Sep 29, 2004
Damn my desktop went down in the morning. Cant recover anything *!++ burned out. Lost all my pics, bookmarks, and my comic book collection. The music wasluckily in my external.
Happened to me, happens to a lot of people.

Learn your lesson and backup everything you have.

Then back it up again.
what causes this? Im about to cop a external drive with all these thread popping up
I have an external that I cant get my comp
to read. Do I need a driver installed or something?
Any help appreciated.
Been there, and it's not fun. Losing a TERA worth of stuff is not cool
. Try using raid as a way of keeping your stuff safe. You'll have less space, but your stuff will always be safe.
I feel for you fam, lol. Out of curiosity, what were you doing at the time it crashed? And what kinda computer is it?
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

I have an external that I cant get my comp
to read. Do I need a driver installed or something?
Any help appreciated.
Is the drive formatted?
Happened To me Tuesday. Made a post about it. I don't know where your located but there are places that can attempt data recovery. I found one place for$300 and then there's always this one expensive #!% company called data recovery. They said they can potentially get it all back but for $300-$1700 so...But yea good luck. My data is almost irreplaceable (glad i had all my mp3s on my iPod) but I gotta get back all my pics...
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I backup in duplicate

one separate internal drive
one external drive
Can you point me in the direction of these products.
I should probably backup some day. My OG black Macbook crashed one day... a week before finals, and I had all my notes on my computer. They replaced it and gotit back in working order for free, at least.
^lol. yeah man. it's not like some crazy tech.
a separate internal drive in the tower, and an external via USB (yeah yeah, I know)

I don't mess with the backup software...I just move files over on a monthly basis
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I backup in duplicate

one separate internal drive
one external drive
that's what i got going
in fact, i'm doing a major backup right now

besides, hard drives are cheap now.
JoseBronx wrote:
what causes this? Im about to cop a external drive with all these thread popping up

- nothing 'causes' this. its just something you cannot avoid. statistically your hard drive WILL FAIL on you. the only.....ONLY remedy is to have morethan one, because statistically having 2 hard drives fail at once is like lightning striking the same place twice.

- just get another hard drive and periodically move all of your important files from one hard drive to the other......
my dad keeps telling me to to get a backup external hd

i told him to buy it for me then

he stopped mentioning it
i mentioned this in another thread but try putting the hard drive in the freezer, it cant hurt and worked for me.
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