UNC knocked out of NCAA Tournament Appreciation

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by alkaTREz

Well let's be completely honest here.  Would you agree that UNC clearly had the better squad and more successful season than Duke?

Better Squad: Hands Down

More Successful: Naaaaah... For K to get those kids to play and win like they did throughout the year I'll give the nod to Duke. Based off talent alone that Duke squad was lucky to win 20 games   That UNC squad was supposed to be CHIP or bust and well...

Come on Cake
.. Just because the squad wasn't a legit national title contender we don't have to act like it's not a squad full of players highly thought of coming out of college. You acting like he coached up a squad full of bums, which isn't true. This is still a squad full of McDAA.
But I thought our McDAA's are only selected because they committed to Duke and aren't actually of that caliber?

Folks can't have it both ways.  Fact of the matter is, K overachieved with an average talent level squad.  UNC lost when this was supposed to be their year.


And folks have said the SAME thing about UNC players in the past... Duke and UNC are both considered to undeservingly get players into the McDAA game.

And it's been UK's year since I saw them beat UNC early on in the year.
Yea thats been the consensus since that match up but going into the season UNC was the favorite to win it... Either them or Cuse.

Duke wasn't expected to win Maui let alone rack up the wins they did this year.
I mean, for clearheaded fans like you and Malta, yes. We can't act like Duke didn't start out the season ranked in the Top 10. Y'all were the highest ranked team in Maui too.
Kansas was supposed to have a down year, not y'all.
Why do you guys care so much? Honestly, is it thread-worthy? You guys seemingly dedicate your lives to the downfall of a couple universities. And ya'll didn't even go there. So really, who's pathetic?
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Why do you guys care so much? Honestly, is it thread-worthy? You guys seemingly dedicate your lives to the downfall of a couple universities. And ya'll didn't even go there. So really, who's pathetic?
You responded to a bunch of guys who dedicated their lives to a downfall of a couple of universities that they didn't go to so who really lost?

Anyway UNC out is appreciated

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Why do you guys care so much? Honestly, is it thread-worthy? You guys seemingly dedicate your lives to the downfall of a couple universities. And ya'll didn't even go there. So really, who's pathetic?
You responded to a bunch of guys who dedicated their lives to a downfall of a couple of universities that they didn't go to so who really lost?
Originally Posted by show time 96

that Reggie bullock turnover with under 3 mins to go wasn't Random? no one was on him 
Reggie Bullock always does ******ed @%%@ like that though

Glad to see this thread went 3 pgs
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Better Squad: Hands Down

More Successful: Naaaaah... For K to get those kids to play and win like they did throughout the year I'll give the nod to Duke. Based off talent alone that Duke squad was lucky to win 20 games   That UNC squad was supposed to be CHIP or bust and well...

Come on Cake
.. Just because the squad wasn't a legit national title contender we don't have to act like it's not a squad full of players highly thought of coming out of college. You acting like he coached up a squad full of bums, which isn't true. This is still a squad full of McDAA.
But I thought our McDAA's are only selected because they committed to Duke and aren't actually of that caliber?

Folks can't have it both ways.  Fact of the matter is, K overachieved with an average talent level squad.  UNC lost when this was supposed to be their year.

C'mon bro.
Our chances at winning it all were shattered the second KM hit the deck in Greensboro. No denying that it was supposed to be our year heading into the season, but then Leslie gets hurt in July, Dexter goes down in January, and then KM gets lost for the tourney following the second game. And Henson was not himself yesterday playing with a $++%!% up wrist and rolled ankle, having to take a shot to numb the pain just so he could play. I can't %$$#+#! believe we were tied at halftime and I knew we wouldn't continue to hit 64% of our shots after the break. How we were in it until the last 3:12 is beyond me. 

I can't recall the last time a team got hit with this many injuries to this many of their top players. 

You don't have to tell anyone Roy's a sub par in game coach. We almost see this on yearly basis.

But recruiting is part of coaching too and that man is a beast at it. The whole argument that we had more talent than the other teams in 2005 and 2009 is lame. Deal with it. 

I'd much rather lose given these circumstances than to get beat by a 15 seeded Lehigh. 
i'd rather lose to a 15 seed than have loads of talent and only make it to the NIT and then on top of that lose in the NIT as well
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Why do you guys care so much? Honestly, is it thread-worthy? You guys seemingly dedicate your lives to the downfall of a couple universities. And ya'll didn't even go there. So really, who's pathetic?
You responded to a bunch of guys who dedicated their lives to a downfall of a couple of universities that they didn't go to so who really lost?
I'm just saying, why throw salt in a thread you dont agree with? If you're not happy UNC lost, then why you here homes?

Oh yeah, to throw salt.
Carry on...
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