UNCHARTED 2: do yourself a favor and buy it

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

still have Batman AA, ODST and eventually MW2 to finish...uncharted will be purchased as soon as it goes on sale.
Uncharted 1 just went on sale last month. Don't hold your breath.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Necessary to play Uncharted 1 first?
they say it really isn't, im in the same boat

ill probably cop this a little later on, the way people are talking about it makes it sound like my kinda game. would you guys say it's a straightplatformer? what game do you compare it to most?
Picked up UC1 the other day and beat it last night in a lil under 9 hours total gameplay. Started UC2 as soon as the dredits were done, seems just as good(amazing grafix, and gameplay) Cant comment on the storyline yet because Im only on chapter 2 but I doubt it will get GOTY with MW2 coming next month. I justhope UC2 is longer than the first one cuz that was kind of dissapointing.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Necessary to play Uncharted 1 first?
they say it really isn't, im in the same boat

ill probably cop this a little later on, the way people are talking about it makes it sound like my kinda game. would you guys say it's a straight platformer? what game do you compare it to most?

i would say

tomb raider + ghost recon advance warefare + Michael Bay action movie = uncharted 2

i still need to pick up Uncharted 2 and Demon Soul
....when ireturn from vacation
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Necessary to play Uncharted 1 first?
they say it really isn't, im in the same boat

ill probably cop this a little later on, the way people are talking about it makes it sound like my kinda game. would you guys say it's a straight platformer? what game do you compare it to most?
I did it just to get a feel of the game, plus it was only 20 at gamestop. Its kind of like a Tomb Raider type game, lots of climbing, shimmy-ing,puzzles, but its ALOT funner than playing Lara Croft for 10 hours, thr camera angles are INSANE! I suggest getting the first one used so you can get a feel ofhow everything is and what to expect, plus you once you start, you wont wanna quit until you are finished with it...

BONUS--post 500...lol
Popped it in last night. My God this game is beautiful and the multiplayer is fun as hell. GOTY is definitely a possibility, it lives up to the hype!
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

still have Batman AA, ODST and eventually MW2 to finish...uncharted will be purchased as soon as it goes on sale.
Uncharted 1 just went on sale last month. Don't hold your breath.
Forgot to mention there is also New Super Mario Bros.thats also on pre-order and picking up dead space since it just dropped to 19.99. However, with the rave reviews Uncharted 2 is getting I may have to pick itup sooner rather then later or as soon as the ECA amazon.com discount comes back. Waaaaay to many games to play right now.
I usually only get the sports games b/c of the replay value but I think I might try this one. Guess I gotta hit up TRU this week.
Originally Posted by GIMMEMO23

I usually only get the sports games b/c of the replay value but I think I might try this one. Guess I gotta hit up TRU this week.

Replay value with multiplayer is all you need.

Just finished the single player. Feels good. Took around 11 hours I think.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by cashbox sunrise

Great game. Very, very engrossing and stimulating.

However, it just doesn't seem to be as great as everyone is saying and all the reviews are saying.

Definitely worth a purchase and the multi-player is dope, but it doesn't seem GOTY material to me, like many people are saying.
Typically what happens when you get a AAA game thats an exclusive. People start throwing around GOTY, UC1 was pretty decent. Im looking to cop 2 though...

Not just exclusives. You cannot convince me GTA IV was a 10/10.
just got a deal on slick deals this past weekend for a ps3 and extra controller. Can't wait for it to come in and get cracking on this game.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

just got a deal on slick deals this past weekend for a ps3 and extra controller. Can't wait for it to come in and get cracking on this game.

What kinda deal we talking bout?
This game is IMO the best of this generation so far. The graphics, gameplay and story are all top notch with some of the best set-pieces I have ever seen in avideogame, (the train scene, the city in Nepal). Definitely a must cop
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

This game is IMO the best of this generation so far. The graphics, gameplay and story are all top notch with some of the best set-pieces I have ever seen in a videogame, (the train scene, the city in Nepal). Definitely a must cop

Won me a free copy of Dirt 2 from the radio station yesterday, exchanged it at walmart for Uncharted 2

The very first scene when the train is hanging > all other openings
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