food on the table

And Pareng Melon, don't you ever think I can keep up with you and Xmon. I just plain CAN'T
I'd have to relocate to the US, get a high-paying job or set up a reallygood business to be able to keep up with you guys. I am in no league as you or xmon or tsiken or visrael. You guys are in a league with the big guns in theStates. I will try my best to share whatever I can, whenever I can.

Keep those hot kicks coming, Masters!!!!
revelation,thanx but nah man don't put me in there cuz i don't got heat like u guys in here eventhough i've been in this jordan game since 95'.i got much respect for u revelation,tmac,my boi tsiken,lastchance,tmac,and ofcourse melonhead...peeps like u make this thread alive...madd props to allphilippine nters....
been sidelined for a couple of days now so i havent had the chance to check out NT.this thread is always the first i check whenever im on NT sum up thepast couple of pages,jaw-droppingly ridiculous.DYNO-MITE!its like a prize fight between the hard hitters on NT PI.rev,melon,xmon,tsiken,visrael,and all theothers who post dope stuff on the regular has taken this thread to a whole notha' level.masyado nang maganda para saming mga common tao,papangitin natin ngkonti.ive been looking forever for an 11.5 CB 34 for the right price,finally hit paydirt.

and i know azk 3 all stars look better with red laces but am i crazy to think having blue laces on them makes them sorta,kinda, look like the flag?mybrother keeps telling me im begining to believe him.
Originally Posted by revelation218

^^^ Master Melonhead coming through with some Bron III heat!!! As usual, jaw-dropping and obnoxiously sick kicks. It's photos like that that HELP me realize that I will have to retire from the sneaker game soon or my whole family's leaving me coz someday I might not be able to put food on the table

And Pareng Melon, don't you ever think I can keep up with you and Xmon. I just plain CAN'T
I'd have to relocate to the US, get a high-paying job or set up a really good business to be able to keep up with you guys. I am in no league as you or xmon or tsiken or visrael. You guys are in a league with the big guns in the States. I will try my best to share whatever I can, whenever I can.

Keep those hot kicks coming, Masters!!!!
honestly rev mas gusto ko na nasa pilipinas ako na maaafford ang sneakers na mga yan tulad mo, than andito sa amerika na inaalipin ng mga amerikano....if i have the means dyan sa pinas, andyan nako bukas.
^^^ Good point, Pareng Tsiken. No place like home. Well, I suggest you save up instead of buying all those sick and dope kicks
In 2 to 5 years time, you can come back to the Pi and set up a business, earngood money and stay here for good. And you can continue your sneaker game here once your business gains some stability and viability.

The Philippines sucks at a lot of things. Politics, discipline, employment and business opportunities but it's still home
Are those All Star KB24's an Asia Exclusive? I don't think I have ever seen them at retail stores in the United States.
^^ they were sold in LA a week before the all-star game

why do i know? because i was there in LA that weekend and i saw people purchasing them at undefeated
^^^^cosign with rev, save money and buy your own property here and start a business..I have lots of friends who are engage in real estate business and i canhelp you out when you want a condo at a very reasonable prices..
nice kicks everyone! anyways got these today thanks for the white/cement/grey 3's and OG black/red XI's rev218! appreciate the help on finding mygrails
lastchance - those are some sweet XI's. kakainggit bro hehe

this was in the mail this morning. heat right? hehe

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